Valentine's Festival Event/Flight of the Cocoa Bird

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Flight of the Cocoa Bird

Alk helps Parfait finish her Valentine's creation: a giant chocolate phoenix. However, due a mix-up in deliveries, the blood candy meant for the eyes was swapped out for golem cores, and the giant cocoa bird comes alive to terrorize Palpebra.

Mal Lelucia: *fanfare noises* Preeesenting Mal Lelucia's Delivery Service! Courtesy of Mal Lelucia's Everything Emporium.

Parfait: Oh, Lelucia. You're right on time! We JUST finished gathering our ingredients.

Mal Lelucia: Perfecto. Then let's get those dragons on wheels and back to Palpebra!

Parfait: Well, guys, I guess that's it. Thanks to your help, I actually finishing my "grocery shopping" ahead of time!

Alk: Parfait... Do you think I could help with the cooking?

Parfait: Do I think? I'd love that! But haven't I eaten up enough of your time?

Alk: No way! Besides, how often will I get to see a pro chef at work?

Stella: I am also interested.

Parfait: Then welcome back on the culinary train! Next stop, Palpebra!

Alk: Wait. We're not cooking in a kitchen?!

Parfait: Nope. A normal kitchen would be too small. Remember, our chocolatey creation's gotta be big enough to feed all of Palpebra!

Parfait: The festival's almost here... We're gonna be blasting full speed ahead!

Stella: It's wonderful!

Nimbus: Sure beats what I was expectin'

Alk: Yeah, I learned a lot. Pros really are something else.

Pur Lilie: You've really outdone yourself, Parfait! This year's festival is gonna be a hit- I just know it.

Parfait: Aw, you guys... You're being too kind. Really.

Parfait: This bad boy isn't even done yet!

Light: Is that so? To the untrained eye, it looks complete.

Parfait: Oh, no. We're still missing the final touches.

Mal Lelucia: Oh, Parfaaait! I've got your deliveryyy!

Light: What is that?

Parfait: Bloody candy! That's what I was gonna use the dragons for, remember?

Parfait: Now I just gotta set these in place...

Parfait: And there! All finished!

Stella: *gasp*

Alk: Yeah... Looks like it could come to life, right?

Pur Lilie: Huh?

Chocolate Sculpture: SCREEEEEECH!


Parfait: What's happening?

Mal Lelucia: Wait... This delivery slip...

Mal Lelucia: Oh. I, uh... might've handed you brand new golem cores meant for the Voluntas Arcane Arts Academy. You know, instead of the candy. Oops.


Mal Lelucia: D-don't you worry! No matter how spankin' new those cores are, that chocolate's not gonna just start flying!

Mal Lelucia: There's gonna be a whole lotta magic in something before you can golemify it, ya know!

Parfait: But there IS a whole lot of magic... That sculpture is all monster parts!

Pur Lilie: Ohhh no. We gotta get those cores out NOW!

Light: Where is it flying to?!

Alk: C'mon! We can't lose it!

City Dweller: W-what's THAT?!

City Dweller: Monsters! RUUUN!

Light: At this rate, the festival will be ruined!

Parfait: No on my watch! Food's supposed to heal people- not attack them!

Parfait: C'mon! Let's serve this chocolate its just desserts!

Alk: On it!