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"Um... Excuse me. My name is Phiria Hermel. Could you tell me where I am?"

"I've decided to stop running from my problems—and start running towards my dreams! You'll support me along the way, won't you?"

"It's a lovely day. All the sprites are out, basking in the sun... If only it could be like this forever."

"The sky's such a beautiful shade of blue... Oh! I-I'm sorry! I didn't notice you there. Goodness gracious, are you hurt?"

"What does it mean to fulfill one's destiny? ...Oh, I'm sorry. That's not a question anyone can answer, is it?"

"I've been helping Alk with food preparation recently. Look! My wind magic can shred cabbage in no time at all! I daresay I've found my hidden talent!"

"I prayed to the wind and the sprites for good fortune on our journey. But I now know I mustn't rely on the strength of prayer alone."

"You know, I used to want to be rid of my powers... But now, I'm not so sure. I've gotten a bit greedy, I suppose."