Yugiri (Zombie Land Saga Collab)/Stories

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Episode 1
A Day in Her Life

Alk and Light find Yugiri performing inside a restaurant, attracting a large crowd. Impressed by the good business, the owner begs Yugiri to perform every so often in his establishment, to which Yugiri agrees after he offers his sponsorship.

Yugiri: Saaagaa... Saagaaa!

Yugiri: I'll indulge you as you indulge me...

Alk: Whoa, what's going on? Is this another event?

Sakura: Er, no. We were on our way back from one when we stopped here.

Sakura: Yugiri-san decided to perform for a bit, as thanks for the food, and before we knew it...

Alk: So this was just a casual, free show? No advertising or anything? Wow!

Yugiri: I'll take your astonishment as a compliment.

Yugiri: Are you two here for food?

Light: No, we were just passing by when we heard you singing, so we peeked in.

Yugiri: Devoted fans, are we? I'm flattered.

Townsperson: I can't think of anyone who WOULDN'T be a fan! Isn't she so much fun to talk to?

Townsperson: And that's on top of being a pretty lass with a heckuva voice! Can't believe I was lucky enough to meet her today!

Yugiri: *giggle* Flattery will get you nowhere, I'm afraid.

Yugiri: Why don't you sit down and order more food? The owner of this establishment was gracious enough to let me sing here, after all.

Townsperson: Haha, that I can definitely do! 'Scuse me, I'd like to order!

Yugiri: Alk. Light. You should eat as well. Does the recommended menu suit your tastes?

Alk: Oh, yeah, sure. Sounds good to me.

Shopkeep: I have to hand it to you, Number 5. Business is booming thanks to you!

Shopkeep: Would ya consider stopping y more often?

Yugiri: As much as I'd like to... I do have my idol work with Franchouchou.

Yugiri: My schedule would depend entirely on how well my activities are going there...

Sakura: Huh, wait-

Shopkeep: Is that all? How about I help you out then?

Shopkeep: Just promise you'll drop by with a performance every so often!

Yugiri: You want to become a sponsor? Truly?

Yugiri: Excellent. If you could work out the details with my manager, Kotaro-han, that would be great.

Shopkeep: You got it. Business is gonna go through the roof, I just know it!

Alk: Talk about hook, line, and sinker... That was impressive.

Sakura: I totally had no idea where you were going with that.

Yugiri: You'll have to forgive the slight lie, of course.

Yugiri: But this way, we'll get more job offers, and he'll have more customers. Everyone wins.

Light: You know, you've adjusted to this world quite quickly. Much faster than your friends...

Light: To the point where it almost seems like you have no desire to return to your own.

Yugiri: Rather than having no desire, I'd say that I'm simply comfortable wherever I go.

Yugiri: This is my second time waking up in an unfamiliar setting, after all.

Sakura: Yeah, Yugiri-san was alive during a time period way before ours.

Sakura: Even if we made it back, the world she lived in is already long gone...

Light: ...My apologies. I spoke out of line...

Yugiri: It's all right, I never minded the fact. Life is enjoyable as it is right now.

Yugiri: There's always something new to see and learn.

Light: By the way... About your behavior and choice of clothing...

Light: I'm a little concerned that you might draw unwanted attention as you are now...

Yugiri: Do you think me naïve and defenseless, Light?

Light: N-no, that's not what I meant! I'm only worried-

Yugiri: Sakura-han. Alk. My ears didn't deceive me, did they?

Sakura: Yugiri-san, you should cut him some slack. He looks like he's about to cry.

Alk: Eh, Light's totally in the wrong here though.

Light: I-I am?

Yugiri: It seems I have to teach someone here a little lesson.

Light: U-um, I... I am extremely sorry for my transgression...

Yugiri: Why don't you come closer and show me how sorry you truly are?

Light: Wh-what do I do now?! Save me, Alk!

Yugiri: Come, Light- prepare yourself!

Episode 2
Clad in Mystery

Yugiri hosts a talk show inside the restaurant and meets with an influential man. Afterward, Light questions her motives, to which she responds by asking him to travel to a location later that night. Light and Alk go to said location and manage to save the influential man from being assassinated- an encounter which makes Light questions Yugiri even further.

Yugiri: Thank you all for coming tonight.

Yugiri: I hope you enjoy the show.

Yugiri: But before we get started... Let's bring out the food first.

Sakura: Seafood's for table A... Or was it for B, actually?!

Light: I can't recall which salad was supposed to ho where either!

Sakura: Ah! W-we gotta get moving!

Light: We'll serve the food! Alk, you just focus on plating!

Yugiri: Everyone have their orders? Then without further ado... Cheers!

Audience: Cheers!

Light: ...There are a lot more customers than usual.

Sakura: That's because Yugiri-san is holding a special talk show today.

Sakura: People looking for a serious conversation usually want to see Yugiri-san, since most of the others just have casual chats.

Alk: Make sense. It really feels like you can talk to her about anything.

Light: Isn't it strange that most of these people are older than her though?

Sakura: My guess is that is honestly doesn't matter.

Sakura: Yugiri-san is good at relating with all sorts of people, young and old.

Wealthy Man: ...Have you given thought to my proposal?

Yugiri: Well, about that... I'm afraid complicated matters aren't my forte.

Wealthy Man: There's nothing complicated about it. Whatever you wish for, it'll be done.

Wealthy Man: If, say, you wanted the Farlands performing arts group out of the picture-

Yugiri: Oh my, did you take me as someone who would desire such a thing?

Yugiri: Frankly, I'm disappointed...

Wealthy Man: I-I was only giving an example...

Alk: Feels like instead of conversations, she's just been getting tons of crazy offers.

Light: That was quite the crowd you drew in today.

Light: Not just in terms of numbers, but also the sheer variety of influential figures...

Yugiri: Are you worried that I'm up to something?

Light: I-I didn't mean to imply-

Yugiri: It's written all over your face.

Yugiri: I know you might not believe me, but I'm simply just going with the flow...

Yugiri: Being there for whoever needs me to be.

Yugiri: By the way, I have a request.

Yugiri: Could you travel down a specific road on your way back tonight?

Light: Hm? Do you need us to escort you somewhere?

Yugiri: Actually, this is in the opposite direction of the manor, and I'm going to be taking Sakura-han home.

Yugiri: I'd appreciate it if you could go there in my stead.

Alk: Not often you make a pit stop on the way back.

Light: Sorry, there's just... something I wish to check.


Wealthy Man: Eek!

Crazed Criminal: It's because of people like you that our country is rotting from the inside out...

Crazed Criminal: Time to vacate your position of power... permanently.

Alk: Not on my watch!

Wealthy Man: Th-thank you so much... You saved my l-life...

Alk: Phew... That was a close one. Are you hurt?

Yugiri: Why, hello there, Light. Did you need something?

Light: Just a small chat, if you have a moment.

Light: We happened to come across an assault in the streets on our way back. Luckily, nobody was hurt, and the criminal was apprehended.

Yugiri: What a coincidence. How fortunate you were able to assist.

Light: Sometimes, I can't tell whose side you've really on.

Yugiri: A lady is allowed a little mystery, no? But as I've said before, I'm not scheming anything.

Yugiri: I'm simply doing what I can for the sake of Franchouchou.

Yugiri: Though I know you find that hard to believe.

Light: I'm sorry... I can't help it.

Yugiri: Keep supporting me, and you'll eventually come to understand.

Yugiri: I promise the show will the worth your while.

Light: Right... I'll keep watching for now.

Episode 3
For the Sake of Dear Friends

Light realizes that Yugiri is solely motivated by the desire to aid Franchouchou however she can- a dedication to friendship that Light completely understands. No longer suspicious of her, he conveys as much to her right before her next show.

Shopkeep: B-but this is all so sudden!

Yugiri: We are truly sorry, but we have our own matters to attend to.

Yugiri: There's only so much time we can spare, and no way to dedicate ourselves to two jobs at once.

Shopkeep: *sob* Number 1, isn't there anything you can do to change her mind?!

Sakura: Ah... Ahaha... It's true that we're super busy recently though...

Shopkeep: You two! You gotta help me out here!

Light: Help... with what? is this about negotiating work?

Shopkeep: They just informed me that they probably won't be stopping by anymore!

Yugiri: Our workload has increased tremendously since we first started.

Alk: Seriously? Whoa...

Sakura: She's not exaggerating. We've got so many events to do with everyone...

Shopkeep: But my business is going to tank without you!

Shopkeep: What if I raised your pay?!

Yugiri: Oh my, you'd go that far for us?

Yugiri: In that case, you should negotiate the fine details with Kotaro-han.

Shopkeep: That means you'll stay, right? Thank goodness... The event's still on tonight!

Light: She's calculating to a frightening degree when she wants to be.

Alk: The restaurant owner's been under her thumb since the very start.

Sakura: It's not as if she's constantly like that though.

Sakura: She's got a pretty airheaded side to her too.

Light: Really? Looking at her now, I can't imagine it...

Sakura: Ahaha, she's winging it one day at a time, just like the rest of us, you know?

Sakura: But she always brings out her best when it comes to Franchouchou! I wish I was a little more like her in that way.

Yugiri: Sakura-han!

Alk: UM?!

Yugiri: I am deeply disappointed that you see me in such an unfavorable light!

Yugiri: My actions ALWAYS reflect my dedication to Franchouchou!

Sakura: That's... exactly what I said though... I'm guessing you don't know what "winging it" means...

Shopkeep: Number 5, would you mind handing this to Tatsumi?

Shopkeep: I've written down everything that we're changing for our next contract. he should probably look over it before we finalize.

Yugiri: That would be wise.

Shopkeep: To think all the money I saved would be used here... But I'd rather spend it on you than on repairs.

Light: Repairs? Are you having maintenance troubles?

Shopkeep: Not exactly. Palpebra's still a fairly new town, y'know? Lots of rowdy folks like to gather around these parts.

Shopkeep: Give 'em some drink, and you get a bar fight every week that trashes the place.

Sakura: But... we haven't seen any the whole time we've been here?

Shopkeep: Turns out your events have folks learning how to be on their best behavior.

Shopkeep: Gotta admit, though, I was a little worried about your safety at first.

Light: ...Interesting.

Yugiri: Hello, Light. The show's about to start soon, so what are you doing here?

Light: ...I just wanted to say that I had the wrong idea about you.

Light: I realized you meant every word you said to Sakura earlier.

Light: Wanting to do your best for her, for all your comrades in Franchouchou... That is a sentiment I completely understood.

Yugiri: Hehe, what a noble way to put it.

Yugiri: ...Alk and the rest are lucky to have such a kind figure looking after them.

Light: I... I never mentioned anything about them!

Yugiri: It would take a fool not to notice who you were thinking of when you spoke.

Yugiri: But yes, we are similar in that regard. I want only the best for Franchouchou.

Yugiri: Which is why I'm counting on your continued support, Light.

Light: ...Of course you'll have it.

Light: As, one of Franchouchou's biggest fans, I look forward to your show. Break a leg out there.

Yugiri: Well, you better find a way to sneak into the audience without being noticed, otherwise someone might get the wrong idea...

Light: D-don't be absurd! Enough with the teasing!

Yugiri: Hehe, you'll need a little more pluck than that.

Yugiri: Especially if you want to call yourself one of my fans!