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Episode 1
Fallen From Grace

When Alk and the others answer Suizen's call for help, they run into the ninja, Yakumo, who seeks Orochi's blade for a chance to reunite with a girl. In order to prevent Orochi's resurrection, Alk and Yakumo joins forces to put a stop to the forces behind it.

Young Ninja: Haaah!

Young Ninja: Not giving up, are we? This is where things come to an end!

Young Ninja: ...What? Why... are you looking at me like that?

Young Ninja: Wait, wait! What is the meaning of this?!

Young Ninja: ...What was that smile?

Young Ninja: ...Dammit. I can't get that face out of my head...

Suizen: No matter how skilled a ninja you may be, coming to the Commission alone was quite reckless.

Suizen: Given the circumstances, I have a few questions-

Young Ninja: I don't have time for this.

Suizen: Hmph, I figured it wouldn't be that easy.

Suizen: Those blades... Where did you get those?!

Young Ninja: It seems like you know more than enough.

Spy: Yakumo! Give us those blades... And your life!

Suizen: Now's your chance!

Yakumo: Kame, Aramasa. Musabore, Karasahi.

Yakumo: Cursed Blood Blade Yaenosen!

Yakumo: You saved me back there. But... why?

Suizen: I told you, didn't I? I have some question for you. Plus, you weren't the only one who was attacked!

Yakumo: ...Very well. I have questions of my own.

Yakumo: ...I'm searching for Orochi's blade to be granted an audience. Do you know where I can find it?

Suizen: I see... So that's your goal.

Suizen: But enough chitchat, I highly suggest we get out of here!

Nimbus: Get a move on, Alk! That cocky diviner needs our help- you know he wouldn't ask for help unless he REALLY needed it!

Alk: Heard you, loud and clear!

Nimbus: There he is!

Alk: Suizen! What's going on here?

Alk: Who are you?

Suizen: Someone who's been caught up in something bugger than all of us. As you can tell, he's a ninja.

Yakumo: It's Yakumo... I'm a "fugitive" ninja, just so you know.

Yakumo: I'm searching for Orochi's blade to be granted an audience. Do you know where I can find it?

Nimbus: Orochi's blade? You mean that old geezer?

Yakumo: Please, tell me everything you know.

Nimbus: ...Suizen, what exactly are you getting us into?

ALk: Demon sword... Missing person?

Suizen: After the incident with Orochi, spies that were still loyal to the Grand Diviner rebelled.

Suizen: And they tried to summon creatures that resembled Orochi... But it seemed like Yakumo here put a stop to that.

Suizen: ...That is, until they ran off with a sacred demon blade handed down by the shogunate.

Alk: What?! Anything with the word "demon" in it sounds like bad news...

Suizen: As for the missing person, it seems like it's someone that Yakumo met during his run-in with those creatures.

Suizen: And to meet that person again, he needs that demon sword... Did I get that right?

Yakumo: That's correct.

Nimbus: You don't look like the talkative types, but couldn't you have at least explained that yourself?

Yakumo: ...I appreciate... everyone's help.

Suizen: I don't mind lending a hand. Besides, you seem like someone who will repay his debts.

Nimbus: Just look at that! He's already scurrying away!

Stella: This person you're seeking... Who is it?

Yakumo: It was a girl... She was carrying a mirror... But the one thing that stuck out about her was her smile.

Yakumo: It was like a smile that could pierce through the dead of night... And warp me in its warmth.

Yakumo: Why me? Why did she smile at me? I';s been driving me crazy this whole time.

Stella: Understood. Then we'll help you find her.

Nimbus: ...Are you sure about that? I have a bad feeling about this.

Stella: Yes. Yakumo reminds me a lot of Inaho.

Yakumo: ...Thank you. I feel like this will lead me closer to her.

Alk: Hey Suizen, is that okay with you?

Suizen: If you can keep Yakumo safe, then it's fine with me.

Suizen: But those who scheme to resurrect Orochi will not give up so easily. We will have to be ready to act any time.

Suizen: Can I count on all of you to be there to help?

Alk: Of course! Is that even a question?

Alk: You know we've got your back.

Yakumo: I will also help. I also happen to be knowledgeable about their ways.

Stella: Then it's decided. Welcome aboard, Yakumo.

Yakumo: Thank you.

Suizen: One last thing, Light.

Suizen: Yakumo may appear fine on the outside, but I'm worried about what he's hiding. Can you keep a close eye on him?

Light: Understood. Just like always?

Suizen: Just like always.

Episode 2

Yakumo ignores an invitation from the spies and receives a surprise visit from Murakumo who delves deep into Yakumo's past. Murakumo deduces that the person Yakumo seeks is a spirit and offers his help to find her.

Light: We can't even get a break during the day anymore... They're getting more and more aggressive.

Nimbus: Their skills are also getting better. We're basically fighting soldiers at this point.

Alk: Is this the work of those guys Yakumo beat yup last time?

Yakumo: This is them, no doubt.

Yakumo: Show yourselves. Or should I drag you out myself?

Spy Remnants: Join us, Yakumo...

Spy Remnants: You betrayed the shogunate just like us. There's nowhere left for you to go.

Yakumo: That may be the case, but I will never sink down to your level.

Spy Remnants: But you're also looking for Orochi, are you not?

Yakumo: ...Silence.

Spy Remnants: Tell us what you seek. Whatever it is, it can be-

Yakumo: I said silence!

Yakumo: You will not lay a single finger on what I seek!

Alk: Yakumo! Calm down, they can't hurt us anymore!

Light: Remember, Suizen's counting on us! We need to arrest and send them over to him.

Yakumo: ...Okay.

Spy Remnants: Y-you're... no different from... us...

Yakumo: ...Sorry about that. But I can't stand listening to those traitors any longer.

Yakumo: What's this? Aramasa and Karasahi just vibrated.

Yakumo: That blade... Is that from Orochi?

Stella: We've brought help.

Alk: You said you're still looking for that girl, right? How about giving this a try?

Yakumo: I'm not quite sure I understand, but very well.

Murakumo: I am Murakumo- blade and spirit.

Murakumo: What do we have here? I sensed a presence that I have not felt in ages... Was that you, child?

Yakumo: I-it turned into a person!

Yakumo: The vibrations from before... Wait a minute, do these blades look familiar to you?!

Murakumo: Their aura... No doubt about it; it resembles my former partner's.

Murakumo: Tell me, child. Who did you encounter with these blades?

Murakumo: ...Let's start from the beginning, shall we?

Yakumo: ...Very well.

Yakumo: I was given orders from the shogunate to hunt down the last of the Grand Diviner's spies.

Yakumo: They were trying to bring Orochi back into this world.

Yakumo: I struck them down, but one by one each of them offered themselves to Orochi. Until they were successful in summoning a part of it...

Yakumo: After it was all over, there was a girl... wrapped in light.

Yakumo: Sensing that it was a vengeful spirit, Aramasa and Karasahi urged me to attack.

Yakumo: I didn't hesitate. I gripped my sword and went for the strike.

Yakumo: ...It was a direct hit. My blades pierced right through her body.

Yakumo: ...And then...

Yakumo: She just... smiled at me.

Murakumo: ...No doubt about it, there is a sense of nostalgia emitting from those blades of yours.

Murakumo: But I am afraid that all of my previous partners are long gone by now...

Murakumo: If that is so, then that leaves only one conclusion; that entity must be like yours truly.

Alk: What does that mean?

Murakumo: It means it is not "human". If it manifests in the presence of hate and rage, then you may be dealing with a vengeful spirit.

Murakumo: Does that make sense, child?

Yakumo: A vengeful spirit... But... I want to meet her... I NEED to see her. And I won't let anyone get in my way,

Yakumo: Even if that means you, Alk...

Stella: We won't stop you.

Alk: You're not planning on BECOMING a vengeful spirit, are you?

Alk: If not, then you can count on us!

Yakumo: ...Do you mean it?

Murakumo: I am curious though. What do you plan on doing once you meet this spirit?

Yakumo: I-I haven't thought that far ahead...

Yakumo: I've never felt this way before... How do I find what it is I truly desire?

Murakumo: Ahaha. The answer lies within yourself, child. In due time, it will find you.

Murakumo: In the meantime, you have my support as well.

Murakumo: Remember this. The greatest hurdles in life can always be overcome with what lies within.

Yakumo: ...I wonder if I truly will find it when I meet her.

Episode 3
Yakumo Rising

Yakumo and the group reach the ritual grounds where an illusion of Orochi appears before them. Yakumo mistakes the illusion for the girl he seeks and almost ends up being a serpent snack before Alk and the others snap him out of it. Back at Starview Village. Yakumo vows to continue his search for the spirit.

Light: The place that Suizen was talking about is just up ahead! We need to hurry before they start the ritual!

Nimbus: The closer we get, the more those guys keep popping up. It must mean we're in the right spot.

Yakumo: ...This is the same place I fought those spies trying to resurrect Orochi.

Alk: Does that mean they're at it again?!

Nimbus: It's just like what Suizen said. These guys just don't know when to give up, do they?

Yakumo: ...We have to hurry, it'll be starting soon.

Yakumo: Stop right there!

Spy Remnants: There you are... Yakumo.

Spy Remnants: We've been expecting you!

Yakumo: The only think you should have been expecting is a taste of my blade!

Spy Remnants: Don't get so ahead of yourself... You fool!

Nimbus: Well look at that! He's a stubborn one, but he gets the job done.

Light: Wait! Watch out!

Yakumo: Dammit! Destroying it is the only way to put an end to this once and for all!

Yakumo: HAAAH!

Yakumo: What's this? ...Aramasa and Karasahi just vibrated... Could it be?

Yakumo: ...Are you the one who smiled... at me?

Light: Don't get too close, Yakumo!

Yakumo: All this time. I've been dreaming about this moment. To finally meet you once more.

Yakumo: ...But why? Why have I been so obsessed with this idea...

Yakumo: What do you want from me?

Yakumo: ...I am... yours.

Yakumo: If you cannot forgive me for my actions, do as you-

Murakumo: It is a spirit that feeds off of hate... You are far from the only one who has been ensnarled by its trap...

Murakumo: Like you before them, my previous partners have also fallen prey to it. And for that, this makes it personal!

Nimbus: You've gotta be yanking my tail! You're telling me that this serpent is what you've been looking for this whole time?

Alk: Don't listen to what that thing says Yakumo! It's trying to trick you!

Stella: Yakumo... Is punishment what you've been seeking this whole time?

Alk: We're here to help you, just get back, please!

Yakumo: It was only supposed to be me and her.

Yakumo: I wanted to know... Why she smiled at me. To ask for her forgiveness...

Yakumo: That's what I've been looking for.

Alk: ...Then there's nothing wrong with that! So let's cross out dying from today's agenda!

Yakumo: Yes... I finally understand now...

Yakumo: Aramasa... Karasahi... I'm sorry I've ignored your warnings. Please, lend me your strength once more!

Yakumo: Nobore, Aramasa. Fure, Karasahi.

Yakumo: Cursed Blood Blade Yaenosen!

Yakumo: I will not be your meal, serpent.

Yakumo: Until the day comes when I can meet her again, my search continues.

Suizen: I can't believe you were almost tricked into becoming some yokai's meal... You're more naive that I thought.

Suizen: But you did return in one piece, so I'll ignore those details.

Yakumo: I am in your debt... I mean...

Yakumo: Thank you, Suizen.

Suizen: A bit dramatic, are we? I helped you and now it's your turn to help me. I could always use someone like you on my side.

Yakumo: Very well. It's just...

Yakumo: I would prefer to be stationed with Alk... If everyone is fine with it.

Suizen: I have no objections. This arrangement should prove fruitful for us all.

Yakumo: And in the meantime, I will continue to chase after the one I seek.

Murakumo: ...You don't give up easily, do you?

Yakumo: I can't stop until I find her. Can I ask for your help once more?

Murakumo: Certainly, child.

Yakumo: Then I am in your debt... Again.

Stella: Welcome to the group, Yakumo.

Alk: Looks like we'll have to do a welcome party then! I'll be sure to prepare something extra special for the occasion!

Yakumo: I look forward to it.

Yakumo: Someday. Somewhere. We will meet again.

Yakumo: Until then, wait for me.