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Episode 1
Assassin in Distress

Alk and the others run into a distressed Vivi, who happens to be deathly shy of people. Pursued by an assassin who wants to train her as his successor, Vivi is invited by Alk to Starview Village, where she takes a liking to his back.

Shy Girl: *pant*

Shy Girl: Please... L-leave me alone!

Shy Girl: I'm begging you...

Pursuer: You can't run from me forever...

Alk: Dang it! I forgot to pick up some pepper!

Alk: Sorry! You guys go on ahead, I'll be right-

Shy Girl: Eeek?!

Alk: Whoa there! S-sorry about that!

Shy Girl: N-no no, I ran into you... I should be the one apologizing!

Light: Why are you in such a hurry? ...Are you being pursued by someone?

Alk: Wait, really? Someone's after you?

Shy Girl: Yes... I'm fine... for now.

Light: Hold on. At least let us take you somewhere safe.

Shy Girl: N-no, I'm fine... I couldn't possibly bother you like that-

Alk: It's no bother here! I was just on my way to buy some pepper anyways!

Shy Girl: Well... I-if you say so...

Alk: Whoa! Huh?! How did you?

Vivi: My name is... Vivi. Nice to meet you.

Alk: Nice to meet you... too? Is it just me or is it getting hot in here?

Light: No need to be so bashful, Alk. She's no doubt been through a lot. The least we can do is lend her a hand- or a back, in this case.

Light: Tell me, Vivi, do you happen to know the identity of your pursuer?

Vivi: ...It was an assassin.

Alk: An assassin?! How did you get mixed up with someone like that?

Vivi: Well, I... Um...

Light: My apologies. You must have had quite the fright. I won't press the topic any further.

Vivi: Thank you for understanding... It's strange, isn't it?

Vivi: I'm just an ordinary adventurer... I wonder why he decided to target me? I'm terrified...

Light: I-I see... Eeeck! W-why are you touching my back?!

Vivi: I'm sorry... I get so nervous whenever I'm around people... Backs are the only place where I can relax...

Light: Y-you're joking, right?!

Alk: So, about this assassin... What was he like?

Vivi: ...I don't even know his name. He just started targeting me out of nowhere...

Vivi: But there is one thing I do know...

Vivi: He's a master of disguise.

Assassin: Impressive... You truly are a worthy disciple.

Vivi: I don't know what you're talking about...

Assassin: ...Why don't you take the chance to kill me? You could have done it when you snuck up behind me.

Vivi: I'm not like you! I-I'm just an adventurer!

Bartender: Eeeeeck! S-Somebody call the Guild!

Assassin: ...Sooner or later, you'll come to realize your true destiny. Mark my words.

Alk: You were recruited?! By that assassin?!

Vivi: Yes... He kept saying that I had talent... He was insistent on me following in his footsteps...

Vivi: It's true that I have a knack for sneaking up behind people... And I do get the occasional urge to press a pointy object into someone's back...

Vivi: But I wouldn't really do that! I just... I just want to be a normal adventurer!

Light: Then how about joining up with us, adventurer? We know just the place for you to hide.

Alk: That's right! I doubt that the assassin could chase you through the World Flipper!

Vivi: Are you sure? I couldn't possibly trouble you any further...

Light: It's no trouble whatsoever. Besides, your safety is what matters the most.

Alk: As long as it's ok with you, of course!

Stella: You are welcome anytime, Vivi.

Vivi: I don't know what to say... Thank you... Thank you so much!

Vivi: ...In return, I'll be sure to watch your backs! Hehe.

Episode 2
With Great Power...

Taking a breather in Yamato, Vivi finds herself approached by a flirtatious man, but quickly exposes his true identity. Mistaking Vivi for a fellow ninja, the man attacks her. Vivi knocks him out and reflects on her abilities while Alk and the others reassure her of who she is.

Vivi: Hehe... Nothing beats fresh air!

Stella: Looks like Vivi is in high spirits today.

Light: Indeed! It helps that there aren't any unwanted visitors looking for her in this world.

Alk: Hey, Vivi, I don't mind the company... But could you maybe give me some more space?

Vivi: S-sorry... It's just that your back is so... Perfect...

Vivi: It's so cite and defenseless... I could just about stab you at any minute! Hehe.

Alk: Why do I feel like you're only half-joking...

Nimbus: Heh, come on, there's nothing to worry about. It sounds like she's "got your back", after all.

Alk: Easy for you to say...

Flirty Man: Oh my! Who is this beautiful little thing? Is this a goddess I see in my midst?!

Flirty Man: Hey pretty girl, how about getting some dumplings with yours truly?!

Vivi: S-sorry, it's nothing personal! I-I just get so startled when somebody approaches me like that...

Vivi: ...Wait a minute, there's something odd about you...

Flirty Man: ...Looks like there's more to you than meets the eye.

Ninja: Reveal yourself, ninja! Who is your master?!

Ninja: Playing dumb, are we? Then I'll wring that answer out of you, one way or another!

Vivi: *sigh* ...Not this again.

Vivi: Are you also trying to recruit me?

Ninja: ...What are you talking about?

Vivi: Stop lying! Just when I thought I had gotten away from that assassin, I get pulled into another mess in this world.

Vivi: I'm... I'm just an adventurer!

Ninja: Such uncanny movements... Just who are you, exactly?!

Vivi: Please... S-stop staring at me like that...

Vivi: Just... Leave me alone!

Light: ...That should do it. I think we lost him...

Vivi: I'm sorry... If I hadn't...

Alk: Don't worry about it. It looks like that guy confused you with a ninja. Nobody to blame except for our bad luck.

Nimbus: But damn, Vivi, that was some good stuff. You got behind that guy like it was nothing!

Vivi: This power... is a curse.

Vivi: It's why the assassin targeted me in the first place...

Vivi: Maybe he was right... Maybe my abilities are only good for hurting people!

Nimbus: The hell they are! It all depends on how you use 'em.

Alk: I do admit that it gets a little scary when you pop up behind me...

Alk: But you've never hurt anyone before, right? That's what makes you different from that assassin.

Stella: You are an adventurer. Not an assassin.

Vivi: *sniff* Thank you... Thank you so much!

Nimbus: What's with that face? We're only stating the obvious!

Vivi: But... Oh no, you're all staring at me! P-please...

Vivi: Ahhh! There we go... Much better...

Nimbus: Um. You're... Welcome? What's going on...

Alk: Don't look so worried, Nimbus! She's "got your back", remember?

Vivi: Hmm... But then again...

Vivi: I still prefer you back, Alk...

Vivi: It's perfect. Vulnerable and easy to hide behind... it's almost like a second home to me... Hehe.

Alk: What sort of home did you grow up in?!

Alk: Could we try establishing some... ground rules from now on?

Vivi: ...Yes, we can. I'll do my best. I'm an adventurer, after all!

Vivi: ...Who just so happens to like sneaking up behind people... Hehe.

Episode 3
Assassin Showdown!

Vivi decides to confront the assassin one more time to talk, but the assassin and his minions attack her group instead. Vivi gets the upper hand, knocking out the assassin, and gains newfound confidence in herself.

Alk: What's that? You want to go back to Palpebra?

Vivi: Yes... Would that be okay?

Alk: Of course! But... Are you sure?

Light: That assassin is no doubt still prowling the streets of Palpebra looking for you.

Vivi: ...I know, but... I can't keep running away forever.

Vivi: So I've decided to try and talk to him...

Vivi: ...He's not here? Last time he came right away... I wonder if the location is the problem?

Alk: Maybe? But if things got out of hand like last time, a town wouldn't be the best option...

Nimbus: Hm. maybe he just gave up? That sure does save us the hassle.

Light: Unlikely. A man like that wouldn't give up so easily.

Vivi: T-there you are!

Vivi: P-please... Stop following me!

Vivi: I don't want to be an assassin... I'm just an adventurer!

Assassin: ...Pure nonsense. Today is the day that I open your eyes to the truth.

Vivi: S-stop! Listen to what-

Assassin: Enough talk. Your talents lie elsewhere.

Vivi: ...No matter how hard I try, it seems like you'll never listen to what I have to say...

Nimbus: ...Are you okay doing this solo?

Vivi: Yes... I will settle this... by myself!

Alk: Vivi!

Light: Alk! Nimbus! Watch out!

Alk: Where did they come from?!

Nimbus: He brought backup, huh? Shoulda seen that coming.

Vivi: Are you okay, Stella?!

Stella: Yes, I'm not hurt.

Assassin: Finally... You've decided to get serious?

Vivi: Because you were going to hurt Stella!

Assassin: If that's what it will take, then I'll make you put that knife to work!

Vivi: I... I won't...

Assassin: Show me what you're REALLY capable of! Otherwise, your friends are done for.

Vivi: S-stop! They have nothing to do with this!

Assassin: Yes! That's what I'm talking about! Show me that BLOODLUST!

Assassin: Society will never accept you! You're an outsider... a servant of the shadows, like me!

Vivi: ...You must be right.

Vivi: But even if that is the case, I will never become someone like you.

Vivi: Because I'm an adventurer! That's what my friends see me as, and that's what I'll always be!

Assassin: Such abilities are entirely wasted on you!

Vivi: There's nothing I could ever learn from you!

Vivi: So don't EVER come near me or my friends, ever again.

Nimbus: Heh, that was quite the show you put on back there. The look of disappointment on that assassin's face was priceless!

Light: In any event, that should settle things. You'll now be able to walk the streets of Palpebra in peace, Vivi.

Alk: You were great out there, Vivi.

Vivi: Thank you... But no that I think about it, some good did come out of this experience...

Vivi: It was scary, but in the end I was able to meet all of you...

Vivi: And I gained a little more confidence along the way! Like this! Watch!

Vivi: I can even sneak up behind Nimbus without him noticing!

Alk: That's... great?