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Episode 1
The Runaway Oracle

Phiria appear before the World Flipper, haunted by memories of a war she did not want to be in. Stella and Light suggest that she rest and regain her strength in Starview

Light: What is it Stella?

Stella: Something is coming.

Light: A girl!

Stella: Are you alright?

???(Green): *groan

Light: Her wounds are severe. I will call for aid! Stella, stay here and tend to her!

???(Green): Forgive... Me...

???(Gray): What? Send out the oracle? Will she be of use?

???(Light Blue): O great oracle. War is approaching.

???(Aqua): But of course. So long as she's not in a foul mood...

???(Light Blue): A war that you must lead.

???(Gray): Tsk! This would have been much easier if we had stripped her of feelings!

???(Light Blue): Fight! Fight so that those who worship you may have peace!

???(Aqua): WE molded her after is YOUR job to figure out how to use her.

???(Light Blue): It is your calling!

???(Green): This is my calling...

???(Green): I must... I...

???(Green): Oh, I can't! I'm sorry. I'm sorry... I...

???(Light Gray): Lady Phiria! Go! Run!

Phiria: Forgive me!

Phiria: Where... Am I?

Stella: Welcome to Starview Village. I am its Keeper, Stella.

Stella: You are safe now.

Phiria: What... ever do you mean?

Light: Stella, you must learn to preface your words.*ahem* I am glad to see you awake.

Light: Do you remember what happened to you? You collapsed before the World Flipper.

Phiria: The... World? No, I... I..

Light: Do you remember anything at all?

Phiria: No...

Light: Yet another one! Starview seems to be a crossroads for those who have forgotten their past.

Light: You may stay here until your strength and your memories have returned... Until you recall where home is.

Phiria: But... But it's not my place to-

Stella: Once again: you are welcome in Starview Valley. You need rest.

Light: Well, that settles it. I am Light. and you are?

Phiria: Oh... Phiria. Phiria Hermel! Thank you for having me!

Stella: So you remember your name.

Phiria: What? Oh.. Oh yes, I... I'm sorry...

Light: Ah, are you comparing her condition to Alk's? *sigh* Stella... Never one to waste words.

Episode 2
Wish on the Wind

Phiria asks Light how he finds the will to go on fighting. When the champion reveals it is not duty, but a dream which impels him, Phiria find her own courage

Light: Hm? That must be... Phiria.

Phiria: Cheeks care and flower bloom, I invoke thee, zephyr sweet.

Phiria: Hehe. You carry fluff, do you? That must mean there are dandelions around here.

Light: Did you summon that sprite?

Light: No! I didnt mean to stop you! I was just merely impressed by your art.

Phiria: This... place is full of wind sprites.every soft breeze and sudden gale is lead here by them

Phiria: THEY'RE the magical ones... I just give them form.

light: your gift are also singular.i am sorry i startled you. I'll leave you be.

Phiria: Wait, Please! Light!

Phiria: I heard that you were once a champion. And even now, after you've lost your power, you haven't stopped fighting.

Phiria: Why? Why dont you run away? is it because war is your calling?

Light: if i thought war is my calling, I'd have given up long ago

Phiria: ...?

Light: There is something i cannot cast aside... A dream of mine

Light: Theres is no war now i can win alone.But dreams can be shared and passed on. That thought alone has given me the strength to carry on.

Phiria: There was also a dream i shared in...

Phiria: But i abandoned it...

Light: No, Phiria. When you must be forced to fight for it. Thats is no dream. It is selfish ambition.

Phiria: ...! How did you know?

Light: Stella spoke to me. She said you are haunted by nightmares. memories of war.

Phiria: I.. oh,I ran... I knew they had no hope without me , but i still threw them away...

Light: You made the right choices.

Phiria: I didn't mean to do such horrid thing. But I... I was so frightened!

Phiria: I want to protect them! I want to save her!

Light: Finally... You realized your true desire.

Phiria: What?

Light: Phiria. This time, Defend your own dream.

Light: You need not harm anyone.Defend your dream in what ways that seems best to you.

Phiria: But.. can i really?

Light: you can. As long as there is something you wish to protect.

Phiria: i wish...

Phiria: I wish to protect the wind.

Light: The wind?

Phiria: she... The wind sprite. Told me that she likes it here.

Phiria: I do too. The wind blows freely in Starview. I want to see it go on forever... Is that a silly dream?

Light: No. It is one that people can share in.

Phiria: My very own dream...

Light: Light, i wish to grow i never have to run away from whats dear to me again...

Episode 3

Phiria get Alk to show her around the kitchen. What starts of as disaster turn into cooking revolution when the oracle discovers that wind magic makes food prep as easy as one-two-three.

Phiria: Alk, Will you take me as your disciple?

Alk: What? Why?

Light: She finally realized her dream.

Alk: Oh, Yeah, I know THAT. She wants to protect the village which is great and all, but...

Alk: What i want to know is, Why me? I'm not exactly the strongest guy around. Actually if the two of us were get into a fight,Phiria, all bets would be on YOU.

Phiria: Oh,no... I mean no offense, but... I wasn't expecting you to teach me to fight.

Alk: Oh...

Phiria: There's more than one way of protecting a village. I was thinking of something a bit more... Domestic.

Nimbus: I see...

Light: I see...

Stella: I see...

Alk: So you mean...

Phiria: Yes. I'd like you to teach me to cook.

Alk: But... Aren't you a little overqualified for kitchen work?

Nimbus: Are you crazy? Do you not KNOW how important chefs are? Not just ANYONE can cook!

Light: Yes. We must keep Stella as far from the stoves- *Ahem* i said nothing.

Alk: Oh... Okay... Gotcha. Well, Phiria. Welcome to the team!

Phiria: Oh, Thank you! Thank you so much!

Alk: So. How much experience do you have in the kitchen?

Phiria: None at all.

Alk: Great...

Light: How it goes, Alk?

Alk: Urp... Blegh... Dont... Just don't talk to me

Nimbus: *sniff* Are you guys cooking, or making poison in here?

Phiria: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!

Light: I've grasped the situation. Perhaps we should station Phiria elsewhere.

Stella: Wait. I have a plan.

Phiria: All right. Here i go!

Phiria: Sylphiria Vegetable Slicer!

Light: That was quick.

Alk: Whoa... Peeled, cored , and cut! Its perfect!

Phiria: Thank goodness...

Stella: She was hopeless with a knife, but i believed this to be a viable alternative.

Stella: I wonder... This book delineates something called a "Vacuum pack" can you replicate it?

Phiria: Y-yes,I think- No. I mean, i can! I'm sure i can, with the power of The Wind.

Alk: This... This is amazing! Do you understand what's going on here? We're revolutionizing cooking!

Phiria: Was i helpful?

Alk: Helpful? You're our MVP! Man, if i dont watch out, i'm going to be out of job soon...

Phiria: Then... If i keep working, Can i stay here?

Alk: Of course! I'd be insane to let you go now! I am putting those skill to use!

Alk: Think of the prep work we coul cut down on all the culinary possibilities... Haha... MUAHAHA!

Light: Alk... Are you contriving tomorrow's dinner menu, or planning to conquer the world?

Stella: Phiria. Please, stay here forever.

Phiria: Oh, i'd love to!