Belsidia (Summer)/Stories

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Episode 1
Between Daybreak and Water's Edge

Early in the morning, Alk spends a moment in quiet contemplation on the beach when Belsidia suddenly appears with a hug. Light then flies in with a dropkick to Belsidia's head, but Alk breaks the fight up by promising to spend a whole day hanging out with the lonely witch.

Alk: Peace and quiet...

Alk: I'm used to rising early, but not usually with a sight this pretty to greet me.

Alk: Been a while since I got to relax too...

Alk: It's weird not having to prep breakfast.

Alk: The hotel staff even handles cleaning and laundry.

Alk: Kinda awesome being treated like royalty.

???: Why...

Belsidia: How could you, Alky-Walky?!

Alk: Oh, crud.

Belsidia: You are just. The. Worst. How dare you leave without saying a word!

Belsidia: Can you imagine how I felt when I stopped by Starview with a bundle of premium tea, only to find my two favorite cuties missing?

Belsidia: I'll tell you! My heart just about broke in two!

Alk: Nghh... Mmph! Mmmm!

Belsidia: Oh, Alk, you naughty boy.

Alk: I'm trying to breathe here!

Alk: How many... times have I... told you?! You're gonna suffocate me one of these days!

Belsidia: *giggle* I get it now.

Alk: You... What? Get what?

Belsidia: I should have done this from the start.

Belsidia: Come into the darkness, Alky-Walky, where you can be free of the accursed light—

Light: That is enough, witch!

Light: You will tempt Alk no further, or I swear I shall put you down where you stand!

Belsidia: *giggle* Hahahaha!

Belsidia: Oh, you got me good, Light! Is this an invitation to continue where we last left off?

Belsidia: Challenge accepted! Cosmic Pike!

Light: Fine by me, Wicked Witch of the Rift!

Alk: Uhhh... I didn't sign up for an epic battle when I woke up this morning.

Alk: Wait, Belsidia... Is that a swimsuit you're wearing?

Alk: Did you... come here to join us on our vacation?

Belsidia: I've never been to a resort before, you know.

Belsidia: I had to take matters into my own hands when you never invited me.

Light: Alk, don't be deceived by her innocent act!

Alk: Well, Belsidia... You're kind of hard to track down. We've got no way to contact you, yeah?

Alk: It's not like Stella and I didn't try looking for you to give you that invite.

Belsidia: ...Really?

Alk: Promise. To make up for it, why don't we hang out all day today?

Belsidia: Oh, Alky-Walky, you are such a sweetie!

Light: Vile temptress! Hands off!

Alk: Okay, enough with the squeezing! You know where my face goes when you do that, right?!

Belsidia: Of course I do!

Alk: Sheesh.

Alk: A-anyway, we wouldn't purposely leave a friend out of the fun.

Alk: Stella and I consider you one of us.

Belsidia: Right... I shouldn't have expected any less from you two!

Belsidia: Thanks, honey bun.

Alk: I'll see what I can do about accommodations, okay? There should be some open rooms left.

Belsidia: *giggle* Aww, don't you want to share?

Alk: No thanks!

Alk: ...She's actually kind of cute when she's like this.

Belsidia: What a pure sweetheart. A kid like him is wasted on you.

Light: Tch! Save your tricks! They won't work on me!

Belsidia: ...Did that sound like a trick to you?

Light: I can't hear you! Lalala!

Light: You won't get away with whatever you're planning! I'll protect Alk from the darkness until my dying breath!

Belsidia: An idiot through and through... The world is shrouded in darkness right now, but it's doing just fine, isn't it?

Belsidia: *giggle* Oh, how curious...

Belsidia: Is this joy I feel? Hahaha!

Episode 2
Between Love and Curiosity

As Belsidia and Stella walk around on their date, a concerned Light follows them from behind and forces Alk and Nimbus to join him. Belsidia and Stella arrive at a beauty salon, and after basking in the results of their skin treatment, Belsidia muses on what it would be like to see Stella fall in love.

Stella: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Belsidia: *giggle* I wasn't waiting long.

Light: Belsidia, you fiend...

Nimbus: So... what're we doing here?

Alk: Stalking, I guess...

Light: We are NOT! It's called observing! That wicked witch is always up to something, and it's our job to keep an eye on her!

Alk: I'm pretty sure you just described stalking.

Light: Aren't you worried for Stella?!

Alk: No? Belsidia's more likely to hug Stella to death than actually hurt her.

Light: Even more reason to keep her under surveillance then!

Nimbus: Is it just me, or does he go kinda nuts when it comes to that witch?

Alk: Well, they did try to kill each other at one point, so I can see where he's coming from...

Light: What is this suspicious looking place?

Alk: If you wanna talk about sus, we're the ones that stalked someone here...

Belsidia: Alk is the sensible one, as ever.

Belsidia: How far the champion must have fallen if he's taken to peeping on innocent maidens.

Light: Excuse me? That's your hobby, not mine!

Light: Now answer me—what evil deed have you brought Stella here for?!

Stella: To be reborn...

Stella: With new skin!

Light: ...You're tampering with forbidden immortality magic?!

Nimbus: ...Can I leave now? I'm done.

Alk: Yeah, you can probably go.

Light: A beauty salon?

Belsidia: You've been so focused on your heroic duties, you've lost touch with the modern world... How sad.

Light: Sh-shush! I never had an interest in these types of establishments in the first place!

Alk: As you can see, it's just a place to take care of your skin so you can look young and healthy.

Light: That's it? But why would the witch need help with that?

Belsidia: Oh? Is that a compliment I hear? I didn't know you had it in you!

Light: We first met when I was 16, and she hasn't aged a day since.

Alk: She what now?

Light: There are also records of the Wicked Witch of the Rift that can be traced back to ancient times—

Belsidia: Okay, that's enough out of you.

Belsidia: Stella, why don't we leave these two to their stalking and get on with our day?

Belsidia: This place came highly recommended by our resident gunwielding beauty, so I'm sure the service will be nothing to sneeze at.

Stella: I look forward to it.

Belsidia: Since you're here anyway, why don't you wait over there? You can judge our makeovers once we're done.

Alk: What exactly are we meant to do while we wait though...

Alk: Hey, Light, take a look at this. Says they've got permanent hair removal treatments.

Stella: Ahhh...

Stella: Nnngh.

Stella: Phew...

Stella: My skin is as soft as pudding.

Stella: Even my cheeks are squishy. Look!

Belsidia: I suppose it's no surprise that's the part you care about.

Stella: Are there other effects to the treatment?

Belsidia: None that you'll notice until you find yourself standing in front of a mirror, affectionately thinking of someone else.

Belsidia: ...Maybe even of an impressive lady who transcends the limits of mortals.

Belsidia: But I think, my little caterpillar, a metamorphosis is in order before we can see that version of you.

Stella: If change is what is needed, then I believe I am qualified. I have been in constant flux since I first left Starview.

Stella: As for thinking affectionately of someone else... Does thinking of you not count?

Belsidia: Oh, my! I didn't know you could be so forward, darling!

Belsidia: Oops, sorry! Don't want Alk getting cross with me again.

Stella: It is hard to breathe when you squeeze so tightly...

Belsidia: You've made a good point, though... I suppose change requires more than just love.

Belsidia: Still, I've got high hopes.

Stella: High hopes... For me?

Belsidia: Of course, honey. I can't wait to see what you'll be like once you've finally found the one!

Stella: I will try not to let you down.

Light: ...Don't tell me those two completely forgot about us.

Episode 3
Between Heaven and Earth

Belsidia pays a midnight visit to Alk's hotel room and takes him to a special island where Stella already awaits. There, the night sky is reflected beautifully across the water, stirring memories of Belsidia's past as she questions Alk and ponders the future.

Alk: Nnngh...

Alk: Wait...

Alk: Hold on, I...

Alk: What... was I dreaming about?

Alk: Throat's parched...

Alk: Huh... Wh-whoa?!

Belsidia: Oh, you're awake?

Alk: Uh...

Alk: Wuh?!

Alk: Coming for me in the middle of the night?! I trusted you!

Belsidia: Excuse me? Just who do you take me for?

Alk: A person who lacks a sense of ethics and morals?

Belsidia: Wow, rude! Here I am on my best behavior too!

Alk: Light... Save me...

Alk: Incredible... This is amazing!

Stella: There are stars all around us!

Belsidia: A pretty sight, isn't it? This always happens after it rains, so it's one of my favorite hideaways.

Belsidia: I know Stella enjoys these types of quiet locations, but what about you, Alk?

Alk: Do you even need to ask? I'm blown away...

Belsidia: Glad to hear it, sugar.

Belsidia: Consider this an apology for all the chaos I've caused.

Alk: It's nice, but you could've just invited me here without the midnight scare.

Alk: Still, I appreciate you sharing this with us!

Stella: Yes. It is very beautiful.

Belsidia: You're very welcome, sweeties.

Belsidia: I've always loved the stars, ever since I was a kid.

Belsidia: Why so shocked? Wicked Witch I may be, but even I was young once.

Belsidia: Granted, it was a long, long time ago...

Alk: No way... Is this magic?

Belsidia: The very first spell I ever learned.

Belsidia: My path to becoming a witch all started with a simple wish—to travel to the ends of the stars.

Belsidia: Not that I ever managed to make that come true.

Alk: Space travel is pretty hard...

Belsidia: Alk, do you still want to learn about your past?

Belsidia: Find out who you are and where you came from?

Belsidia: Or are you afraid to learn the truth?

Alk: I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared...

Alk: But not as much as I was before. Staying ignorant is pretty frightening too.

Alk: ...Meaning I'm scared both ways, huh.

Belsidia: I'm glad the first person Stella ever met was you.

Alk: Hey, I was only with her for a week! When we stepped out of town the first time, Light—

Stella: Alk. Belsidia. Look at the stars!

Alk: So far away, and only flying further.

Belsidia: Understanding the beauty of a starry sky is one thing.

Belsidia: But are you prepared to face the night without lights to guide the way?

Belsidia: When the time comes, I hope you find the courage to face what's ahead...

Alk: Belsidia?

Stella: What a splendid sight.

Belsidia: Be right there, precious.

Belsidia: Nothing beats spending time with my two favorite cuties.