Valentine's Festival Event/Chow Down Showdown

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Chow Down Showdown

Alk and co. help Parfait harvest her first monster ingredient: cacao fruit, which screams when cracked open. Though Light is completely unnerved, a little taste-testing is all it takes to win Alk's seal of approval.

Parfait : Yep, This should do it!

Alk : Wait... You're really gonna use ALL of this?

Parfait : Just how many people do you think live in Palpebra? I'm planning something BIG.

Nimbus : What do you use cacao for anyways? This stuff doesn't smell sweet.

Parfait : Oh, you silly head. Don't you know about chocolate? It's the flavor of Valentine's.

Light : I heard chocolate was made from a bitter bean, but this is my first time seeing it.

Parfait : On, no, no, no. These aren't cacao BEANS. You see, my chocolate's made from a uniiique ingredient.

Alk : Oh, no...

Parfait : What you're seeing right in front of you, ladies and gentlemen, are the fruits of special plant-monsters!

Parfait : And there's nothing to freak out about. They're real fruits! Harvested from real plants!

Light : You just said they were monsters!

Parfait : Yeah, buy you can't tell! Or you won't be able to after you split the fruit open.


Parfait : And that's it! One peppy little shriek, and it's over. You'd never even suspect this thing came from a monster. Don't let the screams bother you either. They're not out of pain or anything — more like a cool sound effect.

Alk : Hm. I wonder why that DOESN'T MAKE ME FEEL BETTER.

Light : Did you forget? Lilie appointed us to keep you from strange ingredients. We cannot allow you to use that fruit!

Parfait : Oh, I remember. Basically, if I can convince you monster-based foodstuff iosn't weird, I'm free to use it.

Alk : She found the loophole...

Parfait : Listen. I know what Lilie wants. She wants me to act like everyone else so I can succeed... just like everyone else.

Parfait : But for me, that's not enough.

Parfait : Palpebra's THE city for adventurers, right? Here, we're supposed to dream big, think outside the box, and venture out of comfort zones...

Parfait : I don't want to give up on something just because it's "abnormal." Especially not in a place like this!

Parfait : The first time I tried Monster Cuisine I discovered smells, sensations, and flavors I'd never even imagined... And I want to bring people on this journey with me!

Nimbus : Hah. You have a lot of bark, I'll give you that.

Parfait : Oops. Sorry. Got kinda carried away there, didn't I? I might know how to simmer sauces, but I can't simmer down my passion.

Parfait : Still, I AM an adult, okay? I know the art of compromise. We can talk things over and figure out a recipe that works for all of us.

Light : Such a recipe would have no monsters in it. At all.

Parfait : Fine... FINE! You leave me no other choice! I'm just gonna have to change your minds!

Parfait : Chef Parfait proudly presents... Chow Down Showdown! A Monster-Tasting Spectacular!

Light : ...What?

Parfait : Don't worry.

Parfait : Just one bite, and you'll understand.

Stella : I can't wait.

Parfait : May I have your attention please! Our First contender today is splendid array of chocolates, crafted from freshly picked cacao fruit!

Parfait : Now, it's YOUR task to decide if these chocolates deserve a place on the menu! On your mark! Get set!

Parfait : CHOWDOWN!

Light : Why have things come to this?

Nimbus : At least this stuff LOOKS normal.

Alk : As long as it doesn't scream when I start chewing...

Alk : Wait...

Stella : It's delicious. Really, REALLY delicious.

Parfait : I KNOW RIGHT?! So that's how many\nvotes for the cacao fruit?

Light : If only it came from a normal animal...

Alk : It's a yes from me.

Alk : Light, have you TASTED this chocolate? Why would you deprive the world of such a MASTERPIECE?

Parfait : That settles it! The first ingredient on our list is the cacao fruit! Whoo-hoo!

Parfait : Once I've arranged deliveries for the rest of our harvest, what say we go on the hunt for contender number two?

Parfait : Next, we need a sweetener. And the way we're gonna get it is...

Parfait : By attacking that hive of Beeyonets!

Alk : They're straight-up monsters!

Parfait : Whaaat? Nooo... They're just human-sized bumbly bees! Now, come on! Let's get buzzin'!