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Episode 1
Into the Woods

A silver-haired hermit named Vargen rescues Alk and nurses him back to health in the woods. After returning Alk to his friends, Vargen prepares to walk away, but an invitation to join Alk's adventures has him leaving the woods behind.

Light: Alk! Answer me

Light: This can't be happening... He has to be alive out there!

Alk: Eurgh...

Stranger: Finally awake?

Stranger: You took a nasty tumble off a cliff. I found you half-dead. Eat this.

Alk: O-oh... Thanks...

Alk: I'm Alk. Can I get a name for my savior?

Vargen: Vargen.

Alk: Well

Vargen: Just call me Vargen. You need more rest. Lay back down and take it easy.

Alk: Ow ow ow!

Vargen: Stop squirming. These herbs will treat your wounds and help with the swelling.

Alk: Huh... Never seen these kinds of herbs before.

Vargen: The townspeople probably don't know they exist. I've never told them.

Vargen: Been ten years since I last visited.

Alk: You've been living alone out here... for a whole decade?

Vargen: I used to be an adventurer. But living in these woods suits me better.

Vargen: I'm heading out to hunt. You could use the protein.

Alk: Looks like my limbs are working just fine! It's about time—

Vargen: For you to go?

Alk: Yeah. My friends are probably worried sick.

Vargen: I'll show you out of the woods then.

Alk: Th-thank you!

Vargen: You can come out now. I don't sense any more monsters around.

Alk: Appreciate the protection

Vargen: I know. I just wanted the exercise.

Vargen: Anyway

Vargen: What are you laughing about?

Alk: S-sorry

Vargen: I do? Really now...

Alk: Yeah

Vargen: Huh...

Light: Alk!

Vargen: Looks like your welcoming party's here.

Alk: U-um

Alk: You should join us for a few adventures!

Vargen: ...Farewell.

Alk: Light! Stella!

Stella: Alk! I'm so glad you're safe.

Light: Where have you been?! I've been worried sick

Alk: S-sorry! A guy who lives in the woods saved me and nursed me back to health.

Alk: He was super nice

Stella: You mean that person over there?

Alk: Feeling like a change of pace already?

Vargen: Yeah. I've been due for one

Alk: Welcome aboard then!

Episode 2
Out of the Woods

Unused to generously seasoned cooking and crowds, Vargen is uneasy inside the tavern they're visiting, but the appearance of a beast outside interrupts their meal. He chases the beast down and puts an end to it, and in the process realizes he should make more of an effort to reacclimate to society.

Alk: What's up?

Vargen: Picked up a scent. Lasted only a second

Alk: I didn't smell anything... What do you think it was?

Vargen: An animal. Gone now... Maybe I imagined it.

Vargen: No point waiting around. Let's go eat.

Alk: How is it? Be honest.

Vargen: Overwhelming.

Alk: How so?

Vargen: Lots of flavors I'm not used to. Meals in the forest were a lot simpler.

Alk: O-oh...

Vargen: But... I think it's pretty good.

Alk: Oh!

Vargen: Do I look like I'm not enjoying it?

Alk: No

Light: You seem nervous.

Vargen: It's all the people around. I'm not used to it

Alk: Hey

???: AAAHHH!

Vargen: That scent!

Vargen: So this is the beast I smelled earlier.

Vargen: Is it hungry... Or just lost?

Alk: Vargen!

Vargen: I'll handle this. You hop in only if it gets messy.

Alk: All right.

Vargen: After it!

Alk: But... the town's safe now. Do we need to chase it down?

Vargen: Once a beast like that has had a taste of people

Vargen: You can leave the rest to me.

Alk: But

Vargen: Please.

Light: Alk

Vargen: You never should have left the woods.

Vargen: I'm sorry...

Vargen: Like looking into a mirror...

Vargen: Alk

Alk: Are... we going to eat this?

Vargen: Yeah. Where I'm from

Vargen: What do you think of sharing some with the people of Starview?

Alk: That's a good idea! Do... you mind if I use a lot of seasonings?

Vargen: No

Light: It would be our pleasure. Next time

Vargen: It's all right. Wherever has good food is fine by me.