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"Surprise! It's me! Thank your lucky stars! 'Cause I'll be lending you my talent from here on out! You'd better save a good role for me!"

"You're even more amazing than I imagined... I'd better step my game up a notch. Can't have you stealing my spotlight, after all!"

"All the world's a stage, and I'm playing the leading role! I mean, isn't it more fun to think of it that way?"

"I got this bow from the Kaleidoscope. It's a magical bow that I can whip out anytime, anywhere. Well, maybe not while in bed."

"This town is so wonderful! The lighting, the staging, the turf. It's a real high-budget production! It's perfect for me!"

"It's a happy moment when you're acknowledged by the upper crust—especially as the main star of this show!"

"You've got MY stamp of approval, so puff out your chest and be proud! Good. Just like that!"