Belsidia (Summer)/Quotes

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"What's the point of a vacation if you don't have a little fun? I'm sure you'll forgive me for going a teensy bit wild!"

"Would you hold my hand? Yes, just like that. This way we won't stumble even on a starless night. Remember this, okay?"

"You don't know how much it hurt to stop by Starview and find no one home!"

"Want to spend some time together, honey bun? We're allowed a little fun while we're on vacation."

"Oh, this little pinch in my chest must be what happiness feels like."

"I'm not letting anybody else put sunscreen on Stella! I've been waiting for this day for so long—no one's going to beat me to it!"

"After all this time, he still thinks he's a hero... A shame. He used to be such a sweet little kid."

"I'm no blushing maiden. Stare as much as you want while you have the chance, hehe."