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Brawler by Blood
Fullshot 1

Ricardo fullshot 0.png

Fullshot 2

Ricardo fullshot 1.png

A young brawler whose father is a renowned pugilist. Though an incredibly talented fighter, he has grown tired of constantly obeying his father, and wishes to live life on his own terms.
Max HP 3292
Max Attack 918
Power 18x
Hit 15
Rarity 4★
Element Wind Wind
Class Bruiser Bruiser
Race Human
Gender Male
VA Haruki Ishiya
Release Date September 29, 2022
Leader Talent
It Ends Now
Wind characters' ATK +50% / Lv3 power flip damage +15%
Pugilist's Dance
Skill Gauge: 480
Unleashing his kicking techniques at the speed of light, deal wind damage (18x) to enemies around / Grant allies power flip damage buff (+75%/15s)
1 Every 4 power flips, power flip damage +10% [MAX: +50%]
2 If leader is a wind character, when own skill activates, Lv3 power flip damage +5% [MAX: +15%] / Combo count needed for Lv3 power flip +3
3 [Main] When own skill activates, own ATK +50% [MAX: +200%]
4 When battle begins, own skill gauge +35%
5 Every power flip, power flip damage +1% [MAX: +35%]
6 Every power flip, power flip damage +1% [MAX: +35%]

Wording for skills and abilities copied from https://eliya-bot.herokuapp.com/gl/
Stats copied from https://wasuku.gamewiki.jp/