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"I am Celtie Tris, of the Farlands. What say we spar sometime? I think you'll find I'm quite handy with a sword."

"I, Celtie of the House of Tris, swear upon my sword to guard and keep Starview Village... I'll be the Knight of Stars. Got a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"

"Sir Alk! I've been waiting for you. It's time for sparring practice. Ohh no. You aren't getting away."

"Enlil the Skyfang, a treasured family heirloom. A dragon stole it once, but I got it back... The battle? Dull, dragons are no swordmasters."

"Lady Stella, I'm really glad we all became friends. Here, I'm free to just be myself."

"I've been sparring with some other people recently... Would you like to know who? Well, too bad, Sir Alk. It's a secret."

"This blade is the pride of Tris. ...It's odd. I all but cut ties with my family, but thinking of them... still brings me strength."

"A swordfight... That's a far better way to get to know someone than socializing. With each blade clash, you can just hear the thrumming of your hearts."