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Royal Vagabond
Fullshot 1

Razelt fullshot 0.png

Fullshot 2

Razelt fullshot 1.png

A prince of the Farlands. He has journeyed far afield to learn about the world, bringign only an old retainer. Though the blood of kings run in his veins, he is quite far down in the line of succession. Admittedly, he loves himself a little too much, but he loves his people more.
Max HP 5489
Max Attack 589
Power 0x
Hit 0
Rarity 5★
Element Light Light
Class Warrior Warrior
Race Human
Gender Male
VA Kentaro Ito
Release Date Sept. 8, 2021 21:00
Leader Talent
Blood of Kings
Light characters' ATK +60% / When a light character recovers HP, that character's ATK +6% [MAX: +60%] / When a light character recovers HP, that character's dark resistance +2% [MAX: +20%]
Lord's Aegis
Skill Gauge: 530
GDeploying an impregnable shield, grant party members debuff resistance buff (+100%/15s), ATK buff (+50%/15s), all-element resistance buff (+20%/15s) and regeneration buff (100/10s)
1 While other characters' HP is at or above 80%, that character's ATK +60%
2 When self receives damage 10 times, grant party members ATK buff (+30%/10s)
3 [Main] Take damage in place of other party members & own dark resistance +80% & HP +30%
4 Own HP +10%
5 Self immunity to lethargy debuff / Party members' ATK +10%
6 Every 30 times self receives damage, own skill gauge +5% for up to 30 times

Wording for skills and abilities copied from https://eliya-bot.herokuapp.com/gl/
Stats copied from https://wasuku.gamewiki.jp/