Valentine's Festival Event/Sugar Security

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Sugar Security

The Talented chef Parfait is in charge of the Pièce de résistance for this year's Valentine's festival. There's only one problem — she's obsessed with monster ingredients. Pur Lilie hires the Starview crew to make sure Parfait's culinary contribution doesn't get too grotesque.

Alk : Look at all these people. Now this is a festival.

Light : They called it Valentine's — a carnival of sweets.

Pur Lilie : What do I do, what do I do, WHAT DO I DO? We're DOOMED unless some miracle kid who can handle a sword AND a ladle comes walking down this street...

Pur Lilie : ...Right NOW!

Pur Lilie : Guys, you have to come with me! Valentine's — no, all of Palpebra — is counting on you!

Chef : Lilie! Ooh, and you've brought guests too! Perfect timing!

Chef : I've just whipped up my newest creation! Whooo's ready to be taste testers?!

Pur Lilie : Is now really the time, Parfait? What about getting ingredients?

Parfait : Yeah, but the thing is, inspiration's just like lightning. You never know when or where it's gonna strike! Wait here. I'll go get plates.

Pur Lilie : That was Parfait. She's the main pastry chef for this year's festival.

Pur Lilie : But she still needs to go out and get some stuff, and I want you to watch her.

Light : Has she fallen into peril?

Pur Lilie : Not exactly...

Parfait : I hope you're hungry, everyone!

Parfait : Bon appetit!


Pur Lilie : Uh. No. THAT is Parfait's cooking. Ladies and gentlemen, kitties and bunnies, may I introduce you to one of the world's few...


Stella : That was delicious.

Alk : I'm not gonna argue with that, but I... I can't believe I just ate giant tentacles... Urp.

Pur Lilie : EXACTLY. That stuff is terrifying.

Parfait : Come on, Lilie. You're overreacting. They love the flavor.

Pur Lilie : You know who's gonna be overreacting? The screaming crowds when they see this food. Oh, also the big wigs when they GIVE ME A DEMOTION!

Nimbus : Well, you were the one who hired her.

Pur Lilie : Yeah, last year, when she was still a NORMAL PASTRY CHEF. You don't expect cooks to just start swapping out icing for eyeballs!

Parfait : Doesn't fate work in funny ways? It was right after winning the nomination, you know.

Parfait : That's when I discovered the infinite possibilities of Monster Cuisine!

Pur Lilie : Would it kill you to feel even a little sorry? Everyone's so busy prepping for the festival, I couldn't even find you a replacement!

Parfait : Well, it's too late to do anything now. Don't stress. All it's gonna do is make you go bald.

Pur Lilie : Says the CAUSE of my stress. But yeah, you're right. There's no time to argue!

Pur Lilie : Guys! I brought you here for one reason and one reason only!

Pur Lilie : You're gonna tail Parfait, and every time she tries to drop a wriggling little creature into the mix, you are gonna protect that batter WITH YOUR LIFE.

Light : Then we are to be wardens. Are you all right with that, Parfait?

Parfait : Oh yeah! I love a challenge!

Pur Lilie : Parfait's a weirdo, but the food she makes is really good — when there's no creepy-crawlies in there.

Pur Lilie : You know what? If she manages to sneak in a powdered fang or two, fine. Just make sure everything LOOKS okay... please?

Alk : *sigh* All right, got it. I don't want the festival ruined either.

Pur Lilie : Wait, really? YAAAY!

Parfait : Well, I'm glad THAT problem's solved.

Nimbus : You ARE that problem.

Parfait : So, boys and girls, it's time we went hunting! Cupid's not gonna have anything on us this Valentine's!

Parfait : All right. So first, we've gotta collect cacao fruit. That's gonna form the base of my creation.

Light : Let us aid you. We will be able to preserve the dish better if we understand its ingredients.

Parfait : I'd love that! Honestly speaking, it is A LOT of fruit to handle for one person.

Parfait : Oh, but this forest —

Parfait : ...Has tons of little forest friends! Keep on your toes!

Parfait : Well, that cacao ain't gonna pick itself! I want this whole place swept clean!

Parfait : ...Maybe I could use that slime for frosting.


Light : This will be a long and hard battle...