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"Adventuring's all about the journey, not the destination! That lesson's free—next one's gonna cost you!"

"I thought my days of adventuring were numbered, but not anymore! I'm here for the long haul!"

"There's no rhyme or reason to adventure. But ALWAYS answer the call—you'll never know what it has in store!"

"Some lamp oil, a rope, and a sturdy pair of boots are all you need for adventure! Get some good food and booze in the mix, and it don't get much better than that!"

"Countless worlds, countless adventures! What are we waiting for? There's more than enough adventure for a lifetime to be had!"

"I may get irritating from time to time with my lessons, but just have some faith in this old head, eh?"

"I'm not gonna be here forever, but I think my best adventure's still yet to come—and that's you guys!"