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Episode 1
The Gentle Giant

Enter Walter, a hulking man with nerves of jelly. Upon meeting Light, his complete opposite (a tiny body with nerves of steel), Walter is inspired and pledges to see the small champion back home.

Light: What is this place?

Light: An adventurer losing his way... Unheard of...

Light: *sigh* I landed myself in this trouble. I must pull myself—

???: Tsk... Tsk tsk tsk.

???: Tsk tsk. Tsk tsk tsk...

Light: What a chilling sound.

Armored Mercenary: Hi there, bunny... Where you going?


Armored Mercenary: IT TALKS!

Armored Mercenary: Are... Are you a monster? *whimper* ...Think I soiled my armor.

Light: You are... quite nervous for your size.

Light: Do not be frightened. I am no monster... or rabbit. I am Light, a champion.

Armored Mercenary: But you're so cute...

Walter: I'm Walter. Would you mind telling me... how you became a champion?

Light: Not at all. But before that, will you not lead me to the Guild?

Stella: Walter, thank you for bringing Light back to us.

Light: Yes... You saved me much time and trouble.

Walter: It's, uh... no big deal. I bring lost kids back to the Guild more often than you'd think...

Walter: The other soldiers tease me... for being a pineapple. You know, sweet on the inside, but tough and gnarly-looking on the outside?

Alk: Yeah... I'll admit, the first time I saw you with Light, I thought you were trying to strong-arm him.

Walter: Sorry... *sniff* Wish I hadn't been born with this face.

Light: You are not to blame for how you are treated. Forgive us. Alk spoke out of line.

Walter: Oh, no! There's nothing to forgive.

Walter: So, uh... Light told me you're trying to send him home.

Stella: That is correct.

Alk: Try not to spread it around town though. People might freak if they found out about the World Flipper.

Walter: I won't. I was just wondering... if I could help.

Alk: Oh. I mean, sure, we'd appreciate it, but... why?

Walter: I heard about your adventures. They can get dangerous, and Light is so cute and small...

Walter: But he's still out here, trying his best. Just *sniffle* being brave...

Alk: Go on...

Walter: I can't fight... and on bad days, I can go through three pairs of underpants. But I'm sturdy. You could use me as a shield...

Light: I never asked for a guardian.

Light: But I am always seeking new comrades. Many of our fighters don't pay enough mind to defense. They could learn much from you.

Stella: We welcome you, Walter.

Walter: Th-thanks... And I promise you...

Walter: ...I'll see Light safely back in Bunny Kingdom!

Alk: What.

Episode 2
Giant Troubles

Walter has been donating to an orphanage for years, but is too ashamed of his battered appearance to reveal himself before the children. But when Light calls his scars badges of courage and kindness, the gentle giant gains newfound confidence.

Light: Was that Walter?

Alk: Mm... He looked kind of shifty... Let's tail him!

Light: Alk! Does privacy mean nothing to you?

Alk: *sniff* Ahh... Smells like a spicy love affair!

Light: Who taught you to speak like that?

Light: A manor... It looks old... or unkempt.

Alk: Mm... Guess he's NOT chasing after the love of his life.

Light: It's too early for certainty... Look! He's moved!

Alk: ("Alk," he said. "Respect his privacy," he said.)

Alk: ...OUR Walter, racketeering?

Light: Don't be absurd. She was merely frightened by his appearance.

Alk: Yeah... Makes sense.

Light: He is a kind and honorable man... She does not know how fortunate she is.

Alk: Wait. You still think we're witnessing some kind of romance?

Alk: What'd he slip under the door? A letter?

Light: One professing his love, no doubt.

Alk: "No doubt"? Really, Light?

Walter: *sigh* Had the door slammed in my face... again.

Alk: Cheer up, Walter!

Walter: D'ah! What are you two doing here?!

Light: Tomorrow will bring new hope. But tonight, we shall drink away your sorrows!

Walter: What... are you talking about?

Alk: Wait. You've been donating money to this orphanage... every month?!

Walter: Yeah, but it's really not much...

Light: It is a noble deed. Why conduct it in secrecy?

Walter: So... It, uh... took me a long time to screw up enough courage to introduce myself.

Walter: Long enough for the kids to start making up stories about me... and calling me Daddy-Long-Legs.

Alk: Oh... After the book?

Walter: Yeah... Bet it wouldn't be as popular if Daddy-Long-Legs was a big, tough- looking guy covered in scars... I just don't want to disappoint the kids.

Walter: And I get I'm probably making too big a deal out of this. But you know me... A coward to the core.

Light: You are no coward.

Alk: Yeah. You're always on the front lines, defending us.

Walter: I defend because I can't attack. And I wouldn't even be able to defend if I weren't so big...

Walter: To tell the truth, I didn't even really want to be an adventurer. But everyone around me kept saying I had the build for it, so... I just let them talk me into it.

Light: Size does not make you immune to pain. It does not guard you from the bite of steel or the sting of arrows.

Light: No matter how your knees may shake or your hands may tremble, you have always stood your ground.

Light: The brave are not those who feel no fear. The brave are those who protect their comrades, despite that fear... Walter. Your scars are proof of your courage.

Walter: ...!

Walter: WAAAAH!

Walter: I can't believe... *sniff* I can't believe a CHAMPION said that to me!

Light: I... only spoke the truth...

Walter: Okay... I'll do it! I'll march up to those kids and tell them sorry I'm not Daddy-Long-Legs!

Light: That's not something you need apologize for...

Light: Walter... You may frighten the children on your first meeting. But do not be disheartened.

Alk: Mm... More like, your first three meetings.

Walter: THREE meetings?

Alk: But they'll love you after that! Probably.

Walter: Phew... Okay... I can do this!