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Episode 1
Kaleidoscope Survivor

When the ground beneath Alk and co. collapses in the Kaleidoscope, a seasoned adventurer named Leon comes to their rescue.

Alk: Oof... You okay, Stella?

Stella: No problems here.

Alk: That was one heck of a fall... Maybe someone'll find us here.

Alk: Uh-oh... Where'd they come from?!

Alk: Get away from here, Stella. I'll handle this!

???: Not bad, kid. I’ll give you a gold star for that one.

???: I'll take it from here.

???: Hraaaugh!

???: Way to stand your ground, kid. I'll treat you to a round back on the surface.

???: The tremors are even more erratic this year. Let the rookies know.

Guild Staff: Understood. You kids sure were lucky Leon was there to save you!

Alk: Yeah... So he's a big deal around here, huh?

Stella: He certainly gave off that aura.

Adventurer: That's right! No adventurer compares to Leon! Fiends and monsters tremble at the sound of his name!

Adventurer: He’s a legend who ventured into the depths of the Kaleidoscope and lived to tell the tale!

Adventurer: And not only that—he's been all across the frontier, traversing countless unexplored territories and made it back unscathed—a man among men!

Adventurer: Come on, tell us another tale of your journey, Leon!

Leon: Heh... Look at you lot, all gathered around for storytime. You sure you kiddies are ready for the Kaleidoscope?

Leon: You'll get your stories... But first, we feast! Here's to surviving another day!

Leon: ...And that's what happened at the Spawning Caverns. It shows that even the weakest beings can be a menace with numbers.

Alk: Whoa... I bet you slashed 'em up just like when you came to our rescue!

Leon: Trust me, it wasn't as cool as you're probably imagining it— I was covered from head to toe in slime!

Leon: But it was a mighty fun adventure, that's for sure.

Stella: Why did you choose to become an adventurer?

Leon: Why? Cause it's fun!

Leon: They say the grass is greener on the other side... but you never know unless you see for yourself, right?

Leon: And that's not all— whether it's the shops down the road or scaling a mountain, I'm always driven by curiosity.

Leon: I'm just another kid who had big dreams of exploring the Kaleidoscope, nothing more.

Leon: I mean... There's nothin' like the thrill of adventure, am I right?

Leon: All right, that's all you're gettin' out of me tonight! Time for all of youse to prepare for your next adventure!

Alk: Stella. You thinking what I'm thinking?

Stella: I believe so. Let's see what Leon has to say.

Leon: Huh... I was expecting this hideout to be a little more, well, incognito.

Stella: Welcome to Starview Village. I am its Keeper, Stella.

Alk: It's the least we could do for you after you saved us back there.

Leon: Hey now... Is it all right for me to take all of this? You shouldn't have, really.

Leon: Increased tremors, a mysterious town, and now these kids... Huh.

Leon: Say, rookie—er, Alk, was it? I'd like to propose a deal between two adventurers.

Leon: Let me stay here a while. In exchange, I'll teach you the ins and outs of being an adventurer. Sound good to you?

Alk: Good? That sounds GREAT! We'd love to have you, Leon!

Episode 2
Watch Your Back

Leon teaches Alk a technique to protect his back from a specific monster's attack—one that a friend of his fell victim to long ago.

Alk: I still can't get a single hit in...

Leon: Speed alone won't cut it, rookie.

Leon: Don't aim directly for your foe— instead, aim for where you think they'll be.

Alk: Wh-whoa! I landed a hit!

Leon: That's the way it's done! Keep it up.

Leon: Let's take a quick five for now.

Alk: Aw, okay.

Light: A strike from behind? That could prove useful in battle.

Leon: The kid's got potential, but he ain't seeing the full picture... His blind spots could use some work, to say the least.

Leon: But if someone's always got his back, I'm not too worried about it.

Light: Hmm... He'll need to outgrow our protection eventually.

Alk: Whatcha guys talking about?

Leon: All righty, break's over. Alk, let's add another lesson to today's menu.

Leon: I want you to learn how to prepare for a dodge before striking at someone like before.

Alk: Um...like this?

Leon: Just like that. Be prepared to retreat at a moment's notice—if you can't, don't ever commit to an attack.

Alk: But if I can't attack, what's the point of getting around my opponent?

Leon: Hahaha! You're gonna need to be prepared for ALL situations, kid!

Leon: Now, let's see you do it again! Don't forget your defensive stance!

Alk: O-okay!

Alk: All right! How was that?

Leon: Well done. Now, in order to make the most of your foe's openings, you—

Alk: Another quake? They've been hitting us nonstop lately...

Leon: Stay focused. You ready?

Leon: I've got your back. Let's see what you've got, rookie.

Alk: Right!

Alk: Take this!

Alk: Phew... That was close! Good thing I was ready for it, huh?

Alk: Sorry! I guess I let my guard down too soon.

Leon: Nah, you did good. Just like in training.

Alk: Yeah... it's almost as if you trained me for that monster specifically. Wait, did you?

Leon: I guess you could say that. One of my comrades took a real beating by one of these guys before, you know?

Alk: What... what happened to them?

Leon: Who knows? Off in a distant world taking on a new adventure, I bet.

Alk: Why do you do what you do, Leon?

Leon: Told you, didn't I? Cause it's fun. Well... Maybe that ain't the whole story.

Leon: It's not all blood, sweat, and tears, you know? The laughs, triumphs, and joy we've shared... They're everything to me.

Leon: So I can't let them down. Not after everything we've gone through together.

Leon: See, I've got to carry on their legacy, or no one else will.

Leon: Anyway! That should wrap things up here. Another day, another adventure, am I right?

Episode 3
The Spirit of Adventure

When Leon accepts a dangerous high-level quest, he gets help in an unexpected way.

Leon: Looking into what's causing the tremors, huh? That's quite a tall order.

Guild Staff: I understand... but the higher-ups think you all have what it takes.

Leon: That's one way to convince me. What say you, men?!

Adept Adventurer: Challenge accepted! There ain't nothing we can't do with you by our side, Leon!

Leon: Hah! That's what I like to hear! Now get your asses in gear, 'cause we're leaving now!

Alk: Hey, Leon! We still on for training tomorrow?

Leon: Sorry, Alk. It looks like I'll have to bow out for a while.

Leon: Looks like I'll be investigating what's causing these tremors... I can't promise when I'll be back.

Alk: Will you be all right?

Leon: Alk. I won't ask you to join me.

Leon: And it's not because you're weak, but there's still much you need to learn.

Leon: If I were to bite the dust, you'd be left on your own, right?

Alk: I'm still worried about you though.

Leon: I appreciate that. But we can't afford to lose someone young in this biz, you know?

Leon: Treat me to something nice to eat when I get back, okay?

Stella: What's wrong, Alk?

Alk: Say, Stella... If I were to die in battle somehow, what would you do?

Stella: I wouldn't let something like that happen.

Alk: Heh... I thought you might say something like that.

Alk: You were planning on going anyway, weren't you? Let's get a move on.

Stella: Lead the way.

Leon: A damn shame, honestly... I was hopin' we'd get to spend some more time together.

Adept Adventurer: They say it's bad luck to talk about yer lover here in the Kaleidoscope, Leon.

Leon: I ain't talking about a woman, dummy... I've taken on a student.

Adept Adventurer: A rookie of yer own, eh? Must be nice, showin' someone else the ropes.

Leon: It's not bad. I've got high hopes for the kid... He might be the one to carry on my legacy, you know?

Adept Adventurer: You'd better have some stories ready for him then, eh?

Leon: Yeah. Now, enough chit-chat. We've got another level up ahead, so—

Leon: Wait, fall back!

Leon: Hraaaugh!

Leon: Don't let them near the midways!

Leon: I wonder what they'd say if they saw me like this...

???: Isn't that obvious?

Alk: There's no use in thinking about the ifs or maybes... All I need to do is focus on how I can help you... right here, right now!

Stella: We won't allow you to perish here. And I'm sure the others feel the same way.

Adept Adventurer: You heard the lady, Leon... Looks like we're still kids at heart.

Leon: Heh... You idiots. You damned, beautiful idiots!

Leon: We're ADVENTURERS! Reason be damned, we'll overcome the impossible and grab our dreams with our own bare hands!

Leon: We'll make it outta here alive, even if it kills us! Let's show this Kaleidoscope what we're made of!

Leon: Geez... You're one hell of a daredevil, you know that, rookie? Light's gonna kill us for that stunt.

Leon: But let me apologize, Alk. I... shouldn't have underestimated you.

Leon: You've indeed got a lot to learn, but you're an adventurer through and through—I'll try not to forget that next time.

Alk: Thanks, Leon! Our lessons are still on though, right?

Leon: You bet. And let me tell you now, it ain't gonna be easy! A full-fledged adventurer's gotta be ready for anything!

Leon: But first, we feast!

Leon: Hah, don't look so gloom already! Surviving another day more than enough reason to celebrate!