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Episode 1
Sheeplish Interpreter

Alk and Stella tag along with Yuna for a day of quests. Although Yuna is concerned that her quests may seem boring to some, she believes helping those near you is the first step toward becoming a full-fledged adventurer.

Alk: One fresh pot, coming right up!

Stella: Thank you, Alk. The tea you brew always tastes a little better.

Alk: I also baked some cookies. They came out pretty good if I do say so myself.

Stella: I can see that—and quite a variety of flavors to analyze as well.

Alk: Analyze? I mean, they're mostly flour. You know, on carefree days like this—

Yuna: Alk! Stella!

Yuna: Let's go on a quest!

Alk: Wh-What's all of this out of nowhere?! More importantly, I was just about to—

Yuna: The Guild's put out a request! Come on, I bet it'll be fun if we all do it together!

Alk: H-hold on! I never said I'd go with— Hey! My... My tea and cookies...

Alk: I thought we'd be exploring a dungeon for treasure or involve something more... heroic.

Yuna: There's nothing unheroic about clean-up duty! Not to mention the pay isn't half bad.

Old Granny: We appreciate all you do for us, Yuna. I don't know what we'd do without you!

Yuna: No worries, ma'am! Whenever you need our services again, just put out the word!

Stella: Yuna, I've finished cleaning my area. There isn't a single speck of dust within this three-centimeter radius.

Alk: Well, now there's just one pristine spot...

Yuna: That'll do just fine, Stella! Now that we're done here, onto our next quest!

Alk: Wait... You mean we're not done yet?

Yuna: Nope! We've only just begun!

Sheep: Baa... Baaaaa!

Alk: So THIS is what you meant.

Stella: The sheep must all be shepherded into the barn by sunset. That's the quest.

Alk: They don't look like they wanna move at all...

Yuna: Oh yeah? If it's a mover you want, it's a mover you'll get!

Sheep: Baaa.

Yuna: Hmm... Yes, I see. Lovesick, you say? That's rough, buddy.

Alk: Wait, you can't actually understand them, can you?

Yuna: But you have to understand. Love... Love is a battlefield! So FIGHT with ALL of your heart!

Sheep: Baa... Baaaaa!

Alk: I can't believe you got them to move with such a hackneyed—wait, more importantly, you can talk to animals?!

Yuna: Huh? I mean, yeah. My dad taught me Sheeplish when I was a little girl.

Stella: I've never heard of such a language... Could you tell me more?

Yuna: Ahaha! I'm just pullin' your legs. I dunno, I guess I just kinda feel it out, you know? We raised a lot of sheep back where I'm from.

Alk: You can just... feel out... lovesickness?

Yuna: Anywho, it looks like we're almost done, so hang in there!

Alk: *pant* Phew... What a day, huh?

Yuna: Good work, everyone! Here's our pay for the day.

Alk: Whoa... I wasn't expecting to earn THIS much. Do you usually take on these types of jobs?

Yuna: Yup! Wait, that doesn't make me seem boring or something, does it?

Alk: The boring stuff's just as important too, you know! Like being in charge of food and, uh... being in charge of food!

Yuna: Y-yeah, you're right! Back home, my teacher used to say that helping those close to you comes first!

Stella: Your teacher back home?

Yuna: Yeah! Just someone I looked up to, you know? I wanted to become an adventurer just like him!

Alk: He sounds like a good person.

Yuna: You bet! He'd drop whatever he was doing to help a person need! What a badass, right?

Yuna: He had a great big belly laugh, and would always tell me not to sweat the small stuff.

Alk: So that's where that comes from.

Yuna: Anywho, thanks for today! And sorry if it was a little... boring compared to your usual action-packed stuff.

Stella: I had a great time, Yuna.

Alk: Not only that, look at all this cash!

Yuna: Heh... I knew I could count on you guys!

Stella: Perhaps next time you could teach me how to speak Sheeplish as well.

Yuna: Sure thing! I'll be counting on the both of ya!

Episode 2
Hammer of Justice

Yuna loses her temper when someone makes a discriminatory comment to Nimbus. After her outburst, she promptly gets to cleaning up the mess she made.

Yuna: Great job today, you guys! Bottoms up!

Alk: Cheers!

Nimbus: All right, all right... Let's not get too rowdy now.

Alk: I've gotta say, that trek through the ruins was no joke!

Yuna: Considering all the treasure we found, I'd say it was more than worth it! And I couldn't have done it without you guys!

Yuna: First round's on me, boys! Alk and I will be having juice, of course.

Greasy Goon: What's all this about, Yuna? You too good to hang out with us anymore?

Grimy Thug: Yeah, Yuna! How's about you treat us to a round too, eh?

Nimbus: Who the hell are these guys?

Yuna: Oh, hmm... I'm not sure if I have enough.

Alk: Wait, don't actually give them anything!

Grimy Thug: So yer broke after all, huh? Figured as much, seein' as yer always hangin' out with grannies!

Greasy Goon: Yeah. Sucks that you aren't puttin' that pretty face of yours to better use if you know what I mean!

Thugs: Bahahaha!

Nimbus: Listen up, you sleazeballs...

Alk: Okay, okay... Easy, Nimbus.

Yuna: ...It's fine, Nimbus. Don't let those two spoil our celebration.

Nimbus: Sure you wanna let them off like that?

Yuna: Well, you know how people are when they're hungry... right?

Nimbus: Hmph. Fine, if you say so.

Greasy Goon: That's right, sit down. Better watch what you say to a human next time, furball.

Yuna: ...that back.

Greasy Goon: Huh?

Yuna: I said... TAKE THAT BACK!

Yuna: If you've got a problem with beastfolk, you've got a problem with ME!

Greasy Goon: Oh? Izzat so? Who the hell do you think you are, talkin' to me like that?

Yuna: Shut up! Take this!

Greasy Goon: Guh!

Alk: Whoa, that mug's completely smashed. Ouch.

Yuna: You ought to be ashamed of yourself, spitting that drivel here—We're ALL adventurers here, human or not!

Grimy Thug: You just made a huge mistake, you little brat!

Yuna: Yeah? Bring it!

Alk: Yeesh. You totally went demon-mode on them, huh?

Yuna: Oops. Sorry, guys... I guess I kinda lost myself there, huh?

Nimbus: No, don't be sorry. You showed some real heart there, kid.

Yuna: Y-you think so? I mean, if you say so, then I guess I must've done something right!

Yuna: Now then! We've made a fine mess here, so... Let's get to cleaning, shall we?

Nimbus: *sigh* Maybe a little too much heart.