Valentine's Festival Event/The Sweetest Ending

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The Sweetest Ending

Parfait and her companions quickly bring the ravaging food art under control, and Lilie manages to write the battle off as an elaborate opening ceremony. After that, the Valentine's festival goes off without a hitch. Parfait, always eager to discover new ingredients, decides to join Alk and co. on their journey.

Parfait: Now, for the final course... Hachis Gruyere!

Chocolate Sculpture: SCREEEEECH!

Chocolate Sculpture: ...Cheep...

Alk: I... I think it stopped.

City Dweller: Is it over?

City Dweller: What IS that thing?

Pur Lilie: HELLOOOOO, PALPEBRA! Are we all having a good time?!

Pur Lilie: What you just witnessed was this year's opening ceremony! Sponsored by yours truly... The Guild!

City Dweller: Oh. It was just Guild shenanigans. I should've expected...

City Dweller: I found it absolutely exhilarating!

Pur Lilie: Ahem. And now, ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to announce the moment you've all been waiting for...

Pur Lilie: The Valentine's Festival has officially begun!

The Crowd: Whooooo!

Parfait: Hey, everyone! This sculpture's edible too, so make sure you grab a piece!

Pur Lilie: Phew... I'm sure glad our cover-up worked.

Light: Palpebrans are quite... unshakeable. But I am glad the festival is saved.

Pur Lilie: I mean, we're next door neighbors with the Kaleidoscope. We eat chaos for breakfast.

Nimbus: Heh. Yeah, tough as nails.

Stella: Here you are.

City Dweller: Whoooa. This chocolate... It's so creeeamy...

City Dweller: *sigh* I think I hear angels singing...

Parfait: They can't get enough! Guess all out hard work paid off, right?

Stella: Right!

Parfait: There's still a TON of chocolate left! Step up, and make the most of this year's festival!

Pur Lilie: Good work, gang! We, uh, had some unexpected difficulties, but we managed to push through.

Pur Lilie: And thanks to your cooperation, the Valentine's festival was a crazy success!

Pur Lilie: The guests LOVED your chocolate, Parfait! You know, maybe that whole mess with the attack of the living food art was a sign to get back into normal cooking.

Parfait: Okay, I admit that the golem thing wasn't supposed to happen!

Parfait: But Lilie, I have my own way of bringing joy. I hope you can understand...

Pur Lilie: Yeah... You know what, Parfait? You do you.

Parfait: Hey, guys... I have one last favor to ask.

Parfait: I want to see what's out there... Not just on this world, but on every world in the sky. I want to take Monster Cuisine to unimaginable heights!

Parfait: Will you let me join you?

Alk: We'd be happy to have you.

Nimbus: Heh. I'm not turning down another chef.

Light: I only ask that we not eat monster every day. Please.

Stella: You will be welcome at Starview Village.

Parfait: *gasp* THANK YOU!

Parfait: I am gonna practice so much! Just you wait. Next year's chocolate is gonna make this year's taste like a dry biscuit!

Pur Lilie: Um. I'll be hiring a normal chef next year.

Pur Lilie: What? Don't look at me like that! What did you expect me to do?

Alk: Lilie, you have to understand... Monster Cuisine is the key to the future...

Pur Lilie: When the heck did YOU reach enlightenment? Hello? Guys? Do you REALLY want a future where we're all slurping tentacles?

Nimbus: If you can't fight 'em, join 'em.

Alk: I'm so excited, Parfait. I've got a ton to learn from you.

Parfait: With that passion, we'll have you cookin' like a true Monster Chef in no time!