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"Cowdy. I'm Beaucy, the idol representing Oxton. It's a pleasure to meet you. The BRASS? Oh, I'm putting an end to that."

"Thank you, Cacow. And thank you, as well. The Chateaubrilliand Duo will take the idol world by storm, and you'll have front row seats to it all."

"I'll put an end to the BRASS and all idols... For my sake, and mine alone."

"So this place is called Starview Village? How strange. I sense no Cosmic Energy here, but something else extremely powerful instead."

"Cacow and I are known as the Chateaubrilliand Duo. We are a team, through and through. I would've never become a top idol alone."

"My mind is clear. From this point onward, I'm sure I'll fall even more udderly in love with idols."

"Alk's cooking is marvelous, as well as nutritionally balanced. I'll eat anything, but Cacow favors steak."

"I've got my coat, fan, towel, and light sticks... Hehe, yes, I'm fully ready to attend the concert."