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Episode 1
A Star Adventurer Appears!

There's no shortage of adventurers who want to join up with Metis, an adventurer famous for her beauty and exploits in the depths. When she offers Alk a gift, he refuses, saying that he wants to earn his prizes. Acknowledging his good will, Metis decides to join Alk.

Alk: What's all this ruckus?!

Pur Lilie: SHE'S here again!

Adventurer: Lady Metis! I would be so honored if you would partner up with me for your next mission!

Adventurer: Don't listen to that nerd! You'll have way more fun with us—I promise!

Metis: Oh my... So many eager pleasers! With fervor almost hot enough to roast a dragon!

Metis: But it's a shame, really... I'm not really in the mood for dragon right now.

Alk: Um... Is she supposed to be famous or something?

Pur Lilie: Whoa, whoa! Don't let those groupies hear you saying that.

Pur Lilie: THAT brilliant bundle of joy is none other than Metis Phronesis, one of the few adventurers to have made it all the way to the Depths.

Pur Lilie: But among those who have made it that far into the Kaleidoscope, no one comes close to matching her unparalleled beauty!

Metis: You know just how to butter up a girl, don't you, Lil?

Metis: Three missions around the Midways. Think you can round them up for me?

Pur Lilie: Yes, of course, madam! Hold on juuust a moment!

Pur Lilie: Her ability to effortlessly manipulate lightning have really made her an invaluable asset to the guild.

Adventurer: Hear me out, Metis! I've made it all the way to the Midways!

Adventurer: Pay those other scrubs no mind—allow a professional such as accompany you instead, milady!

Metis: I DO like your confidence. And it's impressive how many of my buttons you're finding, buuut...

Metis: You there. Looking to do some adventuring down in the Depths? You'll be fine as long as you stick with me—that's the Metis guarantee!

Alk: Oh, wow, thank you. But... I think I'll pass.

Metis: ...Pass? But why?

Alk: I mean, we don't even know each other. Right?

Metis: Right you are.

Metis: My name is Metis Phronesis. Now it's your turn.

Alk: You can call me Alk. It's nice to meet you, Miss Metis.

Adventurer: Hey, hey! What's going on here? What about me, baby?

Metis: You? You wanted to partner up with me without so much as a proper introduction! That's two-star behavior.

Metis: Metis Phronesis only works with five-star adventurers! Trusted partnerships are built on a foundation. Through hard work and comraderie.

Metis: Bye, Twos! Maybe next time you can treat me to a proper dragon steak.

Metis: Alk, my dear! There you are. Sorry about that.

Alk: Wait, you're already finished?

Metis: Told you. In the blink of an eye, right?

Alk: I cleared out the entire day for this too...

Metis: Oops. I was just making sure we got it done in time for me to reserve my lodging for tonight—only the sweetest of suites for Metis Phronesis!

Metis: I found a little something along the way, too.

Metis: Beautiful, isn't it? This little gem was hiding pretty deep in the Kaleidoscope. You want it?

Alk: I'm good, thanks.

Metis: But why?

Alk: Well, I didn't really do anything to deserve it, did I?

Alk: Every adventurer has to have a code.

Alk: I know it might sound corny, especially to someone as experienced as yourself, but...

Alk: I want to earn my rewards through my own volition.

Metis: You know... You're one of a kind, Alk.

Metis: From now on, consider the Celestial Blitz, Metis Phronesis, to be your ally!

Metis: And TRUE allies stick together. So call me anytime, okay? I'll be there in the blink of an eye!

Alk: She really does live up to her title, huh?

Episode 2
Those Who Know Most, Speak Least

After making herself at home at Starview Village and having Alk prepare her a meal of her choice, Metis teaches Stella about the ways of becoming a woman of the world.

Metis: Now THIS is shocking! You're living on some prime real estate here, Alk!

Alk: It is a pretty amazing place, isn't it? But technically speaking, I don't own it—

Stella: Welcome to Starview Village. My name is Stella. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Alk: She does.

Metis: Well aren't YOU just the most adorable thing I've ever seen!

Metis: And the pleasure's all mine! So what are the local rules and customs here like?

Stella: Rules? Customs?

Metis: There aren't any? Now this sounds like my kind of town!

Metis: I'll just do as I please, if you don't mind then! But I'll need a place to stay first. Mind showing me around, Stella?

Stella: Of course. Please follow me.

Alk: I just hope her standards aren't TOO high...

Alk: M-Metis? I thought you were looking for a place to stay!

Metis: I've already decided! I'm just taking a stroll around town now.

Stella: We're currently searching for kitchen cabinets.

Metis: I've got a good feeling we'll find something! Let us be off now—adventure awaits!

Alk: Just try not to snack too much before dinner, okay?

Metis: Oh? Are you a chef of sorts, Alk?

Stella: One of the best I've ever seen.

Metis: I KNEW it! Lookin' forward to dinner tonight!

Alk: Haha... I'll try and whip up something nice, I guess. But how did you figure?

Metis: Have you forgotten who you're talking to?

Metis: Actually, do me a favor. Could you stand right over there for a second?

Metis: Aha! All the incredients are lined up exactly within your reach.

Metis: I must say, this marvelous kitchen was essentially made for you!

Alk: Whoa... You really are fast to pick up on things, huh?

Metis: My eyes don't lie, darling. Anyway, I'm sure whatever you whip up tonight will be sublime!

Metis: And just FYI, I am quite fond of Farland cuisine...

Metis: Stewed spiced chicken and tomatoes, in particular.

Alk: The Farlands, huh? That's quite a ways west of Palpebra... Hopefully we've got a recipe book or something in the library.

Alk: She's expecting a lot out of me... I'd better put my best foot forward!

Metis: Stella! You hungry? I can whip you something up if you'd like.

Stella: I'm fine, thank you. \nI was just giving Alk a blanket to stay warm.

Metis: How sweet of you!

Stella: Are you versed in the culinary arts as well, Metis?

Metis: Of course. All adventurers worth their denarii should know the basics of cooking. That on top of sewing, woodworking, outdoor survival skills...

Metis: But don't tell Alk, okay? Despite my adventuring prowess, I DO enjoy being pampered every now and then.

Metis: The fact that this place has no real rules or customs in place is a sign of how well its being kept.

Metis: But it's not only you that's keeping this place running smoothly, right?

Stella: I suppose. Alk has played a vital role here from the beginning as well.

Stella: We're all trying our best—just as you are, right?

Metis: Oh, Stella... That's a secret between just you and me, okay?

Metis: Otherwise he wouldn't thrive, right?

Metis: There are some people who feel more comfortable when making others feel comfortable—you know what I mean?

Metis: As for me, I'll do whatever it takes to be worthy of the adoration and offerings of others. That's where I belong.

Metis: And for those who'd rather stand by my side... those are the ones dearest to my heart.

Metis: It'll all make sense once you become a woman of the world such as myself, Stella.

Alk: Woodworking too, huh?

Stella: Indeed.

Alk: I'm kinda jealous, to be honest.

Stella: Jealous?

Alk: I mean, just a little.

Alk: But it's fine—having someone like this is just motivation for me to do better.

Alk: Wait... Did she know I was awake somehow?

Episode 3
A Mysterious Visitor

While adventuring through the Kaleidoscope with Alk and Stella, Metis is confronted by a mysterious sorcerer. Despite his attempts to subdue and discourage her, she defeats him and reunites with the others, taking a ride on her bow to safety.

Alk: Nicely done, you two! Looks like it was a cinch after all!

Metis: Thanks to your protection, Alk! Look at me—not a single scratch!

Stella: It was you who noticed the enemies behind us in time, Metis.

Alk: I think we can all agree that we make a pretty good team!

Alk: We're down in the Midways today, right? It's supposed to be pretty deep, actually... Are you sure this is okay?

Metis: As long as you stay on your toes, we'll be as fine as fine can be! Trust me—I know EXACTLY where our limits lie.

Metis: I know all your strengths, Alk. Of course, that also includes all of your weaknesses as well. You'll be fine as long as you manage to stay focused!

Alk: I didn't ask about all that!

Metis: Aww, are you blushing? Oh, I could just gobble you up!

Alk: A-anyway! Do you think the adventurers lost in the Kaleidoscope have anything to do with the tremors?

Metis: I personally believe so.

Metis: There's still much unknown about the Kaleidoscope tremors, so be careful. If the ground falls out from beneath you—

Stella: Let's go.

Metis: Oh. Well, this is unfortunate. Someone had better call a medic... but not for me!

Alk: Oof... That was quite a fall.

Alk: Just me, huh? Okay... Just stay calm and look for a way up.

Alk: Stella, you're here?

Stella: Here to save you.

Alk: Thanks. I feel a lot better—now that you're here.

Alk: Stay back, Stella! I'll handle this.

Metis: Woo, way to be a hero, Alk! You've even got me a little flustered with that one!

Metis: But if you think I'd let someone take the spotlight from me that easily, think again!

Metis: We really ought to make it out of here before dinner—wouldn't want to miss our reservation, right?

Stella: Indeed.

Alk: I'm ready to take 'em all on!

Alk: But of course, your help would be greatly appreciated.

Metis: Of course. Let's wrap this up already!

???: I couldn't agree more.

Mage: You still wield the relic, I see. Didn't expect to see me again, did you?

Mage: Both you and Hayate... cursed adventurers who would reveal these secrets to the world...

Mage: Your bow. That pride of yours . You are not worthy...

Metis: Did you not get the memo? Sorry, but Metis Phronesis only deserves the best of the best!

Mage: You think I'd appear without having made preparations to deal with a monster like you?

Mage: O darkness that sleeps within the shadows... Unholy tomb of night, grant this sleepless vessel a dream eternal.

Metis: My bow... It won't budge!

Mage: Like I said... You are unworthy.

Mage: O darkness that sleeps within the shadows... Umbral palace, show us humility!

???: Welcome... to despair.

???: Metis Phronesis. This empty stage, a world without viewers—your greatest fear.

???: You are alone, Metis. Despite your cutesie and charming persona that you try ever so hard to put on.

???: But one day, you will be forgotten. And all who have followed you will one day find a new dream.

???: That is the way of this world. That is your fate, Metis.

???: You cannot turn back the hands of time. Which is why, at this perfect moment, I—

Metis: Sorry not sorry, but could you wrap it up?

Metis: I've got a dinner reservation to catch after this, you know? Rude.

Mage: Tch... Make light of me, will you?

Metis: You big dummy. Alone? Forgotten?

Metis: No duh, idiot. But that's fine. As long as there's someone out there who dreams of me...

Metis: That'll be more than enough motivation for me to take on the world.

Metis: I'll continue to be the best me I can be in order to stand among them!

Mage: You understand not what you speak, you—

Metis: Oh yeah? That's rich, coming from some loner in the shadows.

Metis: It looks to me like you need a bit of a shock to wake up! Come on, let's dance!

Mage: It's... moving on it's own?!

Metis: Of course it is! I am the one and only...

Metis: Metis Phronesis! The most splendorous adventurer to ever set foot in the Kaleidoscope!

Metis: So you'd better tuck tail and run if you know what's best for you, nerd.

Mage: I stand no chance against a monster...

Mage: But do not forget this, Celestial Blitz. The abyss shall swallow all eventually.

Mage: ...Especially the weak.

Metis: Silly man, fate isn't predetermined. It's something you make for yourself!

Metis: And I'll always believe in the one that shines most in my life—me!

Alk: Metis!

Alk: Are you hurt?

Metis: That's my line, Alk. I'm glad you two look unharmed.

Stella: You're... shining.

Metis: It looks like it! And all thanks to you two, of course.

Metis: ...And all the other wonderfully brave warriors daring to dive deep into the Kaleidoscope! With our combined efforts, nothing can stop us!

Stella: Beautifully said, Metis.

Alk: Yeah... I wonder what happened to her?

Metis: Quit your dawdling and get on, you two! We've got a reservation to catch!