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Episode 1
Wandering Tempest

When Alk and Light attempt to save a young girl from bandits, they find themselves face-to-face with a dueling prodigy. Not only does the girl, Celtie, overpower the crooks, but after the hike is over, she also knocks the stuffing out of Alk. Alk, however, refuses to let the defeat discourage him, and an astonished Celtie declares herself the newest member of Starview.

Alk: Man, it's pretty late.

Alk: That quest took longer than I thought.

Light: Quiet. This is bandit territory, Alk.

Alk: Huh? How can you tell? It looks like a plain old mountain trail to me.

Light: Look. There were people hiding among the branches and in the thicket. They may have been lying in wait for adventurers. We should—

Light: Voices... It may be the sound of an ambush!

Alk: Let's go!

Burly Bandit: Tch. Just a single brat, eh? That's no fun.

Brawny Bandit: Sometimes brats fetch a good price. Hehe, just look at her fancy clothes.

Beastly Bandit: Maybe she's some noble's daughter. Could ask for a hefty ransom?

Burly Bandit: Then they'd hunt us down, you moron. Better to tie up this loose end. All nice and tidy, y'know?

Noble Girl: Sigh. What a dearth of decorum.

Burly Bandit: Excuse me?

Noble Girl: Despite your brutish exteriors, I wonder if any of you are actually capable fighters.

Burly Bandit: You got a lotta lip on ya, girl. Can you even imagine the situation you're in?

Noble Girl: Why yes, I can. Very soon, two brave souls shall accost you from behind.

Alk: Step away from her!

Noble Girl: Quite the heroic entrance. But, of course, I need no saving.

Celtie: You wield a blade, correct? Perhaps you should draw it?

Burly Bandit: No... Please... I...

Celtie: So much for you. A pity, really.

Light: ...Did you kill them?

Celtie: I most certainly did not! I didn't even break flesh!

Light: You did all this with a nonlethal technique? Impressive.

Celtie: Did you come to rescue me? I thank you.

Celtie: But I would appreciate it more if you could help me tie these fiends up.

Alk: Oh! Yeah, of course!

Alk: And that's that!

Celtie: Thank you kindly. It'd have been a bit of a struggle, dragging about these lugs on my own.

Alk: Makes sense. You're pretty small.

Celtie: Yes. My frame is what it is, unfortunately—but with time and luck, I should grow taller!

Alk: But you're still powerful enough to take care of a pack of bandits. That's awesome!

Celtie: Come to think of it, I don't believe we've formally introduced ourselves yet.

Celtie: My name is Celtie Tris. I'm on a journey from the Farlands to Palpebra.

Alk: I'm Alk, and this is Light. Nice to meet you.

Celtie: Well then, Sir Alk. Forgive my impertinence, but could I make a request of you?

Alk: Uh, sure? Not sure if you need my help but...

Celtie: Oh, it's just a simple request. I would like a duel with you once we've descended the mountain.

Alk: Wait, me? Spar with YOU?

Celtie: You would deny me?

Alk: N-no, it's not that, I just—

Celtie: Then it's settled! You have my every thanks!

Light: You could have said no...

Celtie: Well! I simply can't leave you now.

Stella: You can't?

Celtie: I never expected Sir Alk to collapse, after only ten rounds.

Celtie: So we shall continue these proceedings tomorrow!

Light: Are you asking to sojourn here?

Celtie: Of course! I have yet to see the depths of Sir Alk's swordsmanship, after all.

Light: You've taken quite a liking to Alk. Do you find him to be a fitting rival?

Celtie: A rival? No. He has no talent.

Celtie: That being said, no matter how hopeless the battle, he never surrenders. I find that intriguing.

Stella: Very well. Then allow me to officially welcome you to Starview Village, Celtie.

Celtie: Thank you very much, Lady Stella!

Celtie: Do kindly get up, Sir Alk! There's more dueling to be done!

Episode 2
Cake is Mightier than the Sword

After losing for the umpteenth time, Alk finds himself treating Celtie to cake. At the café, they overhear that the noble Tris clan has decided on a new head—and he is to be none other than Celtie's brother! Celtie confesses that her strength as an unknighted woman has made her an outcast in her own family, but is encouraged when Alk tells her he feels inspired by, rather than jealous of her talent.

Alk: Ughhh... No more. I surrender...

Celtie: But, Sir Alk! We have only just begun!

Alk: Heh. Bruises here, ouches there, and wounds everywhere... I'm done for.

Celtie: My, my. Aren't you the poet. But you shall have to stand sooner or later.

Alk: No... I'm going to lie here forever.

Celtie: I suppose I'll have to offer you a small incentive then.

Alk: What kind of incentive?

Celtie: You have five duels to lay one hit on me, Sir Alk. Do so, and I'll pronounce you the victor.

Celtie: However, the loser must do whatever the winner says. Are we agreed?

Alk: Wh-whatever the winner says? That's a lot to ask for...

Celtie: Then one hit among ten duels? Or a hundred?

Alk: Okay, now that kind of hurts. I can DEFINITELY land a blow if you fight me that many times.

Celtie: Perfect! Let our hundred duels begin!

Alk: Whoa! Hold on! I haven't agreed to—

Celtie: Yes, but I won't take no for an answer!

Celtie: Mmm! Sir Alk! This Mont Blanc is delicious—all the more so thanks to the blackcurrant sauce!

Alk: Why did I go through with this? My body didn't hold out anywhere CLOSE to a hundred duels.

Celtie: Still, the thirteen matches we DID complete were superb!

Alk: But is this really enough? The bet was to do anything the winner asked for. All I've done is treat you to cake.

Celtie: Hehehe. Would you have preferred a more elaborate request?

Alk: No, that's all right...

Thickset Adventurer: The Farlands are building up their military?

Svelte Adventurer: Yep. And the head of the Tris family is to be appointed governor-general. Of course, his eldest son will manage state affairs.

Thickset Adventurer: You think war's on the horizon? Not that it'll affect us either way.

Svelte Adventurer: It could, if they start recruiting mercs. Though we're better suited to exploring dungeons and such.

Alk: Tris? In the Farlands? Isn't that—

Celtie: Yes. They speak of my homeland.

Celtie: And the eldest son they mentioned? That would be my big brother.

Alk: Huh?! Does that make you a princess?

Celtie: No. Princes and princesses come from the royal family of Nialas.

Celtie: The Tris are merely one of the Nine Noble Houses. A clan of warriors, if you will.

Alk: Oooh, warriors, huh? Does that mean your brother is strong too?

Celtie: Indeed. I was unable to beat him until the age of twelve—the only person I had never defeated, actually!

Celtie: Though, I wouldn't know how we stack up these days. I have been prohibited from dueling with the knightly class.

Alk: Prohibited? What for?

Celtie: Well, according to Father, falling to my skill would rob a knight of their honor.

Celtie: But I can think of two who lose no honor, despite their myriad losses: the youngest son of the Nouin family... and you, Sir Alk.

Alk: Uh, I hope you mean that as a compliment...

Celtie: Tenacity is a rare gift! Feel proud!

Celtie: But, I admit, one thing still intrigues me...

Celtie: You don't find it shameful to lose to an unknighted woman?

Alk: Umm... Maybe a little?

Alk: But I've met tons of strong people, from all different backgrounds. Take Stella, for instance.

Celtie: Lady Stella? Ah, you're referring to more than battle acumen, aren't you?

Alk: Yeah. Everyone around here is good at something in their own way—they keep me on my toes.

Alk: Thinking back on my journey, I realize THEY'RE the ones who made it possible. Couldn't imagine life without them now.

Celtie: Your companions truly mean a lot to you...

Alk: Yeah. And training with you is just as enjoyable, Celtie.

Alk: And I like sneaking out to eat cake together even more!

Alk: It's fun having someone like a little sister—even if she can clean my clock!

Celtie: My, even you can catch people off guard at times!

Alk: Huh?

Celtie: Never you mind. How about we make it a tradition to come and eat cake after every duel?

Alk: Really? EVERY time? You sure? We'll balloon like crazy, though...

Celtie: Sigh... Sir Alk... You've gone and spoiled everything.

Celtie: Argh, whatever! Thanks for the cake!

Celtie: Oh, and don't forget! Our bet still stands! You must manage to hit me once within a hundred duels.

Celtie: Or you shall have to follow my every whim!

Alk: Wait, so this cake was a lie?!

Alk: Sigh, oh well I guess.

Episode 3
Winds of Change

On her way home, Celtie is accosted by her brother Ciel, who has come to prove himself worthy of leading the Tris. After a fierce battle, Celtie emerges victorious. However, far from being discouraged, Ciel marvels at how Celtie has matured as a swordswoman and vows that he too will attain greater heights.

Celtie: Aww... I had such high expectations for that café's cake. What a disappointment.

Celtie: Even Sir Alk is capable of baking a more scrumptious tart.

Celtie: Argh... More importantly, how much longer is this cretin going to pursue me?

Hooded Figure: ...

Celtie: This area looks suitable. Come forward, fiend!

Celtie: Huh?!

Celtie: That's my brother's technique! Is it you, Ciel?!

Ciel: You identified me with a sword swing. Well done.

Ciel: But, of course, I expected you to be this capable. Or else, I wouldn't be here.

Celtie: But why now? It's almost time for you to take over for father.

Ciel: That IS the reason.

Ciel: We Tris are warriors. A man who runs from battle is not fit to be its head.

Celtie: So you wish to face me again.

Celtie: I thought your sword had broken... But I suppose I was wrong.

Ciel: Unleash Enlil. Hold nothing back!

Celtie: Another Enlil? Ciel... I can't believe it... You defeated the dragon.

Ciel: En garde! Demon Blade of Tris!

Celtie: As you wish!

Ciel: Why do you laugh?

Celtie: It's just, all this talk of proving yourself worthy to lead the Tris...

Celtie: And yet you seek to defeat me with the techniques of other clans.

Ciel: You can decipher my blows that quickly?

Celtie: The nine swords of Nouin. The dire blade of Oinas. And a few more I don't recognize.

Celtie: I see you have been traveling, Brother— and it's done wonders for your swordplay!

Ciel: Heh. All for this moment.

Ciel: Prepare yourself, Celtie! Words will not finish our duel!

Celtie: Indeed! Let us settle this once and for all!

Celtie: Haha! Seems I've landed a blow!

Ciel: While I missed every strike I took... I truly am no match for you, Cel.

Celtie: Don't feel bad. There's a reason they call me a prodigy.

Celtie: My! You been training this whole time?

Ciel: Indeed. I ventured out of the Farlands and fought many formidable foes.

Ciel: I had thought to ignore Father's summons and continue my travels. But, alas, it seems I'll be a proud lord as of next month.

Ciel: I needed to conclude things with you before that.

Ciel: Please don't pity me, Cel. I feel relieved, if you can believe it.

Ciel: Though, to be honest, I had every intention of casting aside the sword should I lose again.

Ciel: But now I think I want to carry on regardless.

Celtie: Hehe. How fitting. For the true head of Tris.

Ciel: I see you've grown up a little.

Celtie: You think so?

Ciel: Before, you would swing your sword like fire eating through wood— consuming the art to reach greater heights.

Ciel: You embodied the Tris style. Your blade destroyed all that it touched, becoming the object of father's fear... And my envy. But no longer.

Celtie: I don't quite understand.

Ciel: I'm saying your swordplay has grown disciplined, controlled. You must have come across an excellent master.

Celtie: Hah, a master? If anything, it's quite the opposite.

Celtie: Because I have found a student in one Sir Alk!

Ciel: ...No. It is obvious that you are the one learning from him.

Ciel: By the way, if you plan to bring this Alk back to the estate, do send word so I can meet him before father.

Celtie: I-I don't think of him like that!

Ciel: Haha. So you say.

Ciel: I'll take my leave now, Cel.

Ciel: ...Though, I hope we may duel again soon.

Celtie: Of course. I'm always ready to cross blades with you, Ciel!

Celtie: Sir Alk!

Alk: Hi, Celtie! What's up?

Celtie: Nothing, it's just... I wanted to thank you for everything. But don't get the wrong idea!

Alk: A-about what?

Celtie: J-just don't get the wrong idea about us! Well then, I'll be off now!

Alk: Hold on, Celtie! Could we train together today?

Celtie: Yes! It would be my pleasure!