Valentine's Festival Event/Into the Wild

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Into the Wild

Parfait proves herself willing to compromise when she abandons her plan to roast the whole rear end of a bee-like monster, and instead only extracts its syrup. Alk and Stella grow more and more invested in Monster Cuisine, arousing the consternation of Light and Nimbus.

Nimbus: So, now what? You want us to collect the honey?

Parfait: Only if you have a death wish. That stuff's pure toxic.

Parfait: The REAL sweetener here is... Beeyonet butt! This lovely bump, huge hump, don't-you-wanna-take-a-bite-of-this rump!

Light: No.

Parfait: What? WHY NOT? The real hun's in this bun! Let me tell you, when you roast this tush and coat it in chocolate, the texture turns out crispy and the flavor LUSH.

Light: And the appearance will be that of a monster's rear! It is out of the question!

Alk: Isn't there any way we could make the chocolate scream less, uh... bee butt? Like, maybe just use the parts that are sweet.

Parfait: Mm... I mean, that's possible, but you'd be losing crunch, and some of the richness too...

Light: Then you will have to resort to normal sugar or honey.

Parfait: That'd be even worse. It's just regular sweeteners are too subtle. They'd be completely overpowered by the cacao!

Alk: That different, huh...

Parfait: *sigh* But okay, I get it... This time, I'll take Alk's advice and extract syrup from the stomach.

Light: What is it, Alk?

Parfait: *gasp* Could it be? Are you curious about Beeyonet guts? You want a taste?!

Alk: What?! Not if you're gonna phrase it like that!

Parfait: Don't be shy! I know a connoisseur when I see one! This calls for another session of Chow Down Showdown!

Parfait: Welcome back to the dining room, everyone! Our second contender of the day is... Beeyonet Sweet Spots!

Parfait: On your marks! Get set! CHOWDOWN!

Alk: Holy mackerel! There's just layers upon layers on sweetness!

Stella: It's sweet... So, so sweet!

Alk: Who knew that Monster Cuisine could be so... magical?

Nimbus: Hey, Light. She's converting the kids.

Light: This madness must end before they are fully won over. The fate of Starview's meals rests on our shoulders!

Light: Parfait! You have found your base and sweetener. What will be the next ingredient?

Parfait: Milk! 'Cause what's chocolate without that creamy mouthfeel?

Parfait: Gear up, gang. We're gonna be paying the minotaurs a little visit.

Pur Lilie: There have been zero minotaur sightings in the past few days.

Parfait: What?! But why?!

Pur Lilie: Um, hello? These are rare and powerful creatures. You don't just find them wandering around in your grandma's flowerbed!

Pur Lilie: What I want to know is why you think it's okay to MILK A MINOTAUR!

Parfait: Boo...

Pur Lilie: Yep-what-a-shame. Guess you're gonna have a settle for cow milk.

Parfait: But that's gonna clash with my special ingredients. Ohh, what do I do?

Alk: Would chimera milk work?

Alk: I mean, people sometimes substitute goat milk for cow milk, right?

Alk: And if minotaurs are like magic cows, chimeras are like magic goats. At least... where it matters.

Parfait: Alk...

Parfait: You're a genius! I really think that might work!

Pur Lilie: Um, no. Not only is that idea ALSO weird, chimeras are even rarer than minotaurs!

Nimbus: Hold on... Chimera... It's that monster with all the different parts, right?

Parfait: YES! Holy hippogriff, Nimbus, have you seen one? Where?! TAKE ME!

Parfait: Huh? What's with all the sand? Where are we?! Wait. I think I've been somewhere similar in the Kaleidoscope...

Nimbus: Well, here we are. Where I ran into that chimera. But it was a long time ago, so don't get your hopes-


Parfait: Are my eyes playing tricks on me, or IS THAT A CHIMERA?

Light: What are the chances?

Parfait: Nimbus, you're like a guiding angel sent from the stars! All right! Here's our chance to save the day AND the dish!