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Episode 1
Prince of Nihil

Alk can't wait to get away from Razelt, a prince with a head too big for his crown. But when they run across a hungry child in the streets, the rambunctious royal proves that he has a heart of gold.

Townspeople: To the Farlands! To the Prince!

Razelt: Hah-hah-hah! Good, good! Drink! Let us have some life in this dreary place!

Alk: Sure sounds like you're all having a good time! I can't drink, but do you have anything non-alcoholic on the menu?

Razelt: What? You would refuse my wine?

Razelt: *sigh* Very well. Come, bring juice for the boy! Something sweet enough to enliven the spirits!

Alk: Thanks. So... you're a prince?

Razelt: Yes. The heirs to the throne of Nihil command the Nine Noble Houses.

Razelt: I am fourteenth in line to that throne—Razelt, of the House of Nialas. You owe me your love and honor!

Alk: Cool. I've never seen a prince before. My name's Alk. Nice to meet you, your highness!

Razelt: You are forward, but I like you the better for it. Now, Alk! Eat and drink your fill!

Razelt: All shall order as they wish! We mustn't let clouds on the horizon lessen our enjoyment of today. A kingdom is sound only when its people are content!

Razelt: Do not worry about payment! My tutor will—

Razelt: What? Tutor? TUTOR?!

Razelt: Has he no heart? Wringing every coin from my purse, before hanging me out to dry!

Alk: Honestly, I'd have been surprised if he let you stay...

Razelt: In the Farlands, there is a tab for the royal family... Well. It's time I found an inn—one that extends credit to princes!

Alk: Oof... How thick can that skin get...

Razelt: What is it, little one? Do not lay your soiled hands upon me... Lave them, and then return.

Children: I'm hungry...

Alk: Oh... Hey. He, uh, doesn't have any money right now, but maybe I can—

Razelt: Merchant. How much wheat can I buy with this gem?

Razelt: Hah-hah-hah! Eat, little ones! Eat, until your stomachs grow round as drums!

Alk: Stop laughing and help! This line's not getting any shorter!

Razelt: You would ask a prince to work? How bold.

Alk: Hey, you sure it was a good idea? You know, turning ALL your jewels into porridge?

Razelt: Of course. I have no regrets.

Alk: But you could've rented a room with some of them.

Razelt: I-I have no regrets!

Alk: That's not what your face is saying! You didn't think this through, did you?!

Razelt: A prince's judgment must be swift!

Alk: Yeah, but not swifter than thought. Right now, you're as helpless as a stray puppy.

Razelt: I am no STRAY! I am merely... a wayfarer.

Alk: With no place to stay! Unless your fancy armor turns into a tent, tonight's going to be rough!

Razelt: Enough. I can sleep well, knowing that the people do not go hungry.

Alk: But this isn't even your country. Aren't the Farlands a long way off?

Razelt: Even abroad, it is a prince's duty to look after the people.

Razelt: This land is ruled not by a king, but by merchants. Its ways are different, but that does not make them lesser.

Razelt: All countries—and all people—are linked. If I ever wish to be king, I must learn to honor my neighbors.

Alk: ...Um, your highness? If you're interested, I might know a place you can stay...

Razelt: Hah-hah-hah! Here is a rare sight, hidden even from kings!

Alk: You're free to stay until you find your tutor. That is, if you like it here...

Razelt: I do! This shall be my new base, from whence I will wander into foreign lands!

Alk: All right, then. Happy to have you with us, Razelt.

Razelt: And I am glad to be here. Now, Alk. Lead me to my castle!

Alk: How funny would it be if I brought him to the doghouse...

Episode 2
Good Kings are Servants

Razelt's ego is bruised by a group of jocular sailors who've never heard of the Farlands. But when a group of pirates threatens their ship, the prince learns it is not your name, but your actions that command respect.

Razelt: Magnificent! Ocean, as far as the eye can see.

Alk: Yeah, it's pretty amazing. Try not to get lost, Razelt.

Razelt: I am no addlepated gaffer! Now, I wish to journey out onto the waves.

Razelt: Ahoy, sailors! I bestow upon you the honor of my first sea voyage!

Sun-Kissed Sailor: What's that, lad? You lookin' to come sailing?

Razelt: Yes. A prince of the Farlands shall grace your decks.

Sun-Kissed Sailor: Well, if you can cough up the money, who be a humble sailor to complain? So, what kind of island's this Farlands anyways?

Razelt: The Farlands is a great kingdom, and I one of its leaders. When you address me, it should be with honor and respect!

Sun-Kissed Sailor: A kingdom? Never heard of one. It have somethin' to do with the Gaean government?

Sun-Kissed Sailor: Anyways, give me a hand with this here cargo. Then you can go struttin' and crowin' on deck all you want.

Razelt: Does lineage mean nothing in different worlds? I am beginning to feel... small...

Alk: Yeah. I mean, respect's usually something you have to earn. But at least you're learning to stay out of trouble. I'm so proud...

Razelt: That is not how one talks to a prince!

Razelt: *sigh* But I will abandon my title for now. While we are on this ship, I am simply Razelt.

Alk: Great. It's important to just be yourself sometimes, you know?

Razelt: I do. I only wish my younger brother did as well.

Alk: You have a little brother? Are you guys close?

Razelt: He is a gentle child—quite different from you. Yet he holds a powerful position in court, and is often pulled into political affairs.

Razelt: As fourteenth in line to the throne, I am largely left to my own devices. But my brother cannot do as he wishes.

Razelt: I would share my freedom with him... But perhaps it is not my place.

Alk: He's family. You SHOULD be hanging out. And I'm sure even a prince has time for a fishing trip.

Razelt: Yes. Perhaps we CAN go fishing...

Sun-Kissed Sailor: L-look alive, lads! We're bein' attacked by pirates!

Alk: It's go time, Razelt!

Razelt: I am with you!

Pirate Captain: Haah-hah-hah! Are you likin' this lovely cannon we found? Just gotta light 'er up, and she can turn any vessel into splinters!

Pirate Captain: Now, unless you want to be makin' friends with the fishes, you best start handin' over your cargo. Come on now! No time for dilly-dallying!

Alk: Wait, a cannon?! Razelt, think you can take it?!

Razelt: I am Razelt of the House of Nialas! I fear no cannon...

Razelt: A-and would stand my ground even in the face of d-d-d-d-death!

Alk: You're worrying me. Well, I... I might be able to cut down the cannonball or...

Razelt: S-stay behind me, Alk. I will keep you safe.

Sun-Kissed Sailor: Lad! You're shakin' like a leaf. You best find somewhere to hide—

Razelt: A prince who trembles is still a prince! And a lord who cannot lead on the battlefield is not fit to lead at all!

Razelt: For honor and country, I call upon thee! Ward thy people, Lord's Aegis!

Razelt: Hah-hah-hah! What are a few cannonballs?! The real Lord's Aegis could withstand a dragon's wrath!

Alk: Wait, so that's not the real thing? Well, whatever it is, it's getting the job done!

Razelt: We are being boarded! Alk, fend them off! My knees have given way!

Alk: What?! You were just hurling attitude at them! How are you still scared?!

Sun-Kissed Sailor: Three cheers for the hero who saved our ship! Three cheers for Razelt from the Farlands! Hip, hip, hooray!

Alk: Nice work, hero. Bet you're the first Nialas to be celebrated in a different world.

Razelt: Words must be backed by action.

Razelt: And a prince must protect the people!

Alk: Guess I didn't have to worry after all.

Razelt: Hah-hah... hah? What... did you mean by that?

Alk: Oh, nothing...

Razelt: Then let us return! All of Starview must hear of my valor!

Alk: What about mine?

Razelt: Haha! Of course! "The Tale of Prince Razelt and His Loyal Servant, Alk..." It has a nice ring to it.

Alk: Wait. Prince Razelt and his WHAT?!

Episode 3
The Heart of a King

Razelt's baby brother is pitted against a dragon in a trial spun together by court intrigue. Razelt's Aegis is shattered during the daring rescue, but a new one is soon after bestowed upon him.

Razelt: That looks quite good.

Alk: Yeah. It's brimming with cream! ...Are you going to demand some as an offering, or...

Razelt: Do you take me for a miser? I wished only to know where you bought it!

Razelt: ...Tutor! So this is where you were!

Tutor: Your highness! It is a relief to see you safe!

Razelt: My purse! Where is my purse?!

Tutor: You lost my purse?!

Tutor: Sounds like quite the hullabaloo... Well, what do I always say? The only thing Prince Razelt can find his way to... is trouble.

Razelt: Well, if you would stop disappearing!

Alk: Okay, let's stop trying to place the blame, and be happy you found each other.

Razelt: You speak wisely. Tell me, Tutor, how were your travels? Were they as great as my own?

Tutor: I have become... well-acquainted with the nightlife of various cities... but that's a story for a different time. I have a favor to ask of you.

Tutor: Your younger brother will soon be leaving for his first trial. He wishes to see you before then.

Young Prince: Brother! I have missed you.

Razelt: As have I. I am glad to see you well.

Young Prince: Is he a soldier of your guard?

Razelt: No, he is Alk—my friend and a seasoned traveler with many tales to tell.

Young Prince: A friend! Should the chance arise, I do hope you'll share your tales with me.

Alk: Your brother's exaggerating... But I'd be more than happy to chat sometime, your highness.

Razelt: ...Now. I heard you will soon face your first trial.

Young Prince: Yes. The second of the Nine Houses put forth that I would not be fit to lead until I proved myself in battle.

Razelt: The Dau? They direct finance! What business do they have, demanding you risk your life!

Razelt: Did they not pledge their allegiance to you?

Young Prince: Brother. I have long hoped for a chance to show my worth.

Young Prince: You must understand. I do not go needlessly into peril.

Young Prince: The trial is tomorrow, the foe a dragon. I humbly request your presence.

Alk: But he's just a kid! He can't fight a dragon, Razelt.

Razelt: No, he cannot... I have come to a crossroads...

Royal Guard: ...May fortune smile upon you. Now, let the trial begin!

Young Prince: Tsk! It's too strong! This really was a plot—

Razelt: For honor and country, I call upon thee! Ward thy people, Lord's Aegis!

Royal Guard: Y-your highness! What are you doing? Surely you must know that your actions—

Razelt: And you call yourself a guard... You would endanger YOUR ward and MY brother for politics?!

Razelt: If it is a prince's duty to cast aside family for vain ambition, then I renounce my title!

Razelt: Armor may crack, and my Lord's Aegis may shatter! But as long as I am Razelt, I will deliver my brother to victory!

Razelt: Though I would prefer to do it in one piece... Dragon, cease your flames!

Young Prince: Brother! You must withdraw! Not even you can fell the dragon!

Razelt: No, I cannot. Not alone. But with the aid of a friend... Now, Alk!

Alk: I'm on it!

Alk: Good work, Razelt. You looked pretty cool out there.

Razelt: Of course. There is nothing "cooler" than protecting your family.

Razelt: I am sorry. But I could not just stand by and watch!

Young Prince: Don't apologize. I was happy you defended me. Thank you, Brother!

Young Prince: To tell the truth, I had hoped you would save me... And I accomplished what I set out to do...

Razelt: Y-you did? Then I am glad for you.

Razelt: However, I wish my Lord's Aegis had not been shattered...

Alk: I mean, without your magic shield, you really are just a stray puppy...

Razelt: I am a WAYFARER.

Tutor: Your Highness. I actually have a spot of good news for you.

Razelt: What you call fair tidings, I call an ill omen.

Tutor: Oh? Then I suppose you won't be wanting this after all.

Young Prince: That was quick. But then again, the Oinas are a powerful family.

Razelt: Another Aegis! But how...

Tutor: Let's just say, I had an inkling you'd need a new one... As did your younger brother.

Young Prince: Hehe. And our finance minister is beholden to me.

Tutor: And thus, Your Highness, you've escaped the life of a stray... for now.

Razelt: Am I a prince, or the court fool?! ...Wait. Do not answer that question.

Razelt: Alk, I have made my choice. Starview Village shall be my home for a while longer. The castle walls now feel like a cage to me!

Alk: Sure—as long as you know there's no such thing as a free meal. Hope you're ready to work, Razelt!

Razelt: I am ready for anything!