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"Hi theeere. I'm Cagliostro—only the cutest wittle genius ever. Try not to fall head over heels, capiche?"

"Cagliostro WAS gonna hurry home, but Starview's really, really fun. ...Think I'll stick around for a while."

"What is it, Alky? Can't take your eyes off me? Well, what can I say? My cuteness transcends dimensions."

"Simply put, alchemy is the rearranging of substances. Doesn't matter what world I'm on. As long as matter exists, it's mind to command!"

"Wowee! Cagliostro never even dreamed that worlds could float in the sky. You've gotta take me to all of them, okay?"

"Alk! Take me to the Kaleidoscope, now! Damn thing's changed its composition again. And stop moping! You got a date with the world's cutest."

"Know what? I feel a connection with you. Got some bungling pupils back home myself. Yeah, I'll help you get your pruny old face back, "Champ.""

"I got a mystery for you. I'm almost sure someone arranged your sky so you can see all the worlds at once. But who... and why even bother?"