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Episode 1
The Vagrant

Alk and co. receive a quest from the guild only to discover that it has already been finished by another party. The party in question appears to be a drunkard named Vyron. When a squad of assassins attacks the venue, he finishes them off with ease. When he reveals to Stella that he's on the run, she offers him refuge at Starview Village.

Alk: Huh? What do you mean the quest isn't available anymore?

Guild Staff: Sorry, bud. Especially since you came all the way out here, but yeah... that one's already been done.

Guild Staff: I guess headquarters didn't get the memo in time. Whoops.

Alk: Whoops?

Guild Staff: Well, if you're available... how about this quest? Mrs. Chesney next door needs somebody to fix her leaky roof.

Alk: Do I look like a carpenter to you?!

???: ...Pipe down, will ya?!

Drunkard: Can'tcha see I'm tryna get some shut- eye here? My head's killin' me.

Guild Staff: You should be thankful I'm even letting you stay here, you drunkard! This isn't an inn!

Vyron: Hmph... Is that any way to talk to one of your best patrons?

Guild Staff: Sorry. He ain't a bad guy—er, well he isn't an upstanding citizen or anything like that either. What I'm trying to say is, feel free to ignore him.

Alk: Yeah... Will do.

Vyron: I can still hear you, ya know!

Guild Staff: He's actually the one that took care of the quest you originally came here for.

Alk: By himself? That was supposed to be a three-person job, wasn't it?

Vyron: Three-person job to take out some small fry? Hah! The guild's gone soft... I barely even broke a sweat.

Vyron: But don't expect me to share any of the profit—already spent it all on booze!

Alk: ...I didn't ask.

Stella: Are you an adventurer?

Vyron: An adventurer?

Vyron: Heh... Good one, missy. You must be in dire straits if you're tryin' to get someone like me to join your party.

Vyron: Too bad, 'cause I'm not about that life anymore. I've left that all behind, see—

Vyron: Get down!

Vyron: Those bastards... Indiscriminately shooting just to get me now?

Alk: Whoa. How did you know they were—

Vyron: There's more!

Guild Staff: Wh-what the hell just happened here?!

Vyron: Sorry, but could you clean this up?

Vyron: They ain't dead. So be careful.

Vyron: Thanks for the drinks.

Guild Staff: W-wait, I can't take all this!

Alk: Throwing daggers, crossbows, and broadswords... Yeesh. He took 'em all out on his own like it was nothing too.

Alk: Stella? W-wait, where are you going?

Assailant: Ngh...

Assailant: T-traitor...

Vyron: You need something?

Vyron: I already told you, didn't I? I'm not about the adventurer life anymore, so run home.

Stella: Your eyes. They remind me of someone I know.

Vyron: Huh?

Stella: Where do you plan on going?

Alk: Stella!

Vyron: ...Weird bunch of kids.

Vyron: So you wanna know where I'm going? Sure, I'll tell ya. I'm on the run.

Vyron: Always have been, and always will be.

Vyron: Ain't nobody catchin' me... not yet.

Stella: In that case, I have a proposal.

Vyron: A proposal?

Stella: If you don't wish to be found, I know the perfect place.

Vyron: Hahahah! You weren't kidding! Multiple worlds? I must be dreamin'...

Vyron: I heard the rumors here and there in the Kaleidoscope, but who would've guessed it'd be in a place like this!

Nimbus: ...What's all the racket?

Light: Did you bring another person back with you? *sigh* Well... At least Alk's with you this time, so I suppose it should be fine.

Nimbus: Hmph... I wonder.

Vyron: Not bad, not bad... Yeah. I could see myself stayin' in a place like this.

Vyron: But let's make this clear—I've long retired from adventurer life, so don't expect me to act like one.

Stella: Of course. Please make yourself at home.

Episode 2
Unforgettable Eyes

The assassins after Vyron attempt to harm Stella, but are stopped just in time. Not wanting to put them in any more danger, he attempts to leave Starview Village in secret when Nimbus and Stella convince him to stay.

Alk: Take this!

Nimbus: And that!

Vyron: Oh-ho! Nicely done, boys. That's almost all of 'em.

Alk: Why did we bring him along again?

Nimbus: Forget about him. We can handle this on our—

Nimbus: Look out, old man!

Vyron: Heh-heh! Now that's how you kill three birds with one stone!

Vyron: ...Sure you oughta be lookin' this way? You'd better finish your plate first!

Nimbus: Whatever.

Vyron: Mm, MMM! That's goooood eatin'. Nothin' like a hot meal after a hard day's work!

Alk: You barely did anything!

Vyron: Hey, don't sweat the small stuff. You'll make the booze taste bad.

Alk: ...Booze? You do realize that our quest isn't over yet, right?!

Vyron: No need to be upset because you were slow! Everyone has off days, right?

Vyron: Besides! Just leftovers to clean up after this, yeah? Might as well have a celebratory drink! Am I right, Nimbus?

Nimbus: I'm good. If I wanted to play a drunkard, I wouldn't need props.

Vyron: ...Yeah? And what's that supposed to mean?

Alk: Er, um... L-Light! You want some?

Light: I suppose I'll indulge—

Alk: Stella!

Vyron: Damn!

Assailant: Ahaha... AHAHAHA! You thought you could escape from us, Vyron? Or should I say... Velgar Solon!

Assailant: After all this time... You're still tryin' to cover for her?!

Assailant: Damn you... I'll show you how it feels to have everything taken from you!

Vyron: Just try!

Stella: Vyron!

Vyron: ...Heh. My aim ain't what it used to be

Vyron: Guess my age is finally catchin' up to me, huh?

Vyron: Sorry, fellas.

Nimbus: So you're running away again. Afraid that you're gonna cause trouble for us?

Vyron: Step aside.

Nimbus: Heh. What happened to your usual cheer and bravado?

Vyron: I said, step aside.

Nimbus: You piss me off sometimes, you know that? We never asked for you to be our protector.

Nimbus: It might be hard for you to believe, but we can look after our own fine here.

Vyron: Oh yeah? How'd that work out for you?

Vyron: Do you remember what she looked like when she laughed?

Vyron: I've long forgotten.

Vyron: I've fought so many battles since... I can barely remember it.

Nimbus: ...Are you're afraid that you will?

Vyron: Stella...

Stella: Are you going somewhere?

Stella: If you wish to run, you're free to do so. But if you plan on doing something reckless...

Stella: ...I'll stop you. With force.

Vyron: With force?

Stella: Yes.

Vyron: Are you dumb or something?

Stella: Huh?

Vyron: Heh... Ahahaha! Now I've seen everything!

Vyron: ...You really are a strange bunch.

Nimbus: If you're so keen on protectin' someone, you can start with Stella here.

Nimbus: I mean, even your drunken self is capable of wipin' someone's ass, right?

Stella: I'm perfectly capable of doing that much myself.

Vyron: Fine, you got me. I ain't goin' anywhere anytime soon, so take it easy.

Vyron: Heh... It's been a while since anyone's looked at me with eyes like that.

Vyron: ...Eyes brimming with dumb, pure determination.

Episode 3
Newfound Promise

Vyron's assassins target Alk and Stella with a sneak attack disguised as a quest. Vyron sees through the trap and directly confronts them with evidence of the truth behind Etheria's assassination.

Alk: Hellooo? Anybody heeere?

Alk: That's odd. I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be the place.

Alk: I just hope everything's okay... They're never late like this.

???: Oh, don't you worry about that.

Alk: Uh... Hello there?

Assailant: Gaining trust takes time, you know? It's a continued process of steps taken— promises kept between two parties.

Assailant: And you sure took your sweet time getting here yourself. But that's no matter...

???: I'll say. I thought I'd fall asleep before you guys showed up.

Vyron: The old fake quest scam. It's been thirty years, and you're still using the same playbook?

Assailant: Velgar Solon...

Vyron: Let's end this.

Assailant: Grr... Get the girl!

Vyron: It's go time, Alk!

Alk: Got it!

Alk: The old fake quest scam. It's been thirty years, and you're still using the same playbook?

Assailant: Outta my way, loser!

Alk: Look, I don't know what you guys have against Vyron, but...

Alk: ...I'm not going to let anyone hurt my friends!

Vyron: And Alk here... He ain't with Tris or Nouin, or the damn Kwetur for that matter. I'm the one training him!

Alk: I dunno if lazing around and eating all our food counts as training...

Assailant: Grr... Velgar... VELGAR SOLOOOOON!

Vyron: Sorry, Alk, but could you let me handle this one?

Alk: ...Okay.

Assailant: I will have my revenge... For my father!

Vyron: Hah! Is this all those years of resentment come up to? I'm not even breakin' a sweat here!

Vyron: Get up!

Assailant: AAAARGH!

Alk: Revenge?

Vyron: Yeah... But they're not the only ones lookin' for it.

Vyron: My true name is Velgar Solon. I was once a royal knight in the Farlands, far west of Palpebra.

Alk: A royal knight? You?

Vyron: I know, right? The Solon family had protected the royal family for generations. I was assigned to protect a princess... Etheria.

Alk: Whoa...

Vyron: But I couldn't protect her.

Vyron: She was a distant relative of the royal family. Something like thirteenth in line for the throne. Royalty, but by no means a dignitary of any sort.

Vyron: All the more reason she wanted to earn her position—or maybe she was always a wild spirit.

Vyron: She claimed to come to Palpebra for a little sightseeing—right before seeking to forge an alliance through marriage.

Light: An unsanctioned political marriage?

Vyron: Yep. She started spewin' all kinds of insults about the royal family and what have ya.

Vyron: And, well... You know the rest of the story. After that, I lost everything.

Vyron: Battle after battle after battle... Their thirst for revenge has lasted over a generation now.

Vyron: But I'm done drinking my days away. And I'm done running.

Stella: This Etheria...

Stella: Was she someone important to you?

Vyron: She used to drive me up the wall. Always pokin' fun at me for not being able to use the Sword of Solon...

Vyron: ...But I guess you could say she's made me the man I am today.

Vyron: What's the matter? Can't hack it anymore?

Assailant: Ngh... I will... take you down... one day...

Vyron: Why? Cause doing so will somehow bring back your family?

Vyron: Sounds like something the Kweturs would say. Do you seriously think you can trust a family that's sullied their hands with royal blood?

Assailant: Royal blood? What... are you saying?

Vyron: The assassination of Etheria Nialas. Thirty years of proof.

Assailant: I-impossible! There's no way they'd ever...

Vyron: ...They employ children to assassinate. What makes you think they wouldn't LIE to you to get what they want?

Assailant: Shut up... SHUT UP! I swear... I'll kill all of—

Vyron: You're not the only one who's held onto a grudge... We're two birds of a feather, you and I.

Vyron: But remember this—if you get my friends involved with this mess in any way...

Vyron: ...I'll gladly give you the deathmatch that you seem to be so desperately seeking.

Vyron: Leave us.

Stella: No deathmatches.

Vyron: Heh. C'mon, you know I was just bluffin', Stella.

Vyron: Anyway, sorry about all this. Let's get out of here.

Stella: Okay.

Nimbus: And you're okay leaving things like this?

Vyron: Yeah, well... I ain't tryin' to die just yet.

Vyron: ...At least, not until I can get the truth out.

Nimbus: You plannin' on going up against an entire kingdom?

Vyron: That's right! And you're gonna help.

Nimbus: Hah! Count me in, you crazy coot.