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Episode 1
Forlorn Fangs

The party celebrate good news about the cat and dogfolk's upcoming peace treaty, but are interrupted by a run-in with the dogfolk assassin Klaus. Nimbus knocks him out, and he reawakens in Starview Village.

Claw: Whew! That was way easier than I thought!

Claw: Dude, I can't believe Grampa agreed to resign! Now I'm the chief, all that's left is for me to sign the peace treaty!

Nimbus: I'm amazed you managed to convince him.

Claw: Heh. You know what they say, bro. There sure is strength in numbers!

Light: The effort spent collecting signatures for the petition paid off.

Alk: I guess all's well that ends well... Even if some were—uh—LESS thrilled to sign than others.

Nimbus: Hey, don't look at me. I just stood there while Claw did the "sweet talking."

Albert: At any rate, the petition served its purpose. Now we need only return to the cas—

Nimbus: What was that clang? Sounds like a fight!

Albert: I can smell blood. Let's press on!

Canid Soldier: You! We've got you cornered, now!

Assassin: GRRRRAR!

Nimbus: Hey, you're that guy we fought!

Assassin: Whitetail!

Nimbus: Hah! Nice try!

Albert: Nimbus!

Albert: Klaus the Dire... To think, you were still alive!

Albert: Nimbus, I shall deal with him! Stand back!

Nimbus: Looks like he's here for me, though.

Albert: The dire wolves don't act on their own!

Albert: If he is after your life, it is at the will of his contractor—the king!

Albert: What in the bloody hell was that old fool thinking? To order an assassination NOW of all times! Leave this mess to me, Nimbus.

Nimbus: Albert, wait!

Nimbus: Please. Let me handle it.

Klaus: Save your pity, Whitetail!

Klaus: Who do you think murdered your father? My pack, the dire wolves! Have you no honor?!

Nimbus: So you DO know how to talk.

Nimbus: Here I was thinkin' you just wag your tail and do whatever the king tells you!

Nimbus: You aren't even old enough to've killed King Whitetail. Don't get ahead of yourself!

Nimbus: Albert, we'll take him with us for now.

Nimbus: You guys are so close to makin' the peace treaty happen. If word of an assassination attempt got out, it'd just complicate everything.

Albert: It would indeed, but... Are you sure?

Nimbus: We'll be fine. Right, guys?

Stella: Yes. I agree with Nimbus.

Klaus: Nghh...

Klaus: ...Where am I?

Stella: Welcome to Starview Village. I am its Keeper, Stella.

Klaus: You—you were with Whitetail. Why are you here?

Stella: I have a message for you from Nimbus. I kicked your ass into next week, so be a good boy and stay in bed.

Stella: Your king called off the assassination with his tail between his legs, but if you still wanna fight, suit yourself.

Stella: End message.

Stella: There is no one here to issue you orders or contracts. As Nimbus said, please "suit yourself" and enjoy your stay.

Klaus: But... But WHY would you... I don't understand.

Stella: Good night, Klaus.

Episode 2
Muscle Memory

After "executing" orders from Stella and Alk to the letter, Klaus receives a new challenge from Nimbus: unlearning his obedient henchman attitude. With no orders to guide him, Klaus decides to help Alk train.

Klaus: ...Whitetail.

Klaus: Get up, Whitetail.

Nimbus: Yawn—

Nimbus: Hm? Oh, it's you, Klaus. Can't a guy get a little shut-eye around here?

Klaus: What appalling negligence. Think how easy it would've been to kill you in your sleep.

Nimbus: Hah! Yeah, yeah. I know a REAL killer when I see one, and you don't make the cut.

Nimbus: Anyways, what's up? Need something?

Klaus: I have come to wake you, as per the young mistress' orders.

Nimbus: Young mistress? Orders?

Klaus: The silver-haired girl entrusted me with the task of waking you, so woken you shall be.

Nimbus: You mean she ASKED you? Stella isn't the type to give orders. You can drop the henchman act, you know?

Nimbus: Also, what's that bag you've got there?

Klaus: Upon the chef's command, I have procured bell peppers, a pumpkin, and leeks.

Nimbus: What, he sent you off to the grocery? Ahahaha, oh man, my sides! You make a better butler than assassin!

Klaus: Those were the orders, and they have been executed. I fail to understand your amusement.

Nimbus: Executed? I can't— You're holding a big old bag of veggies. I just CAN'T take the evil henchman voice seriously!

Klaus: You are a king. Why do you forgo your birthright, your duty?

Klaus: Rulers rule. Servants serve.

Klaus: My blades, my fangs... They are tools to be commanded as my liege desires!

Nimbus: Rulers and servants, huh? Back in the desert, I was on the serving side of the equation.

Nimbus: I know what it's like being ordered around. Being told to kill or be killed.

Nimbus: What's that make me?

Nimbus: Nothing. 'Cause I'm not letting others tell me who or what I am. I'm Nimbus. Just Nimbus.

Nimbus: So? Who are YOU, Klaus?

Alk: A slash and—

Alk: Strike!

Klaus: Your footwork is sloppy.

Klaus: Watch my feet. Shadow Sting!

Alk: Wh-WHOA! That was amazing!

Alk: What brings you here, Klaus?

Klaus: I don't know what to do without orders to fulfill, so I was thinking of potential tasks.

Klaus: I'm not much of a thinker, though, so this is all that came to mind.

Alk: This? You mean training? ...Wait, are you here to help me train?

Klaus: I don't know. But I will assist you, if you so wish.

Alk: If you wouldn't mind, that'd be amazing!

Alk: I've never met a guy who could stab through wood with a leek!

Klaus: A leek? Oh! I—I forgot I was holding it…