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Episode 1
Enter Zantetsu!

When Alk and co. infiltrate a Defaulter base, they encounter a mysterious android named Zantetsu, who is obsessed with being a "ninja samurai." Desperate to join the group, Zantetsu begs Alk to let him accompany them. His pleas answered, he heads to Starview Village with the gang.

Alk: Damn... There's a lot of them. So the rumors about the Defaulter base were true.

Nimbus: Getting caught there'd be a recipe for disaster. Let's get this over with.

Alk: ...Strange. I thought there were supposed to be Updaters taken prisoner here?

Nimbus: Maybe the lead about all those disappearances was just wrong?

Mysterious Voice: ...ward.

Mysterious Voice: Straight... ah...

Nimbus: I don't like the look of this... What's our next move?

Alk: Let's go check it out. They might be asking for help.

Alk: So there was someone here! Hold on, we'll call for backup-

Samurai-esque Android: Bah! Your concern is most unneeded!

Samurai-esque Android: Haiyah!

Samurai-esque Android: The strength of entire armies dwells within my sword- the hyper-oscillating Zantetsu Blade!

Alk: H-huh? Wait a minute, with powers like that, how did you even get caught in the first place?

Security Droid: The Updater has escaped! Deploy security squads immediately!

Security Droid: You're surrounded. Lay down your weapons at once and-

Samurai-esque Android: With a flash, I strike-

Samurai-esque Android: Behold the technique of the mecha ninja samurai- the Moonslash of the Mists!

Alk: Th-that was a bit overkill, wasn't it?

Security Droid: G-gah... You...

Alk: Oh, they survived. Go figure.

Security Droid: Alert! Emergency underway! Do NOT let the prisoner escape!

Nimbus: Crap. What do we do now?

Samurai-esque Android: Every word of deliberation is breath wasted- we shall cut our way through. Trust in my blade!

Samurai-esque Android: Hah-hah! And with that, our enemy fades from sight. A victory earned with ease.

Alk: Uh-huh... Would you mind explaining what just happened? Why did you get yourself captured intentionally?

Samurai-esque Android: Hah-hah! I was but investigating the Updater disappearances, same as you. Getting captured merely expedited the process.

Samurai-esque Android: You will be pleased to hear that I rescued the poor abducted souls prior to your arrival, Lord Alk.

Nimbus: Wait. Why the hell do you know his name?

Samurai-esque Android: Whatever do you mean, Lord Nimbus? That is but trivial information to one as knowledgeable as me.

Samurai-esque Android: Indeed, the truth is clear as day- you are wayfarers from a distant world!

Alk: And what exactly is your endgame here?

Samurai-esque Android: A prudent question- one which will be answered promptly!

Zantetsu: My true name is Code Cracker, though the people know me by another name- ZANTETSU, ninja samurai and warrior of justice.

Zantetsu: I have but one singular objective: to embark on a journey with you!

Nimbus: All that just for an off-world vacation? Seriously?

Zantetsu: You are the heroes who laid low the Administrator and saved our world! I wish to join your ranks and be a wandering warrior!

Alk: You knew about that too, huh...

Zantetsu: I trust that serves as ample proof of the vast extent of my abilities? Well? Does it?!

Alk: I, uh... I mean... Nimbus, what do you think?

Nimbus: A robot ninja samurai... Smells awful suspicious to me, but whatever. You decide.

Zantetsu: I see it writ plain in your eyes- you harbor doubt. In that case, I have no choice but to use my trump card...

Zantetsu: Please take me! Please take me! Please take me! PLEASE, PLEASE! I BEG YOU, PLEASE TAKE ME WITH YOU!

Alk: Y-you don't need to have to throw yourself at my feet like that! Stop bowing!

Zantetsu: This is the perfect chance to realize my only dream- and to pen the next chapter in the swashbuckling epic of this humble ninja samurai!

Zantetsu: In the name of all that is good and honorable in this world, I beg of you! HAVE MERCY ON THIS BUNDLE OF METAL AND CODE!

Zantetsu: A village suspended in the air... And... are those worlds? A scene that beggars belief!

Zantetsu: At long last, I have arrived... to a world just like that of the motion pictures I adore!

Zantetsu: Wh-what?! Lord Alk! Could it be... Are there real samurai and ninja among your ranks?!

Alk: Uh, y-yeah. We've got a couple of those, sure.

Zantetsu: To think the day would come when I could behold a TRUE ninja or samurai... Be still, my whirring processor!

Alk: Where did you even hear about samurai and ninja, Zantetsu?

Zantetsu: From movies, of course! And manga. ...And anime.

Alk: O-oh. Well, that's cool, I guess.

Zantetsu: Do not misunderstand! I am no mere HOBBYIST. I have studied the blade rigorously, all to become the best ninja samurai there ever was!

Zantetsu: And... my work is a matter of historical preservation! I wished to... recover data previously lost in the inferno that engulfed our world.

Zantetsu: First, I must make haste to your library! No, perhaps an interview with a real-life ninja or samurai is in order first?

Zantetsu: Or maybe an excursion? This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see the world to which I have devoted every fiber of my being!

Nimbus: Starting to regret bringing this one along yet?

Alk: Erm... Well, at least he'll keep us on our toes.

Zantetsu: It is done! My decision has been made. Lords Alk and Nimbus- pray accompany me!

Episode 2
The Spirit of a Hero

Zantetsu, wishing to consider himself a hero and protector of the weak, is surprised when he sees Stella jump in to save a group of villagers from monsters without any regard for her own safety. Recognizing in her the spirit of the ninja samurai, he begins to grow doubtful of his own motivations.

Burly Bandit: Heh. There's no use resisting. You're just wasting your breath.

Slim Man: G-gah...

Kind Woman: P-please... Whatever you do, at least spare our lives!

Burly Bandit: Gahahah! We'll see if I'm feeling generous- but no promises!

Zantetsu: Not another move!

Zantetsu: TEN- the heavens shake- CHI- the earth bellows- JIN- man cries out. Together, they beckon me to cleanse the world of evil!

Zantetsu: Hear me, villains! You cannot escape the destiny that awaits you at the edge of my hyper-oscillating blade!

Zantetsu: My name is Zantetsu- warrior of justice! Prepare to receive your judgment!

Burly Bandit: Who the hell is this weirdo? What're you waiting for? Take him out already!

Zantetsu: Taste my blade, fiends!

Slim Man: Ahhh!

Zantetsu: Are you unhurt? Flee this place while you have the chance!

Slim Man: Y-yes... We shall. Thank you for your help, great clockwork samurai!

Kind Woman: We are forever in your debt!

Alk: Oh, is it already over? That was fast...

Zantetsu: But of course! Opportunities are to be seized, not brooded over. The next soul in need awaits us, after all!

Stella: Someone needs our help? Where?

Zantetsu: I know not! But if we search, we are bound to find them!

Nimbus: Isn't that just poking our noses where they don't belong?

Zantetsu: Tsk, tsk, tsk! Of course not, Lord Nimbus.

Zantetsu: To expend all one's effort for the sake of the weak- without a moment's hesitation- is the very ESSENCE of a hero.

Zantetsu: Come! Let us away- swiftly, as the wind.

Stella: Okay.

Nimbus: All that looking and we found nothing...

Zantetsu: Hmm... Most unfortunate, yes.

Slim Man: What ever do you mean? It is most fortuitous that we were able to meet again, honorable samurai. Please. stay for dinner-

Zantetsu: That sound... Brigands, perhaps?!

Burly Bandit: So, you lowlives went and hired bodyguards, did you?

Burly Bandit: Consider this your punishment for going against us! Men, attack!

Zantetsu: Not another move!

Zantetsu: Showing not a grain of remorse, you deign to harm innocents again? My blade shall teach you the discipline you sorely lack!

Burly Bandit: Gah, that freak samurai again! This is a job for you, Gonzaburo!

Zantetsu: With a flash, I strike-

Burly Bandit: Hahaha! You thought a simple blade was going to work on Gonzaburo? Think again!

Fleeing Villager: Ahh!

Zantetsu: To endanger the lives of innocents so... Gonzaburo! You are truly a fiend most vile!

Zantetsu: Ugh... You... shall...

Fleeing Villager: Urk... *gurgle*

Zantetsu: ...?!

Nimbus: What the hell are you standing around for?! Finish the damn blob off already!

Burly Bandit: Nooo! G-Gonzaburo!

Nimbus: Seriously, Stella, you've gotta cut it out with these reckless stunts...

Stella: I'm okay. Zantetsu was here with me.

Alk: At least she didn't get injured or anything!

Zantetsu: M-most astonishing... Lady Stella... Perhaps you too have the wherewithal to be a ninja samurai!

Zantetsu: I must encourage you to hone this latent skill! If you wish, I could even school you in the fundamentals.

Zantetsu: Then you will be an ally of justice in both mind and body! What say you?!

Stella: I would like to hear more about it.

Nimbus: A samurai ninja lecture done by Sir Dorksalot? That's gonna be a hard pass for me.

Alk: To be honest, it does sound pretty cool. It's probably worth a listen.

Zantetsu: Excellent. The way of the ninja samurai is one of eternal adoration of peace. Our supreme duty is to help those in need.

Zantetsu: To protect the weak, we must be willing to endure even great pains to our bodies. That is the spirit of Yamato!

Zantetsu: No matter the hour, no matter the peril, it is our duty to strive and fight until the bitter end- to ensure that not a soul is left behind!

Stella: Okay. I will strive and fight.

Zantetsu: But a ninja samurai is not merely powerful! They must be ever- vigilant- and all the while remain unshakable and composed.

Zantetsu: After committing to their most honorable mission, they must never falter, never lose their way. They will always choose the righteous path!

Stella: Okay. I won't lost my way.

Zantetsu: Lady Stella, if you can take these teachings to heart, then you too can become a ninja samurai.

Zantetsu: ...

Zantetsu: But perhaps... it was foolish of me to assume I needed to impart this upon you.

Zantetsu: The soul of a hero already burns strong within you! I preach to a believer!

Zantetsu: I implore you- use the spirit of the ninja samurai that rests inside you for the betterment of others!

Stella: Okay. I will try.

Zantetsu: Excellent, excellent. Well then, I must be off to patrol! If you'll excuse me.

Stella: Alk.

Alk: ...Yeah.

Zantetsu: Another successful mission. Operating like this in secret truly is the way of the-

Zantetsu: Of the... ninja samurai. And yet I wonder...

Zantetsu: Do I perhaps only do this... for the satisfaction it provides me?

Episode 3
This Path We Walk

Zantetsu is beset by doubts over how he prioritized the slaying of a monster over saving villagers, worrying that he may not be the same as the Zantetsu from the movies he so adores and idealizes. Alk provides Zantetsu with helpful advice that spurs the ninja samurai to not give up and continue fighting for his ideals.

Alk: Are you really sure I'm the right person to bring? Nimbus would make a much better sparring partner!

Zantetsu: No, no! Our training is no mere brawl! On the contrary, your presence is most needed, Alk.

Robust Woman: Take care of those vegetables for me, would you?

Robust Woman: My, you're so efficient, Zantetsu! Such a big help. Serve it up once it's simmered for a while.

Zantetsu: Understood! Hiyah!

Zantetsu: Would you care for a taste?

Alk: ...That's seriously good! Have you been practicing?

Zantetsu: Heheh. You flatter me. A dish like this is nothing!

Alk: So, why the interest in cooking all of a sudden?

Zantetsu: ...I wished to imitate you, Lord Alk. To broaden my horizons with the craft of cooking.

Zantetsu: That is what a hero should aspire to do, after all!

Alk: I'm honored to hear that, but... I don't know. Something about your reasoning feels off.

Zantetsu: ...Ah, is that so?

Sound from the Projection: Ha! Cry all you want- there is no one to help you! Rue your carelessness for the short remainder of your miserable life!

Sound from the Projection: Not another move! I am Zantetsu, ninja samurai and warrior of justice! Prepare to receive your judgement!

Alk: Is this one of the movies you were talking about?

Zantetsu: Indeed. I was overcome with a desire to watch it again. It's been a while since I last did so.

Alk: Pretty neat that you can just watch movies like that. Hey, aren't the actors in this all huamns?

Zantetsu: This is a movie from a time before androids existed- excavated from the melted earth created by the rains of fire that destroyed our world.

Zantetsu: Getting my hands on uncensored data like this was my specialty, you see.

Sound from the Projection: Hiyah!

Sound from the Projection: Thank you so much, Zantetsu!

Alk: I see... So the name, the persona, it's all from this movie?

Zantetsu: That it is! My origin... and my zenith.

Alk: You really are just like him.

Zantetsu: ...Is that so?

Zantetsu: One who seeks glory in the slaying of a monster instead of saving injured villagers? Am I truly like the great Zantetsu?

Alk: Leaving the monster alone wasn't an option at the time, though.

Zantetsu: And yet Lady Stella leapt into the fight to rescue them, risking all. I, on the other hand, chose to fight the monster.

Zantetsu: In the heat of the battle, that was the decision I made.

Alk: But that's not...

Zantetsu: In that very moment, I knew the truth- I am not a true ninja samurai.

Zantetsu: No, I am merely playing pretend- a droid content to change out body parts and pose as a hero.

Zantetsu: I'm nothing but a copy-pasted version of another. An imposter.

Alk: Is imitating others really that bad?

Zantetsu: It is! Of course.

Zantetsu: I cannot merely imitate. In order to become a true hero, one must change- adapt... That is why I started on this path to begin with.

Alk: I see...

Alk: Well, what are you going to do then?

Alk: Are you going to stop being a ninja samurai?

Zantetsu: I... That would...

Zantetsu: The truth is... I do not wish to give up.

Alk: Then don't!

Alk: If you keep going, you might find one day that you've actually changed!

Alk: Until that day, you keep working at it and continue your training. Just like the guy in the movie said!

Zantetsu: I am no warrior of justice... My heart is an empty vessel, desperate to be filled.

Zantetsu: Despite this, you would allow me to accompany you on your journey?

Alk: Of course! You know, we're not all that different. I'm missing something too- my memories.

Zantetsu: Urgh... *sniff*

Zantetsu: Lord Alk... It is an honor most great to be by your side. I am endlessly thankful.

Alk: Come on, you're exaggerating. It's no big deal! Let's do our best together, Zantetsu.

Troop Leader: I'll act as bait. You run while they're distracted!

Wizard: No! I would never do that! We have to leave together-

Troop Leader: Q-quickly... Run away!

Giant Monster: Groooaar!

Zantetsu: Not another move!

Zantetsu: I am Zantetsu, ninja samurai and warrior of justice! Prepare to receive your judgement!

Troop Leader: Y-you wiped them all out in one blow! Thank you, Mr. Zantetsu!

Alk: You were on fire today, you know. Are you feeling any better about... that thing we talked about before?

Zantetsu: I haven't the faintest idea!

Alk: Yeah, fair enough. Change doesn't come that quickly.

Zantetsu: I am blind to what the future holds for me...

Zantetsu: But no matter what lies waiting for me at the end of all these trails and tribulations, I shall face it head on.

Alk: That's the spirit!

Zantetsu: However long a time that may require, I implore you, Lord Alk: Walk this path with me.