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"Name's Barrek. I'm after strong opponents, and that's it. Pleasure's mine."

"I thought getting stronger meant fighting worthy opponents. But, thanks to you, I see there are other paths too!"

"An unknown foe in an unfamiliar world, eh? Bring it on. That's exactly what I need to get stronger."

"Human or monster, it doesn't make any difference. I'll demolish anybody who stands in my way."

"I'm just getting started! I'll get even faster, even stronger! I won't rest until my lightning-quick fists can destroy anyone!"

"After you're done with the Lord of Shadow, you're going to have a bout against me, Hero of Legend. You promised!"

"Stella, don't widen your stance. You lose power like that. That being said, it is nice to see you apply some technique to your morning stretches."

"Hmm. What kind of things do kids even like? Answering that question is more difficult than fighting monsters."