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Episode 1
Drifting Fist

Barrek has a post-match drink after defeating another chump. There, he encounters a boy and a beastfolk who ask him for his autograph. The beastfolk, who turns out to be from the same desert planet as Barrek, invites the street fighter to accompany them on their journey. He agrees, as it strikes him as the perfect opportunity to fight stronger opponents.

Fighter: Stronger. I must get stronger.

Fighter: That's the only reason I've kept fighting this long.

Fighter: Can you make me stronger?

Alk: What's going on here?

Man: Ah, you're in luck, young man! The one and only Barrek is just about to finish off his opponent!

Referee: And the victor iiiis, Barrek!

Barrek: Was that all you could muster? Disappointing.

Man: Damn it... I couldn't even touch him.

Barrek: Someone get this failure some medical attention.

Man: Did you see that?! Ahaha! That's the former champ for ya!

Alk: Nimbus, he seems incredibly powerful.

Nimbus: Yeah... He's got one hell of a right hook.

Man: You can say that again!

Man: But what else did you expect from Barrek? He's king of the mountain when it comes to the pro fighting world!

Man: They say that he relaxes at a local tavern after his matches, but I'm too nervous to go check it out myself...

Man: Ah! But you young bucks could do it for me! Please, will you go and get his autograph for this old coot?

Alk: Excuse me, you're Barrek, aren't you? Could we have your autograph?

Barrek: Hm? Sure, kid. But on one condition.

Barrek: Don't go telling people where you found me.

Barrek: I've had my fill of sorry-ass fighters challenging me out of nowhere.

Nimbus: I think I like this guy.

Alk: You were pretty awesome out there. How'd you get that strong, anyway?

Barrek: Simple. I kept on fighting. There's no shortcuts or anything.

Barrek: But it helps to have higher stakes when it comes to training.

Barrek: Unlike that chump from before, it looks like you already know that. Wanna fight?

Alk: Oh, man! I really wish we could, but look at the time...

Barrek: Hmph. Just say you're not up to it.

Barrek: How about you, Hellcat of the Dunes? You wanna rumble?

Nimbus: Wait, how do you know that name? Could you be...

Alk: From the desert?!

Nimbus: Would explain a lot. Fighting on top of sand hones your body. Besides, I've fought someone who moves just like him...

Nimbus: Though that man was a hired killer...

Barrek: You've found me out. These fists WERE tempered for assassination.

Barrek: But YOUR fists made me the man I am today. Our fight brought me here, to the Endless Blue, and led me to my title in the ring.

Nimbus: Huh? So when did you drift to this world?

Barrek: Hm. Was fifteen years ago...

Barrek: It's a long story. If we're not going to duel, then let's at least have a seat together. I want to hear YOUR story first.

Barrek: I see. So you're on a world-flipping adventure.

Barrek: Sounds fun. I bet I could find incredible opponents if I went off-world.

Alk: Aheh... That's not really the point of our journey...

Barrek: No life is complete without a worthy rival. I'm jealous you guys get to actually seek one out.

Nimbus: You could come with, you know.

Barrek: Hell yeah.

Alk: Wait, don't I get a say?!

Nimbus: He's eager to fight. He could help us get rid of all those unsavory sorts who keep pesterin' us.

Barrek: If you've got enemies, I've got solutions. Two of 'em, in fact.

Alk: Haven't you guys ever tried to settle your problems through talking first?!

Alk: But fine... I know when I'm outmatched.

Alk: Welcome to the crew, Barrek.

Barrek: It's a pleasure.

Barrek: Now let's get a move on. I'm itching for some trouble.

Episode 2
Destructive Fist

Barrek returns to his hometown after fifteen years, where he encounters Cas, his old friend. Cas reveals that he's planning to assassinate the local lord, which was Barrek's former goal. However, the brawler decides to defy Cas when he learns that his old friend will employ child assassins to strike at the lord.

Barrek: Has it already been fifteen years?

Alk: I thought you said your hometown was located here. I don't see anything.

Nimbus: The dunes shift over time; anything could be hiding under the sand. That or the king's troops found this place first.

Barrek: Either way, my home is gone...

Barrek: That sounds like battle!

Troop Leader: Ah, fudge pops! I swear there are more golems in this desert than cactuses!

Troop Leader: Look alive, boys! We have to stop this ancient hunk of rock!

Barrek: Gyaaaah!

Alk: Barrek, no! Oh, wait. He's already got it handled...

Barrek: Disappointing. It looked far stronger.

Barrek: C'mon. There's nothing left for me in this world now.

Troop Leader: Barrek! Is it really you?

Cas: It's me! Cas! You remember me, right? We used to train together!

Barrek: Wait, YOU'RE Cas?

Cas: You're a sight for sore eyes! I thought we'd seen the last of you fifteen years ago.

Cas: But here you are with the Hellcat of the Dunes!

Cas: I heard from traveling entertainers that you got into a scuffle down south. Killed two nobles and all.

Barrek: Let the past rest. We've got the present to talk about, don't we?

Cas: Heh, my bad. It was the first thing that came to mind. But the fact that you've come now, it's like you were sent from above.

Cas: We're on a mission, you see. We've been charged with assassinating this domain's lord.

Cas: It's finally time to fulfill our dearest wish. It's what we were raised to do.

Cas: After our village was destroyed, it took us fifteen years to put this plan together. We won't have a chance like this again, Barrek!

Barrek: You couldn't even handle that golem. How are you going to take down the lord?

Cas: You took care of that dumb construct before we could make a move. Here, check out our new team.

Cas: Say hello to our newest assassins, trained specifically for this job. And they're even better than you, Barrek.

Cas: They'll sneak in as musicians and do the deed while he's sleeping.

Nimbus: Of all the underhanded... You're going to use kids as assassins?!

Alk: Barrek, we can't go along with this!

Barrek: They stay out of it. My answer is already made up.

Barrek: And that answer—to your disappointment, Cas—is that I also won't be joining you.

Cas: But we've waited so long for this chance. Do you really want to throw it away?

Cas: We're finally strong enough to take him out! That's why we've survived all this time!

Barrek: I didn't train this much to be just a killer.

Barrek: Forgive me, my friend.

Barrek: Where do you think you're going?

Nimbus: I can't take it anymore. I've gotta go stop those punks.

Alk: I knew it.

Alk: But you could ask us to come with you instead of assuming we'll stop you, you know.

Nimbus: Grrr, then why did you bother pretending to sleep?

Barrek: Pft. Pot, meet kettle.

Barrek: Well, it doesn't look like we'll have to walk very far to deal with this issue.

Barrek: Nothing to say?

Barrek: Is this how you do things now, Cas? Killing all your targets in their sleep?

Barrek: Pitiful.

Assassin Boy: Sister!

Nimbus: Hah. Guess he saw 'em coming! C'mon, Alk! Let's get in there!

Alk: Right!

Cas: Why? You're strong enough now... So why haven't you gotten our revenge yet?!

Barrek: There are better uses for strength, Cas.

Barrek: Back then, when we were willing to beat each other to a pulp... There was no sense in it.

Barrek: After all this time, why did you take up the fight again? What did you think it would prove?

Cas: No, this isn't happening!

Barrek: I'm done with the senseless killing.

Barrek: It ends today!

Assassin Girl: Oww... Huh?

Assassin Girl: Wake up! Quick!

Assassin Boy: Wh-where are we?

Barrek: I defeated Cas.

Barrek: This is a land far, far away from the desert. If you want to return one day and get your revenge, then you'll stay here and survive.

Barrek: Fight, grow stronger, and survive. Then you will understand the value of not only your own lives, but of those you take, as well.

Assassin Girl: Wait! Who are you?

Barrek: Call me Barrek. When the time comes, we'll have our rematch.

Episode 3
Unbeatable Fist

After rescuing the children from Cas, Barrek wants to teach them how to become stronger, but his teaching methods prove to be too much for them. Light advises him to try a less physical approach. Barrek becomes a surprisingly effective teacher, even gaining new insights about his own abilities.

Barrek: Let's begin!

Alk: On your mark!

Barrek: Hyaaaah!

Barrek: Ah! I should've held back!

Alk: Oof...

Barrek: Forgive me, Alk! Wake up! Please don't die on me!

Nimbus: The hell are you two doing?

Barrek: I'm truly sorry...

Nimbus: Well, just answer me one thing. Why did you two decide to start running drills out of nowhere?

Nimbus: Normally you're content enough to fight training dummies alone. You're all, "die this!" and "murder that!"

Barrek: Hm. I do NOT say stuff like that.

Nimbus: You sure do.

Stella: I, too, have heard you.

Light: Me three...

Barrek: Fine, I guess I should change my battle taunts. It looks like I need even MORE training.

Nimbus: That's not at all what I meant... Why were you punching the stuffing out of Alk anyway?

Barrek: I needed to learn how to instruct others.

Alk: You wanted to learn how to teach those two assassin children, right?

Nimbus: Are you sure you should be up and moving right now?

Alk: Maybe not. It feels like an elephant is sitting on my head.

Light: Wait, we have assassin children in our care? Or do you mean those two kids that Barrek placed in hiding?

Nimbus: Yeah, those runts. He said he'd go meet 'em when the time is right. So I guess he's thinking sooner rather than later?

Barrek: Yeah...

Alk: Honestly... He's already been visiting them on occasion.

Barrek: Bring it!

Barrek: Hyaaah!

Barrek: Raaaah!

Barrek: Too fragile.

Alk: So, yeah, he's been a bit too strict.

Nimbus: "Too fragile?!" Maybe you should hold back a bit, huh?!

Barrek: Hmm...

Barrek: But if you don't put your entire soul into your strike, how will your opponent know you're being serious?

Barrek: When I was in my youth, I was utterly defeated by a single blow. It destroyed my ego.

Alk: Right, and what happened after that?

Barrek: For three days and nights, I was on the verge of death.

Alk: EXACTLY! Pull back already!

Barrek: Point taken...

Light: Perhaps you should take a less physical route?

Light: Putting these children in harm's way seems counterproductive. At least you wouldn't risk bodily harm from a lecture.

Barrek: Would that be effective?

Stella: Let us try.

Barrek: Lower your stance a bit, Alk. There. Good form.

Barrek: Stella, your movements look more coordinated already. Keep it up.

Barrek: Maybe try going a little... Ah, never mind. You're doing great.

Light: I thought you would be a terrible instructor, but I'm glad to be wrong.

Barrek: I'm a bit surprised myself.

Barrek: By vocalizing my techniques, I'm gaining a better understanding of my own capability.

Barrek: Thank you. It feels as though I've discovered a new way to increase my skill.

Light: Always the stoic one, aren't you?

Barrek: Besides, I benefit from both Alk and Stella becoming better fighters.

Barrek: There's an opponent that I must face one day. And when I do, it will be best if we're all prepared.

Light: Whoever could it be? I can't imagine Alk or Stella getting wrapped up in your affairs.

Barrek: It's you, Light. The mythical hero.

Barrek: Your eyes speak of your true strength, the depth of your combat experience. You must be stronger than me. Or am I wrong?

Light: Your martial arts are beyond regular human levels. YOU must be the better fighter.

Barrek: But ONLY in terms of martial arts. Do you think a few skilled punches would be enough to take you down?

Light: Probably not. My power comes from a divine source. It would be like pitting a house cat against a wolf.

Barrek: That's exactly the kind of challenge I crave. I won't ever get stronger resting on my laurels.

Barrek: Promise me, Light, that once you've finished your quest, you'll duel me the very next evening!

Light: I take it back. You're not stoic; you're downright crazy!

Light: But, very well. You have my word. After I have bested the Lord of Shadow, I will defeat you next.

Barrek: Hahahaha! Alk! It's sparring time! Ready your blade! Here I come!

Alk: Ahh! Not again!