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"I'm Remnith, a guardian by trade. Your enemies will learn to fear the spear... and the ladies will learn to love it."

"I'm done with feeling sorry. If there's someone out there who messed up our lives... Enith, you and I are taking them down!"

"When you meet someone, it's fate. You and I were meant to be."

"Here, look at this locket. And when you open it... There's Enith's portrait! Isn't she the cutest button you've ever seen?"

"Hey, miss. You got some time to spare? Why don't we get to know each other over cake?"

"There's this old myth about a girl who lived by the lake falling in love with a dragon and having kids... I never believed it, but now, I think it might be true."

"Starview is awesome. Perfect place to escape from all my problems."