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Episode 1
Beauty and the Beef

Beaucy and her Cosmic Beast Cacow appear in Starview village, having tracked Noenne and her friends there. Beaucy reveals she's won the Battle Royal: All Star Smash and has sealed all the other Cosmic Beasts away, leaving only Kapipi remaining. However, impressed by Noenne's performance and curious about Alk, Beaucy decides to stay and observe everyone in Starview Village, postponing the sealing.

Catherine: Shall we get started?

Kapipi: Hard Rock Magic, let's go! One, two, three, four!

Noenne: LA-LA-LAAA!

Nimbus: Could you be any louder?!

Nimbus: Who gave you permission to practice here anyway? Find a concert hall or something!

Noenne: But we want the whole world to hear our new song! You know, the one Old Mister Metal wrote for us!

Nimbus: Eugh, I'm gonna go deaf at this rate... Stella, you do something about this.

Stella: ...Someone else's coming

Cacow: Moo.

Kapipi: You... You're Beaucy, Oxton's idol!

Beaucy: Cowdy. So this is where you were hiding, Hard Rock Magic.

Nimbus: You've gotta be kidding me. Light, tell me I'm hallucinating.

Light: I'm afraid not. Judging by her animal companion and general demeanor, she must be like Noenne and her friends...

Light: In other words, one of the idols participating in their Battle Royal: All Star Smash!

Kapipi: Allow me to explain! Battle Royal: All Star Smash, or BRASS for short, is a competition held between the twelve states in our world!

Kapipi: Consider it diplomacy through song and dance battles. Idol warfare to prevent idle warfare!

Beaucy: You're even joined by the Cosmic Beats of the Hare and Tiger. How is this possible?

Kapipi: Er, about that... This is actually another world, separated from ours. There's no twelve states here.

Noenne: Which also means Light and Nimbus aren't Cosmic Beasts. Don't worry, we were confused at first too!

Stella: Hello, Beaucy. This is Starview Village, a vista that overlooks other worlds.

Beaucy: Cowdy. I suppose Noenne must be speaking the truth. I don't feel any Cosmic Energy from any of you.

Catherine: Beaucy, Cacow, you're the Chateaubrilliand Duo! How did you get here? Don't tell me you both lost...

Cacow: Moo.

Beaucy: Us, lose? You must be joking.

Beaucy: In fact, we won. BRASS is over.

Noenne: Wh-what?! No more BRASS? But... our goal of winning it...

Noenne: Ah, well, congrats on winning!

Noenne: But you better watch out! We're taking home the win next time!

Beaucy: As moo-ving as your little speech was, I'm afraid that won't be possible. BRASS is over- forever.

Beaucy: I made sure of it by sealing all the other Cosmic Beasts away.

Beaucy: The only one still roaming free is you, Kapipi. But that will change soon enough.

Kapipi: Get ready, Noenne! Battle Royal: All Star Smash, loading complete!

Beaucy: I'll pass an end to idols and all this BRASS nonsense.

Beaucy: No escape from crossing fate! GO!

Noenne: Beaucy, what do you mean by that?! What's your end goal here?

Beaucy: I have no obligation to explain anything to a filet minion like you.

Kapipi: Curses... Noenne! Beaucy is a top gravure idol- you know, the ones that are basically pin-up models! We can't win against her!

Beaucy: You think putting distance between us gives you a fighting chance? Fools.

Noenne: NAAAHHH!

Light: Wh-what is going on?

Nimbus: Best not to question it. Y'know, for your own sanity's sake.

Catherine: She's too strong! Is this the power of a top idol?!

Noenne: I won't let you... take away idols... or the BRASS!

Stella: Noenne!

Nimbus: Whoa there, Stella. You don't wanna get caught up in this. Trust me.

Kapipi: Rgh, is this truly the end for us?

Kapipi: ...Why haven't you struck us down? Getting cold feet?

Beaucy: I'm curious. The last time we met, you weren't even worth roasting over an open fire.

Beaucy: But somehow, you've manage to put on a prime performance. How did you come to improve so much?

Alk: I'm back! Managed to grab a ton of great New Year's deals! We're gonna be so well stocked-

Alk: Whoa, what'd I miss?!

Noenne: Mr. Producer! S-save us!

Beaucy: Producer? Now it makes sense. You've the reason for their improvement.

Alk: U-uh... Would someone mind filling me in?

Light: Why bother? I've been here since the start, and I've got zero clue what's going on.

Stella: These are Noenne's friends.

Alk: Ohhh, so she's someone from BRASS, huh? I think I'm starting to get the picture...

Beaucy: If producers exists in other world, then that means idols must also exists.

Beaucy: I've decided to postpone your sealing. For the time being, I will study the idols of other worlds.

Alk: Works for me. Stella, do your thing.

Stella: Beaucy. Cacow. Welcome to Starview Village.

Beaucy: It behooves me to accept your welcome.

Cacow: Moo.

Episode 2
What We Do for Love

Wishing to learn more about idols in other worlds, Beaucy is introduced to Dia and invites her to her concert. She instantly becomes a fan, revealing to the others that she loves idols- which is precisely why she refuses to let them be continually used as instruments of war in the BRASS and wants to seal the Cosmic Beasts away. With that said, she leaves to buy idol merchandise.

Alk: ...Cosmic Energy?

Beaucy: Yes. All idols cow-ntracted with a Cosmic Beast emit a kind of glowing energy.

Beaucy: We were tracking Noenne by the trail she left behind...

Beaucy: When suddenly we were suspended midair, and found ourselves transported to your village.

Beaucy: I search through many coordinates, but I couldn't locate your home world.

Cacow: Moo.

Beaucy: So it looks like we're stranded for the time being.

Stella: I'm sorry...

Beaucy: It's all right. We're here through no mis-steak of yours.

Dia: Sorry to keep you waiting, guys. I tried my best to sneak away, but the work just wouldn't stop piling on.

Alk: Nah, we're the ones who should be apologizing, barging in when you're so busy.

Dia: That's okay. I could actually use a breather like this.

Dia: You're Beaucy, right? I heard you came here the same world as Noenne and her friends.

Beaucy: Cacow! BRASS, loading complete! No escaping from-

Alk: Whoa, hold your cow! The idols here don't compete through fistcuffs!

Beaucy: Is that so? I simply reacted on instinct when I sensed her idol power level.

Alk: Her what.

Beaucy: Diva Media. Noenne informed me about you, but to see how truly powerful you are without the blessing of a Cosmic Beast...

Beaucy: You shine just as bright as BRASS idols, despite your lack of Cosmic Energy.

Dia: I'll... take that as a compliment, I guess?

Beaucy: And you, Rec Register. I've heard much about you as well, including how you wrote Noenne's music.

Regis: Please, I simply made a few arrangements. If you're in the business of producing music, I'd be happy to help.

Beaucy: That's all right. A gravure idol like me has no need for personalized moo-sic.

Beaucy: I don't dance or sing. I simply display my body and let the masses come to me.

Regis: How fascinating. In other words, your body itself is sacred and worth of being worshipped.

Beaucy: To me, the idols of your world are fascinating. I'm drawn to them like a cattle to hay.

Dia: Well... If your interested, I'm actually suppose to go on a concert tour next week.

Dia: Regis, you can grab a few reserved seats, right?

Regis: Of course. Your wish is my command.

Dia: Thanks for coming, everyone!


Beaucy: Interesting... Very interesting...

Stella: She was amazing. What a show.

Alk: Yeah, it's totally different from just listening to her normally. Being in an actual stadium turns up the hype to eleven.

Alk: Beaucy, what'd you think?

Beaucy: ...It was incredible.

Cacow: Moo.

Beaucy: Idols from another world aren't to be underestimated. ... I stan.

Beaucy: Perhaps I need to adjust my schedule for sealing away idols.

Light: Why are you so intent on ending idols forever? Do you hate them that much?

Beaucy: Not at all. I fact, I absolutely adore them. Idols are to mankind what wagyu is to beef.

Beaucy: Tender... and pure.

Beaucy: Which is exactly why I'll never forgive the BRASS for utilizing them as instruments of war.

Beaucy: Nor can I forgive the idols that stood by and allowed it to happen. They were in the wrong. All of them.

Beaucy: So I will seal it all away.

Alk: Talk about extreme measures...

Light: If it's just the BRASS you want to end, surely there are other ways to go about this.

Beaucy: I'm afraid that's impossible. Idols will always be drawn to Cosmic Beasts. As long as idols exist, the BRASS will return.

Beaucy: Even Dia, as unlikely as the possibility might be, could one day be contracted to a Cosmic Beast.

Beaucy: Surely you also recognize how wrong it is for idols to be forced to fight one another.

Alk: Regis would definitely blow his circuit board if her heard about it...

Light: S-still, if you truly love idols as much as you say you do... In your heart of hearts, you can't possibly want to seal them away forever.

Beaucy: I...

Beaucy: I will see this through. For my own sake.

Stella: Beaucy...

Beaucy: That's enough about this subject. If you'll excuse me, I need to milk this opportunity for all it's worth.

Announcer: Please check the box next to the merchandise you want to order in your catalogue. Make sure to enter your ticket number as well.

Beaucy: Thank you very mooch. Hmm, you can buy a maximum of one of each item. Well, I've got to have the pamphlet-

Cacow: Moo!

Beaucy: Ah! The limited edition light sticks are sold out?! I was too late...

Light: Forget love, she's OBSESSED with idols!

Alk: Somehow, I get the feeling she'll do the right thing.

Episode 3
A Cosmic Revelation

Beaucy decides to seal Kapipi away once and for all, but Cacow intervenes. The Cosmic Beast reveals that Beaucy once wished to become a traditional idol like Noenne, and sees herself in the girl. As if to give truth to the words, the sealed-away Cosmic Beasts are released and leave in search of new idols. Finally recognizing her inner desires, Beaucy decides to become a singing and dancing gravure idol.

Light: Beaucy? Were you out at another concert?

Beaucy: Yes, it was a very informative expedition into the field.

Alk: You say that, but aren't you just going as a fan... Eh, I guess if you're having fun, then that's what matters.

Noenne: There you are, Beaucy! Did you think I wouldn't notice this month's Oculus? Explain yourself!

Alk: Whoa, Beaucy's this month's cover model? Dang. You look amazing

Noenne: NAAHH! Mr. Producer, whose side are you on?!

Noenne: Beaucy! How DARE you waltz into Palpebra and start stealing fans on my turf!

Light: Don't gravure idols and singing idols cater to different audiences?

Noenne: Everyone's into everything nowadays! But that doesn't mean I'll just stand by and share my fans with a newcomer!

Alk: You really wanna be petty over this?

Beaucy: I understand why you'd have beef with me. But I also need to make a living to afford food and idol merchandise.

Beaucy: If you want to stop me, then you know what to do. It's an ox-eat-rat world in the idol industry, after all.

Noenne: Grrr! You asked for it!

Kapipi: Battle Royal: All Star Smash, loading complete! No escape from crossing fate! GO!

Noenne: I'm not done yet!

Noenne: Nuwah?!

Beaucy: Even if you moo-stered up more power, you'd never be able to defeat me.

Catherine: So long as I'm breathing... You haven't won yet!

Beaucy: Now you're starting to irritate me. A rat like you should know her place!

Beaucy: I was content to leave matters between us unsettled for a while longer, but no more...

Beaucy: Today I will seal you all away!

Kapipi: It's do-or-die now... And I don't intend to go quietly!

Noenne: I... We... Hard Rock Magic will never, ever... give up!

Beaucy: A wasted effort. You, BRASS, idols... It's time to say goodbye.

Noenne: That's what you think! Us idols- we're here to stay!

Cacow : That's quite enough, don't you think, Beaucy?

Alk: Cacow can talk?!

Beaucy: Why did you stop me? They were as good as minced meat.

Cacow : This isn't what you truly want. I can feel your heart wavering.

Cacow : You see yourself in Noenne, don't you?

Noenne: Wha-whut-uh?!

Cacow : A long time ago, Beaucy wanted to become a singing and dancing idol like you.

Beaucy: Cacow!

Beaucy: So what if I did? I've moo-ved on to greener pastures. I'm proud of the gravure idol I am today.

Beaucy: Clinging to old dreams like that is for fools.

Cacow : Yet a part of you still yearns for it. You pretend not to see it, but deep down, you know I speak true.

Cacow : I remember how shocked you were when Noenne joined the BRASS without a single song in her repertoire.

Cacow : That shock only compounded when you discovered her in another world, in possession of newfound song and power, despite losing in the BRASS...

Stella: In other words, a part of Beaucy wishes she could've been Noenne.

Cacow: Exactly. She can't help but wonder if being a traditional idol could've been in the cards for her, no matter how much struggle it would've been.

Beaucy: You're wrong! This is complete and utter bull! I have no regrets! I'll destroy ALL idols!

Cacow : Then why did you pose for the Oculus with pride.

Cacow : Why did you chase idols across different worlds?

Cacow : You know the answer, and so do I.

Cacow : You believed in Noenne's potential, like a true fan waiting for her underground idol to make it big.

Beaucy: That's not... That can't be...

Alk: Huh? What's happening now?!

Beaucy: Impossible... The Cosmic Beasts were supposed to be completely sealed away!

Light: Wait, this isn't some kind of play to pull a fast one on us, is it?!

Cacow: Beaucy, this is undeniable proof. No matter how much you pretend otherwise, your heart has spoken. You don't want to put an end to idols. You want them to thrive.

Beaucy: ...I've been a complete ox-y moron.

Cacow : And they're off, in search of new idols.

Beaucy: Yeah... Once they find them, another BRASS will begin.

Beaucy: BRASS: the Sequel. Otherwise known as BRASSS

Alk: Is giving it another title really necessary...

Beaucy: Cacow, the day we made our contract, you said that there's no one way to be an idol.

Cacow: Because it's true. Whatever route you choose, be it gravure, underground, traditional... even as an instrument of war.. you're all prime cuts in your own ways.

Cacow : Idols should be free...

Beaucy: To graze wherever they please...

Beaucy: Maybe this time, I'll try to be both a gravure and traditional type idol. Two is better than one, after all.

Cacow : Of course. Go do whatever your heart desires.

Beaucy: Hmm... What if I rebranded myself like this...

Noenne: Cowdy, teehee!

Noenne: Ugh, CRINGE.

Alk: Err, I'm happy you figured yourself out, but can I go home now?