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Radical Adventurer
Fullshot 1

Edita fullshot 0.png

Fullshot 2

Edita fullshot 1.png

An adventurer whose popularity in Palpebra is growing day by day. Her vivid fashion sense and big mouth have garnered her a following of very intense fans.
Max HP 3436
Max Attack 882
Power 18x
Hit 1
Rarity 4★
Element Thunder Thunder
Class Warrior Warrior
Race Human
Gender Female
VA Yuki Tanaka
Release Date October 13, 2022
Leader Talent
I'm Counting on Your Support!
While own HP is at or below 50%, thunder characters' ATK +80% / Thunder characters' skill damage +90%
Punkish Pierce
Skill Gauge: 450
Jumping into the air, face the nearest enemy and drive into them with her spear, dealing thunder damage (18x) to that enemy and the area around + inflict thunder resistance debuff (-20%/10s) / Grant self ATK buff (+50%/10s) / [While own HP is at or above 50%] deal damage to self (10%)
1 While own HP is at or below 50%, own skill damage +90%
2 If self is a thunder character, when own skill activates, own skill gauge +25% (CT: 60s)
3 [Main] While own HP is at or below 50%, own skill damage +220%
4 When battle begins, own skill gauge +35%
5 While own HP is at or below 50%, own ATK +35%
6 When own skill activates, own skill damage +12.5% [MAX: +50%]

Wording for skills and abilities copied from https://eliya-bot.herokuapp.com/gl/
Stats copied from https://wasuku.gamewiki.jp/