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Dire Assassin
Fullshot 1

Klaus fullshot 0.png

Fullshot 2

Klaus fullshot 1.png

A dire wolf assassin who served the dogfolk royalty—until the ceasefire made him obsolete. Not entirely sure what he wants to do with himself.
Max HP 3005
Max Attack 899
Power 36x
Hit 12
Rarity 3★
Element Water Water
Class Bruiser Bruiser
Race Human/Beast
Gender Male
VA Kenta Miyake
Release Date Sept. 8, 2021 21:00
Leader Talent
Cold Composure
Water characters' ATK +35%
Skill Gauge: 490
Brandishes claws and katars, deal water damage (36x/10s) to enemies hit [damage amplified on enemies with slow debuff (+25%)]
1 Own break/down punisher +15%
2 While self has ATK buff, own break/down punisher +30%
3 [Main] Every 10 ball flips, own ATK +100% ATK until the next flip
4 Own ATK +15%
5 Own fever gain from attacks +15%
6 When entering fever, grant self ATK buff (+50%/15s)

Wording for skills and abilities copied from https://eliya-bot.herokuapp.com/gl/
Stats copied from https://wasuku.gamewiki.jp/