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Episode 1
Guardian of Dragons

Alk and co. meet Remnith, a former Guardian of Dragons who was forced to kill his charges when they went on a rampage. When Remnith explains that his sister Enith turned into a dragon, likely in retribution, Enith suddenly disappears in a flash of light, and Remnith joins the Starview crew in hopes of finding her on a different world.

Alk: This is Aquascale LAKE?

Alk: I can't even see the opposite shore. It's like an ocean.

Light: It is quiet... Where are the raging dragons the Guild spoke of?

???: They're no longer here.

Lanky Spearman: I killed them all.

Remnith: The name's Remnith. I'm guardian of this lake. And you, I'm guessing, are the Guild's puppies.

Remnith: Well, there's no more bones for you to chew on, so why don't you run along home?

Nimbus: I heard there was a whole PACK of dragons.

Remnith: Yeah. What you didn't seem to hear was the "I killed them all" part.

Remnith: Hey, you! Get out of that—

Remnith: Why, hello, BEAUTIFUL!

Remnith: You, uh, shouldn't go wandering into strange lakes like that. You'll catch cold.

Remnith: Why don't you come over to my place? It's warm and cozy and perfect for getting to know each other.

Stella: Yes, please. I would like to stay here a little longer.

Remnith: Whoo-hoo! Score!

Remnith: As for you UN-lovely gentlemen... get lost.

Remnith: Hello? Stella was supposed to come ALONE?

Nimbus: In your dreams. ...Not even. I'd knock that trash right out of your head.

Remnith: Have it your way. It gets pretty cold after sundown anyways. You're free to stay one night, but after that, you're out of here—capiche?

Light: Thank you for your kindness.

Light: Your home lies in a secluded place... Do you live alone?

Remnith: No, I have a sister. She's just out now.

Alk: Oh. Older or younger?

Remnith: Younger. Her name's Enith. Got a fairy-like ring, doesn't it?

Remnith: It's the perfect fit. Enith's just the sweetest little angel, you know? Cute as a button.

Remnith: Don't even think about hitting on her.

Nimbus: We're not you, moron.

Stella: I hear voices...

Stella: Alk... Alk. Wake up.

Alk: Mmph... Mm? Stella? Is something wrong?

Stella: Remnith isn't here. And I heard something.

Alk: I definitely heard that one.

Light: It sounded like the roar of a dragon.

Nimbus: Gr... "I killed them all," my ass!

Stella: Nimbus!

Remnith: Stop!

Remnith: Don't touch her!

Light: Remnith? I thought you had slain all the dragons!

Remnith: I HAD! WE had!

Stella: We mean no harm to that dragon... To that person.

Alk: Wait. Person?

Remnith: You can tell? This is Enith...

Remnith: Enith?!

Remnith: Enith! ENITH! What's happening?!

Remnith: WAAAIT!

Remnith: Enith...

Remnith: My sister and I guarded the dragons of this lake. Our family's been entrusted with the role for generations.

Light: You guarded the DRAGONS?

Remnith: It all started with old superstitions. People worshipped dragons because they were scared of them.

Remnith: So as musty tradition demanded, my sister and I lived at the lake with the lizards.

Alk: But we heard the dragons here were dangerous.

Remnith: They weren't always. But one day, they went... funny. They wouldn't listen to me or Enith anymore. And they began attacking people.

Remnith: So I killed them. Some guardian I am, right?

Alk: No, that's not...

Remnith: I thought everything was over. Our family traditions, our way of living... But I was wrong.

Remnith: Enith became a dragon.

Remnith: I don't know if this is a curse or retribution. All I know is I couldn't turn my baby sister back.

Remnith: So, at the very least, I promised to stay here and protect her for the rest of our lives... And now, I can't even do that.

Stella: Enith may have gone to another world.

Remnith: What are you talking about?

Alk: There are different worlds, and the World Flipper lets you travel between them.

Light: We are not certain to find your sister. But there is hope.

Remnith: That's all I need!

Remnith: I might not get what you guys are talking about, but as long as there's even a chance of finding Enith again, I'm in!

Nimbus: Hah. Glad to see this skirt-chaser actually has some direction in life.

Stella: Yes. You are welcome to come with us, Remnith.

Remnith: Thank you...

Remnith: Enith, big brother's coming to get you.

Remnith: So please... Stop thinking you have to apologize to me...

Episode 2
Mountain of Dragons

A rich herbalist closes off a mountain to outsiders in an attempt to monopolize medicinal plants needed to treat his sick daughter. The mountain turns into a haven for dragons, and Remnith and co. must convince the man to open his heart, both for the sake of his family and the greater good.

Remnith: HELLO, PALPEBRA! The ladies here are the best!

Alk: You've said that about every place we've been to.

Remnith: And I've meant it every time I said it. Each town has its own trends and fashions and its own kind of beauty. They can't be compared—ergo, they're all the best.

Remnith: Or at least, better than the back of beyond where I used to live. There weren't even people there!

Nimbus: Hey. We're here to look for clues about your sister. Or did you forget?

Remnith: What? Can't I let go of my troubles for even a second? You want me to just suffer?

Nimbus: Well, if you're going to be an ass about it...

Remnith: I didn't forget, Nimbus. We're here to look into reports of rampaging dragons over on that mountain.

Alk: I don't think Enith will be there... But it's something to go on.

Light: However, the master of the land has closed the mountain to outsiders. He would not even treat with Lilie.

Remnith: Then I guess it's time to bring on the charm.

Remnith: Let me introduce you to my girlfriend, Madam Fleur.

Nimbus: The hell? Think all your blood's rushing in the opposite direction from your brain.

Remnith: Forgive him, Madam. My friends aren't very good with words, but they CAN fight.

Remnith: Don't worry. I promise we'll save your family.

Madam Fleur: Thank you, Remnith. You're the only one I can depend on!

Nimbus: Spill it, Remnith. How did that woman get us onto this mountain?

Remnith: It's simple. She's married to the landlord.

Light: Is that why you approached her?

Remnith: Nah, it was a coincidence. What can I say? All meetings are fate.

Alk: You're gonna get stabbed one day.

Remnith: No, we're not actually like that. We just got to talking—that's all.

Nimbus: All right, but why did they close off the mountain in the first place?

Remnith: For their sick daughter.

Remnith: The dad's some kind of herbalist. He wanted to pick and mix all the medicine himself, so he monopolized this whole area.

Light: All this for a few plants?

Remnith: Oh, I'm sure he owns way more than this mountain. But now, regret has reared his ugly head.

Remnith: You see, by keeping people out, he's turned this place into a paradise for dragons. Ironic how, in his desperate attempt to protect, he only made things worse.

Alk: Wait. So the only problem here is that there are too MANY dragons?

Remnith: Exactly. They're not rampaging at all.

Remnith: But still, I promised I would help... Sorry for dragging you guys into this.

Alk: We don't mind. Let's find those herbs.

Remnith: Thanks, Alk.

Remnith: Hey, fellas. Mind letting us through?

Remnith: Please.

Remnith: Don't make me hurt you.

Remnith: Haha... Guess they smelled dragon blood on me...

Remnith: There. That should be enough to last you a few years.

Rich Herbalist: Marvelous!

Rich Herbalist: Say, how would you all like to work as hunters for our family?

Remnith: Haha. Thanks for the offer...

Remnith: But I have a better idea. Why not open the mountain to the public?

Rich Herbalist: What?

Remnith: The more people tramping around this place, the fewer dragon's there'll be.

Remnith: Plus, these herbs aren't exclusive to this mountain. If more people knew about them, they could gather them from other places. There's more than enough to go around.

Rich Herbalist: But... But...

Herbalist's Daughter: Please, Father.

Herbalist's Daughter: It's your job to fight disease! We can't just hoard everything for ourselves. For my sake, please stop running from the truth!

Herbalist's Daughter: I'm not afraid!

Rich Herbalist: Sweetheart...

Alk: I'm glad everything worked out.

Alk: For that family, at least... But what about you, Remnith? That guy was practically begging you to marry his daughter.

Remnith: Yeah, I might regret not taking him up on his offer. That girl was really something...

Remnith: Wonder where her strength came from...

Alk: I think it's because she wanted to make things right.

Alk: She said it was her dream to go into medicine and help people, like her dad. But then she got sick, and her dad turned paranoid, so she blamed herself for everything...

Alk: I mean, I'm only guessing, but...

Remnith: She wanted to make things right, huh?

Remnith: ...Was it the same with you, Enith?

Episode 3
Role of the Guardian

Remnith attends a traveling menagerie in the mistaken belief that his sister is among their "talking dragons." Halfway through the show, madness suddenly seizes the dragons and Remnith, seeing a reflection of his own tribulations at Aquascale Lake, unleashes a power that restores their sanity. Realizing too late how much he and his sister both loved their scaley companions, he comes to the conclusion that, in her grief, Enith likely chose to transform into a dragon.

Remnith: Guys, I need your help!

Alk: Whoa, whoa. What's wrong?

Remnith: Look at this flyer!

Alk: "Menagerie of Oddities..." This is that weird traveling show that came to Palpebra.

Remnith: Here, read what they're exhibiting. Flying frog, a cow with three udders, and... TALKING DRAGONS.

Nimbus: Yeeeah... Take that crap with a grain of salt. All those freak shows are run by cons.

Light: And, even if their claims were true, in this world, there are a number of dragons who speak the human tongue. We do not know they have Enith.

Remnith: I realize that, but this description of how one of them looks... It fits Enith to a T!

Remnith: Man, if she really is being shown off as some kind of freak, I might lose my mind.

Nimbus: So you want us there to make sure you don't do anything crazy.

Remnith: Can I count on you?

Alk: Yeah, I got your back!

Stella: I will also go.

Remnith: Thanks, guys.

MC: Next, feast your eyes on this rare golden blobble!

Audience: —It's so pretty... —Eep! A monster! —Hah! Bet he covered it with glitter!

Remnith: Enith!

Nimbus: Hey. Chill.

Remnith: How do you expect me to chill?! Look, I know logically speaking it's not her, but I can't stop myself from hoping!

MC: Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for... The jewel of our show!

MC: TALKING DRAGONS! Rub your eyes, folks, because this isn't a dream!

Alk: If THAT'S Enith, I'm head of the Guild...

Light: I do not think those dragons possess much wisdom...

Nimbus: What else did you expect from a freak show?

Stella: How are you feeling, Remnith?

Remnith: Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking...

Remnith: I'm relieved Enith wasn't captured, but at the same time... I'm disappointed I couldn't find her.

Alk: Remnith...

MC: Now, who's ready to hear them talk?!

Light: They are acting strange...

Trainer: Oy! Listen to me! We've practiced this bit a million times!

Nimbus: I've seen dogs better trained than those dragons.

Remnith: Wait, no... TAKE COVER!

Audience: AAAHHHHH!

Nimbus: Gr...

Remnith: This is exactly what happened at the lake!

Remnith: Move, Alk. Leave this to me.

Alk: Remnith...

Remnith: HAAAH!

Remnith: It's over!

Trainer: STOP!

Remnith: Get out of my way.

Trainer: No, please! They're my family!

Remnith: They WERE your family! They're changed now—can't you see that?!

Trainer: But why... Who did this to them?!

Trainer: NOO!

Remnith: I get it now...

Remnith: I'm dumb and a coward... So I never realized before but...

Remnith: We weren't angry at the dragons. We were angry at what happened to them.

Remnith: You loved those dragons. And so did I!

Remnith: DAMN IT!

Trainer: Rover! Kitty! Gold Radish the Third!

Remnith: Hah... What's with those names?

Remnith: I never knew I had that power. Is it because I'm a guardian?

Remnith: I hated having that role thrust on me.

Remnith: So part of me was always scared that everything happened because I WANTED it to.

Alk: You're not that kind of person.

Remnith: Man, I'm so slow. Usually, it takes Enith completely losing her mind over something before I even BEGIN to realize how I feel.

Remnith: It wasn't a curse OR retribution... I think she WANTED to become a dragon. To better express her rage and grief.

Stella: She did look angry to me...

Stella: But it also felt like she was apologizing to you.

Remnith: Like brother, like sister...

Remnith: Wait for me, Enith. That way, if there's something you want to say to me, you can say it to my face.