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Episode 1
The Crimson Fang

While Alk and co. are in the Kaleidoscope gathering elemental gems, they run into Zeta. Zeta explains that the Society has ordered her to periodically check in on this world, in case more primal beasts appear. She then asks to stay in Starview whenever she's over.

Light: Does anyone else hear that? Could someone be fighting nearby?

Nimbus: Sounds like it's coming closer.

???: Raaaaagh!

Zeta: Oh! Hey there, didn't expect to run into you guys so soon! Talk about great timing!

Stella: Zeta?

Alk: Wh-what're you doing here?!

Zeta: I'd love to give you an explanation, but...

Zeta: Sorry, could you help me clean this up first?

Nimbus: Doesn't seem like we can say no anyway!

Zeta: Guess I can be frank since you're already in the know: I'm here on Society business.

Light: That is the organization you're a part of, yes? The one that hunts primal beasts?

Zeta: Exactly. You remember the trouble we had when those primal beasts from our world got sucked into yours?

Zeta: That hole they came through is still open. That's how I got here.

Light: If that's the case... Are you implying that more primal beasts might appear in our world?

Zeta: Possibly, but even if they do, I bet it won't be that often. Still, the higher-ups are kinda worried about any further incidents.

Zeta: This world's not properly equipped to handle primal beasts, so contractors like me will be checking in on things occasionally.

Nimbus: Then you're here just on lookout duty? No other jobs or anything?

Zeta: Yeah. Honestly, I see this as mostly a vacation, all things considered.

Alk: Time to kick back and relax?

Zeta: You betcha. I'm gonna squeeze out as much fun as I can out of this!

Zeta: Speaking of which, mind letting me crash in Starview while I'm here?

Alk: Not at all!

Stella: We welcome you, Zeta.

Zeta: Thanks a bunch! I really lucked out running into you guys so quickly.

Zeta: By the way, if you ever need any help with anything, don't be a stranger. You scratch my back, I scratch yours!

Zeta: That reminds me. You guys were gathering these, right?

Zeta: Take it. Hopefully it covers at least some of my living expenses.

Alk: SOME? You could probably afford a fancy hotel for weeks with this much!

Nimbus: Haha, you're really something else, huh?

Adventurers: Excuse me, we couldn't help but overhear... Did you say YOU gathered all those elemental gems?

Adventurers: That's amazing! You know, someone skilled like you should join us!

Zeta: Eh, sorry, I'll pass. I'm already spoken for.

Adventurers: You sure? We're actually pretty famous around these parts. Got connections and stuff you could use.

Zeta: I don't care what's on the table- I'm with this crew.

Zeta: I won't ditch them for any amount of money or info you've got on offer.

Zeta: So take good care of me, guys!

Stella: We will.

Alk: How's a welcoming party sound? Is there anything in particular you'd like to eat?

Nimbus: Talk about a harsh rejection. You sure you're fine sticking with us?

Zeta: Of course I am. There's no replacing someone you can count on to cover your back, you know?

Zeta: Trust isn't something money can buy. Besides, I know you're reliable on the battlefield, AND you seem like you can handle Bea when she's being stupid.

Nimbus: That's the part the matters to you?

Zeta: Not just that. Seriously, the Society could use people like you.

Zeta: How about it, Alk? If you join us, you'll have access to cool weapons like mine and awesome coworkers to show you the ropes.

Alk: U-uh, I'm not sure I'd be the best candidate...

Zeta: Hey now, none of that. Or are you saying I've got faulty judgement?

Alk: ...Sorry, you're right. I shouldn't put myself down like that. The offer's appreciated, but...

Alk: I've still got things I need to do here.

Zeta: Yeah, I figured as much. It was worth a shot, though.

Alk: At the very least, I'll help out whenever you need a hand in our world. Promise.

Zeta: Yeah? I'll definitely be taking you up on that offer...

Zeta: Starting with finding us something nice to eat. Then you can introduce me to all the best shopping areas around, and... What else...

Light: Your immediate request is for a tour?!

Alk: And one that's going to be long, by the sound of it...

Nimbus: Good luck, pal. You're gonna need it.

Zeta: Come on, you can't expect me to work hard without playing hard too.

Stella: This sounds like it will be a lot of fun.

Zeta: Stella gets it!

Zeta: Now come on! Let's get this vacation started!

Episode 2
A Day with Stella

Zeta takes Stella with her for a day of shopping and gathering info. Two suspicious adventurers try to rob the Spear of Arvess from Zeta, but she puts them in their place. Afterward, she resumes her shopping trip with Stella.

Zeta: Stella, what do you think about this one?

Stella: I don't understand. Why does everyone always recommend clothes with insufficient surface area to cover one's body?

Zeta: Don't you think this looks cute though? Actually, judging by that reaction, maybe not...

Zeta: Are there any stores around here that you're into? I'd love to give them a look too.

Stella: ...I thought you were supposed to be working today.

Zeta: It's fiiine, don't worry about it. Unlike back home, there's no one here breathing down my neck. Besides, I'm not completely slacking off. Watch this.

Zeta: Storekeeper, you got a moment?

Zeta: Hmm... Town's been relatively quiet lately, then?

Bartender: You got it. No reports of anything strange or sketchy. Just some rare peace and quiet.

Bartender: Anyway, your order's ready. Always appreciate you stopping by!

Zeta: Thanks! I'll be sure to drop by again sometime!

Zeta: You see now? I'm still working, even if it might not look like it.

Zeta: Merchants are a great way to gather info, since they travel around a lot and always have their ears to the ground.

Stella: I see.

Zeta: Back home, there's this one particular merchant I deal with all the time... But it's almost scary how her eyes and ears are everywhere...

Stella: Isn't this your food?

Zeta: Nope, it's yours. Consider it thanks for keeping me company today.

Zeta: Work hard, play hard, remember? I always get the job done, but on the flipside, I'll take advantage of any downtime I have.

Stella: Enjoying yourself is important.

Boorish Adventurer: Hey there, ladies. Out grabbin' info?

Suspicious Adventurer: Have I got the juicy scoop for you. Follow me, and I'll show you something you won't want to miss.

Zeta: Oh yeah?

Zeta: Stella, you head back first. I'll go see what this is about.

Boorish Adventurer: Over here!

Zeta: All right, I know a scam when I see one. What's this really about?

Boorish Adventurer: Heh, you followed us knowing this was a setup? You've got some guts.

Suspicious Adventurer: That spear of yours looks like it'd sell for a pretty penny.

Suspicious Adventurer: Hand it over, and nobody's gonna get hurt.

Zeta: *sigh* I figured as much.

Zeta: At least you had the decency not to take my friend hostage, I'll give you that.

Zeta: But if you think you can take me out because there's two of you and only one of me, you've got another thing coming.

Adventurers: Eep!

Zeta: Neither of you stand a chance against Arvess. If you know what's good for you, you'll cut your losses and run.

Stella: Zeta?

Zeta: Stella?! What are you doing here?

Stella: I was worried.

Boorish Adventurer: Grab her!

Stella: Are you all right, Zeta?

Zeta: ...Pffft, hahaha! That's what I should be asking you!

Zeta: But I appreciate the concern. I'm actually kinda touched.

Zeta: I gave you a chance to turn tail and run.

Zeta: Now you've gone and threatened my friend. I hope you're ready for your just deserts.

Suspicious Adventurer: Oh y-yeah? We'll show you!

Zeta: The only thing you'll be showing me is your sorry faces buried in the ground!

Zeta: That'll teach you to mess with Arvess and me. Now get out of my sight.

Adventurers: Aahhh!

Zeta: Sheesh, talk about putting yourself right in the middle of it all. You're not used to fighting, right?

Zeta: Next time, leave everything to me. The last thing I want is for you to get hurt on my behalf.

Stella: Okay...

Zeta: I gotta say though, you moved impressively fast. Don't tell me you've been hiding some secret fighting skills this whole time.

Stella: No, not fighting skills. I can't fight, because that involves moving my arms and legs at the same time.

Stella: However, I am used to acting quickly to protect myself and avoid injury.

Zeta: Only evasive maneuvers in your arsenal, huh? Still, that was pretty awesome.

Stella: You were awesome too.

Zeta: Want to go for some more shopping? I could really use another round of stress relief after that.

Zeta: Don't wanna end today on a sour note either.

Stella: In that case, I want to shop for your clothes this time, Zeta.

Zeta: Ohhh, that's a good idea! Choose an outfit for me!

Zeta: I don't mind showing a bit of skin, so go wild.

Stella: I see. I'll take that into consideration.

Zeta: Sweet, I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Episode 3
Proof of Strength

Tracking down the merchant who had ordered the adventurers to steal the Spear of Arvess, Zeta attempts to pry information out of him about his employer. She defeats his monsters and takes him in, but unfortunately doesn't find any new leads. Undeterred, she confidently proclaims she's ready to take on this new threat with Alk and co, by her side.

Zeta: Hold it right there!

Thief: Rgh... Get your hands offa me!

Zeta: For a cornered thief with no way out, you've got some nerve.

Zeta: You're gonna tell me why you were after Arvess.

Guild Knight: Thank you for apprehending yet another criminal, Zeta!

Alk: I see you're earning a name for yourself even with the Guild Knights.

Zeta: Guess so. I'm not surprised I caught their eye, considering how knights work.

Zeta: Once upon a time, I used to be a bigshot in an order of knights... Had to leave when things didn't work out though.

Zeta: The lord of that territory wanted me to be his adopted daughter, and I said no.

Zeta: Found out later that other stuff was going on, but eh, I don't think the knight life was really for me anyway.

Alk: Whoa... If things had turned out differently, would you have become a noble?

Nimbus: Heh, imagine that. We could've been calling you Lady Zeta. Heck, maybe someday you would've been... Princess Zeta.

Zeta: Okay, never call me that again!

Pur Lilie: Hello, everyone! I have good news!

Zeta: Ah, Lilie. Did you find something?

Zeta: I should probably explain, huh? You know how someone tried to steal Arvess? Something felt off about that whole situation.

Zeta: This place is more than used to finding weapons from other world, so why was that guy so insistent on trying to get mine?

Pur Lilie: Zeta asked me to look into it, and it turns out she was right to be suspicious.

Pur Lilie: Honestly, half of this is probably the Guild higher-ups' fault...

Pur Lilie: Since Zeta's weapon is considered a cryptic artifact.

Zeta: What? Why?

Pur Lilie: Because it's a mysterious and super dangerous weapon from another world.

Pur Lilie: The Guild's supposed to be keeping artifacts like that under lock and key, but apparently a bunch of them are floating round the black market...

Zeta: ...Guess no matter what world you're in, there's always some organization keeping track of everything.

Pur Lilie: The higher-ups were actually happy someone's trying to steal your lance.

Pur Lilie: That way, they could have you raid the criminals instead...

Zeta: How convenient for them, then. I'm about to teach these thieves a lesson.

Zeta: No one messes with Arvess and gets away with it.

Alk: We'll help too, Zeta.

Nimbus: Yeah, can't let you hog all the glory.

Zeta: Thanks, guys!

Alk: That's the shop of the merchant trying to steal Arvess, right?

Zeta: It still strikes me as weird that this merchant was ballsy enough to bypass the Guild and hire adventurers on his own.

Nimbus: We can pry more info outta him once we grab his ass.

Zeta: All right, here we go.

Alk: Nothing here, huh?

Zeta: Must've run away? But I feel like he purposely led us here...

Nimbus: Wait, I smell something!

Zeta: Everyone, get your weapons out!

Guild Knight: Gah! Where did they come from?!

Zeta: Damn, so it was a trap all along!

Merchant: That's right! This is how the brains of an operation fights- through clever strategy!

Merchant: Oh, that spear is simply marvelous! Its elegance is wasted on ruffians like you.

Merchant: Why don't you save yourself a beating, and hand it over? I'll show you how to properly use it!

Zeta: ...Yeah, no, that's IT.

Merchant: Wh-what... Why is it glowing?!

Zeta: You think you know how to wield Arvess better than me? Gimme a break. You didn't even recognize I was holding back.

Zeta: But I guess I can go all out now that I'm fighting monsters and not people.

Zeta: Arvess chose me for a reason- and I'm about to show you why.

Merchant: Y-you think you're better than me? I'll put you in your place! Kill her! Kill them all!

Alk: We've got your back!

Nimbus: Give 'em hell, Zeta!

Zeta: You know I will!

Zeta: Spear of Arvess! Give form to my faith and become a piercing fang!

Zeta: Time to spit out everything you know about the people who hired you.

Merchant: E-eek!

Alk: In the end, you didn't get any solid evidence?

Pur Lilie: Unfortunately... It seems like he was meant to be used and abandoned from the start.

Zeta: Doesn't matter to me. I'll give them a good beating whenever they want. Bring it on.

Nimbus: Haha, nothing fazes you, huh?

Pur Lilie: In other news, the Guild Knights have officially sent out an invitation for you to join them.

Pur Lilie: Since the case is still open, they're hoping to form a team to tackle the issue.

Zeta: While I'm flattered, I'm afraid I'll have to pass.

Zeta: I'm already part of an organization I can't leave... And I have my own trusty team right here.

Zeta: You said you've got my back, right?

Alk: Always!