Windwrath Axe

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Windwrath Axe
Icon Windwrath Axe.png
Rarity 5★
Element Wind Wind
Base HP 331
Base Attack 141
Max HP 496
Max Attack 211
Release Date November 18, 2022
An exquisite piece obtained through battle with the Windwrath Serpent. When swung, this axe emits a hurricane-like roar.
Base Skill
If leader is a wind character, every 3 power flips, power flip damage +6% [MAX: +60%] / Own immunity to paralyze/stun debuff
Max Skill
If leader is a wind character, every 3 power flips, power flip damage +12% [MAX: +120%] / Own immunity to paralyze/stun debuff
Awaken Level 3
Awaken Level 5
Ability Core
Windwrath Axe (Core) [Main] If leader is a wind character, every 3 power flips, power flip damage +6% [MAX: +60%] / Own immunity to paralyze/stun debuff