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Episode 1
How to be Popular 101

Alk and co. take on a job doing security for an event in Palpebra, where they meet Edita, a popular young adventurer. Edita has formed the bad habit of getting worked up on stage and making heated remarks she later regrets. Mal Lelucia urges Edita to fix this and arranges to have the adventurer join Alk and co. in Starview Village.

Flashy Adventurer: Thank you so much for coming out to see me today, everyone!

Fans: WOO! We love you, Edita!

Alk: Wh-whoa! Is doing security for live events always this hard?!

Nimbus: How the hell am I supposed to know?

Edita: You know, there are some smug adventurers out there who they think they're hot stuff... But I'm gonna show them who's the REAL deal!

Edita: You know who I'm talking about, don't you? Palpebra's own Levy, of course!

Alk: Um... The crowd was already rowdy before, but they're definitely not gonna like that!

Hater: The hell is a noob adventurer like you doing slandering our queen Lady Levy?!

Alk: Crap. Here it comes...

Alk: Phew... You know, the way they described it to me, I thought the job would be way easier...

Nimbus: No kidding. I'm sticking to fighting monsters from now on.

Edita: Gaaah! I can't believe I did it AGAIN!

Edita: I went and dissed Levy in front of everyone! How am I gonna look her in the eyes at her next handshake event?!

Mal Lelucia: You could just... not go?

Edita: No way! You got a copy of her latest book release- SIGNED, mind you- and a handshake! Deals like that don't come around every day, you know!

Edita: No self-respecting fan would turn that down!

Edita: Damn it, I screwed everything up...

Edita: Why'd I have to go and say all those things?!

Mal Lelucia: That is quite the bad habit of yours... You get all heated up during performances and... say provocative things.

Edita: I know I have a problem- but it's not that easy to quit, you know! Gahh, just KILL me already!

Mal Lelucia: All right, settle down. I'll go and make you a cup of tea. That should calm your nerves.

Alk: So... You were a fan of Levy's all along, huh?

Edita: Wh-what?!

Edita: AAAAAH! You mean you heard everything I said?

Light: I see... So she didn't mean any of the things she said during her performance?

Mal Lelucia: Yep. That was Edita's whole appeal from the beginning, after all. She's bright and cheerful, but she "tells it like it is," or whatnot.

Edita: The problem is... Once you make crazy remarks like that, people start expecting it, so you have to keep pushing boundaries to stay relevant!

Edita: Before I knew it, this is the type of person I become... But that wasn't my intention!

Mal Lelucia: She's trying her best to improve, bless her heart, but... She just gets carried away on stage.

Alk: If you keep that up, it could really blow up in your face, you know.

Edita: No! Anything but that! I don't want to be canceled!

Mal Lelucia: Don't worry. If that does happen, you'll just have to lay low for a while. Palpebra will still be here when you get back!

Mal Lelucia: Oh, speaking of places to hide... Would all of you be willing to help Edita out with her little problem?

Alk: Are you using us to help people "disappear" now?

Mal Lelucia: Haha, I'd be lying if I said that thought didn't occur to me. But no, my main goal here is to facilitate cultural exchange.

Mal Lelucia: Starview Village is packed with all sorts of people! It could be a perfect learning opportunity for Edita here.

Light: I have to agree. Learning from the behavior of others might be just what she needs right about now.

Alk: What do you think, Edita?

Edita: Okay!

Alk: ...That was fast.

Edita: I mean, look at me! I can't go on like this, lying to my fans... Something needs to change!

Edita: And if going with you can help me to do that, then I'm willing to give it a try!

Light: What's your take on this, Nimbus?

Nimbus: Same thing I thought before- she's a loose cannon. Reckless too, like Stella. If she runs her mouth...

Mal Lelucia: No need to worry about that! I'll be having her sign this little bad body just in case!

Edita: What's that? Another contract?!

Mal Lelucia: This is called an NDA- basically, it's t o ensure you won't tell anyone about where Alk takes you.

Edita: Huh? I don't really get it, but okay. Where do I sign?

Nimbus: Way to sign a contract without even reading it. This girl...

Mal Lelucia: Excellent! That settles it, then.

Mal Lelucia: Despite everything we just talked about, Edita really IS a capable adventurer! I'm sure she'll be quite helpful to you as well!

Light: We're looking forward to working with her.

Alk: All right, Edita. Let's get going.

Edita: Okay! Thanks for taking me along, everyone!

Episode 2
The Courage to Change

After spotting some interesting armaments in an issue of the Oculus, Edita and Alk head to the studio where said weapons are made. During their visit, Edita gets in a heated exchange with the artisan, but realizes that the two of them have a lot in common. She apologizes to the man and promises to do her best to change for the better. In an effort to keep this promise, she decides to reveal her love of Levy to her fans.

Alk: Huh? It's not every day I see you in the library, Edita. What're you reading?

Edita: Oh, this? It's yesterday's special edition of the Oculus!

Edita: It has a whole bunch of articles on the latest fashions for female adventurers! Weapons, armaments, you name it!

Alk: That's the Oculus for you, they've got something for everyone.

Edita: Seriously, look at this! Isn't that SICK? I love everything this studio designs. They're getting more and more popular every day!

Alk: Huh. You know what, this actually is a pretty cool piece.

Alk: Hey, it looks like that studio does tours!

Edita: Ooh! You like it too, ehh? Let's go on that tour together, then!

Edita: I've wanted to go since forever, but figured if I went alone, I'd just say something stupid again... Please go with me! PLEASE!

Alk: You know what? I'm kind of curious myself now. Let's go!

Edita: Really?! Awesome! Race you there!

Artisan: This is where I do most of my design work. Stay out of the forge in the back, but other than that, feel free to look at whatever.

Edita: W-wow! This one was in the Oculus!

Edita: Ahh, it's just so... amazing! All of them are! I'm seriously going to lose it.

Alk: I know what you mean. Being around this much cool stuff really gets you pumped up.

Edita: Oh, I NEED this one! -yikes. That price tag, though...

Edita: Hey there, sir! I just want you to know... One day I swear I'll come here and place an order for a custom weapon! I promise!

Artisan: ...You really don't have a good eye for armaments, do you?

Edita: Huh?! What the hell is that supposed to mean?!

Artisan: Forget it. It's nothing to do with you.

Edita: No, you don't get to just insult my taste and then tell me it has nothing to do with me!

Alk: E-Edita, maybe you should relax...

Edita: Wai a minute, this doesn't even make sense. Are you dissing your own item? YOU made this, you dolt.

Artisan: Oh, shut it! It's not like I make these things 'cause I want to!

Edita: Then don't make them!

Artisan: The hell I won't! Don't talk like you know me, girl!

Artisan: You ever hear of a little thing called supply & demand? if I don't make things people want to buy, someone else will!

Edita: Huh?! What kind of a stupid-ass reason is that?! None of that matters. you should just do what you want to-

- Edita: You know, there are some smug adventurers out there who they think they're hot stuff... But I'm gonna show them who's the REAL deal!

Edita: You know who I'm talking about, don't you? Palpebra's own Levy, of course!

- Edita: Oh...

Artisan: Whatever. I've had enough of you two. See yourselves out.

Edita: I'm sorry!

Edita: I... I just realized I'm the same as you! I'm in no position to criticize you when I'm doing the same thing...

Alk: Edita...

Edita: Still though. There's nothing lamer than caring too much about what other people think of you!

Edita: That's why I want to change. No, I'm DEFINITELY going to change! Just you watch.

Edita: You can too, if you want, Mr. Artisan. There's no need to make those weapons if your heart's not into it!

Alk: ...I'm sorry, my friend is just really enthusiastic about your armaments.

Alk: Thanks for letting us take a look at the place.

Alk: Edita, let's get going, all right?

Artisan: ...Wait.

Artisan: I was out of line there too. There was no need to take out my own issues on you. Sorry.

Artisan: Let me make it up to you.

Alk: Well, that worked out well, huh? To think he's going to make you a weapon at such a huge discount!

Edita: Yeah...

Edita: That's why... I have to make sure I keep my promise.

Edita: I've made up my mind! AT my next event, I'm going to tell everyone that I'm a fan of Levy's.

Alk: Really? Aren't you worried about how people will react?

Edita: Y-yes, I obviously am... But...

Edita: If I keep doing what I have been, I'll probably just get sad every time I get on the stage. I don't think I can stand that.

Edita: Who knows if my fans will forgive me... But I know for a fact it's better than lying.

Alk: Yeah, I can see where you're coming from. I'm rooting for you, Edita.

Edita: Thanks, Alk!

Edita: I need to show everyone... who I REALLY am.

Episode 3
The Confession

Edita is skittish at the prospect of revealing her respect for her fellow adventurers to all of her fans. However, when Alk hands her a letter from one of her fans, she finds the courage she needs to get on the stage and make her proclamation. Her fans are shocked, but most are ultimately understanding of Edita's plight once they hear the sincerity in her voice.

Light: Wow, the crowd certainly is excited!

Mal Lelucia: This is a special event, you see. Many popular adventurers are set to appear- it's garnered more attention than these event usually do!

Light: I see... I'm afraid I'm rather unfamiliar with this... custom. We didn't have it on my world.

Light: Edita! It's nearly your turn. Are you almost ready?

Edita: No, no, no! It's no use! I can't possibly stand in front of all those people and say that! My little heart can't handle this!

Stella: Edita. Please clam down.

Edita: I AM calm! This is business as usual for me, don't worry!

Nimbus: That doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

Edita: Well, it SHOULD! Today's the day I finally show everyone who I really am...

Edita: I'll climb up on that stage... and I won't get carried away. I'll tell everyone... the truth.

Cheering Audience: WOO!

Edita: Oh man, I can't do it! There's so many people! How could I possibly tell them what I really think?

Alk: Edita! You've got a letter! It's from a fan of yours out in the audience today.

Edita: R-really? Are you sure that's a fan letter? it's not filled with razors or anything, is it?

Alk: R-razors?! Why would it be filled with razors?

Edita: Because that's actually happened to me before!

Alk: Seriously? Yikes...

Alk: Anyway, it's definitely just a normal letter. Take a look at it yourself.

Edita: "Dear Edita, the way you just say whatever is on your mind fills me with confidence and courage."

Edita: "It's my dream to one day be more like you- to be proud of who I am and say everything I've always wanted to say!"

Alk: Well?

Edita: I can't let this fan down. No matter what.

Edita: All right! Now I'm hyped! Here I go!

Young Fan: Oh my gosh! It's HER!

Overly Enthusiastic Fan: Hey! Look over here! Look at me, Edita!

Confused Fan: Huh? Edita? Is something wrong?

Edita: Thank you so much for coming, everyone.

Edita: But first, there's something I need to talk to you about today.

Edita: I'm not going to continue being someone I'm not.

Edita: The truth is... I really respect all my fellow adventurers! In fact...

Edita: I'm a huge fan of Levy in particular! I'm honored to be able to stand on the same stage as her today!

Overly Enthusiastic Fan: Wait, what?

Young Fan: Edita, what are you saying?

Edita: I've been saying things I didn't really mean... I stirred the pot by insulting an adventurer who I actually really loved.

Edita: I won't be doing that anymore!

Overly Enthusiastic Fan: Huh? Wait a minute... Does that mean you've been lying to us the whole time?!

Young Fan: You betrayed us! You betrayed your fans!

Venue Manager: Th-this isn't good! Call the whole thing off!

Nimbus: Nah, relax. Let Edita do her thing.

Overly Enthusiastic Fan: Boo! Liar!

Edita: You're right... I've been lying to you. I'm terribly sorry.

Edita: But...

Edita: There was some truth to what I said! I look up to Levy, but that doesn't mean I'm satisfied playing second fiddle to her!

Edita: I swore that I would become an even better adventurer than she is- and I meant it! I'm going to do EVERYTHING in my power to make that happen!

Female Fan: Edita! It's so cool how you always say what you think and feel! I want to be just like you!

Female Fan: So... I'm going to continue being your fan!

Edita: I see... Thank you!!

Confused Fan: Is she for real? I don't understand...

Young Fan: I don't either, but... I still think she's awesome!

Overly Enthusiastic Fan: Give me a break! She's been stirring up fake beef and lying to us!

Alk: Man, the vibe here is really taking a turn... Is Edita going to be okay?

Light: Given how much courage it took to stand there and bear open her heart, I'm sure there's nothing that can stand in her way now.

Stella: I agree. She's incredible.

Edita: I want to make a promise to all my fans, to everyone who's supported me- I will NOT let you down!

Edita: If you're willing to give me another chance... keep on being my fans!

Audience: Woo! Edita!

Edita: Everyone... Thank you so much!