Valentine's Festival Event/The Final Ingredient

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The Final Ingredient

After Alk and co. help Parfait milk a chimera, they learn the chef needs one last grisly ingredient: dragon's blood. Light shudders, thinking of vampires and other creatures of the night, but the rest easily discount his concerns.

Alk: I can't believe we milked a chimera!

Parfait: Apparently, the flavor of chimera milk is highly inconsistent. You think we got lucky?

Alk: Only one way to find out!

Light: You mean to drink that? Now?!

Stella: I also want some.

Nimbus: No, Stella. We don't need your bowels exploding too.

Stella: Oh...

Parfait: Today's third contender is fresh-squeezed chimera milk! On your mark... Get set... CHOWDOWN!

Alk: Oh... Oh gosh... This is PUNGENT.

Parfait: You're kidding.

Alk: So... I'm taking it chimera milk is a no-go?

Parfait: Where have you BEEN MY WHOLE LIFE?

Parfait: The richness. The umami! Oh, the CHEMISTRY this'll create! I've finally found you, my sweet... The ULTIMATE MILK. It... It's out of this world! It's as if I squeezed it from the very udders of heaven itself!

Alk: Oh, I get it... It's not about how the ingredient tastes on its own, but how it works in the dish.

Stella: Even sour fruits can be made to taste sweet.

Alk: You're right! Heating! Prepping! Just one little thing can give rise to all sorts of flavors!

Townsfolk: Kind travelers, we are most grateful for your aid.

Townsfolk: But... why do your companions rave?

Light: I am sorry if they alarmed you. But rest assured- they are not followers of a strange cult.

Nimbus: Forget everything you just saw and heard. You'll feel a lot better- trust me.

Parfait: No waaay! Are we really back in Palpebra?!

Parfait: Who ARE you guys, even?! I can't believe you're just out here, traveling to different dimensions with your town in the sky and crazy machine!

Stella: That machine was a World Flipper. It is a portal between different worlds.

Alk: We're actually all from different planets. But we came together to get Light back to his original home.

Parfait: Wait, so you can travel to even more places?

Parfait: Places that might have food and monsters I've never ever heard of before?!

Stella: Yes.

Parfait: *sigh* Imagine the possibilities...

Parfait: Oh! But this is no time for daydreaming! We've got a festival to cook for!

Parfait: Thanks to you guys, we've found almost all our ingredients. There's just one last thing...

Parfait: The eyeballs!

Alk: Uh, no.

Parfait: What do you mean, no?! I thought we bad an understanding! You were like my soul chef! How could you betray me like this?!

Alk: Look, I was cool with the chimera milk, but eyeballs are on a whole different level.

Light: What use do you have for eyes? Do you mean to coat them in chocolate?

Parfait: OHHH... I see. This is all a big misunderstanding. I'm not planning to use actual EYEBALLS.

Parfait: I just wanted to make candy. And that candy is gonna BECOME the eyes.

Light: Become... the eyes?

Parfait: Yep! But no more spoilers. You wanna see my vision, you're gonna have to wait until Valentine's.

Nimbus: So, what are we hunting next? Either way, you're using monster parts, right?

Parfait: You betcha! Our last and biggest contender dwells deep in the Kaleidoscope. You know 'em, you fear 'em, you hail 'em as the king of all monsters... DRAGONS.

Parfait: Or more specifically, their blood. Makes for some great hard candies.

Light: Blood?! That is what night-walkers lust after! Its consumption is unnatural!

Alk: I'm gonna have to disagree with you there. Ever heard of a blood sausage?

Light: That blood is drained from beasts of the field. But only a madman would drink the blood of monsters.

Nimbus: Light, we MILKED A CHIMERA. There's no coming back from that. At this point, as long as it looks fine, it's fair game to me.

Light: Nimbus... They have poisoned your mind!

Parfait: Well, if there are no more objections, let's go take down some dragons!