Trista (New Year)/Stories

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Episode 1
Yamato Tour Guide

Alk and co. decided to attend "hatsumade"-the traditional first shrine visit of the new year- in Yamato, and bring along the knowledgeable Trista as their guide. While explaining local customs to the group, she encounters a drunk man and scolds him masterfully- gaining the praise of a local priest. The gang then made wishes for the new year together.

Trista: Hey, everyone. What are you all up to?

Alk: Oh, hey, Trista. We're working out our plans for the New Year! We were thinking about going to Yamato...

Trista: Spending New Year's in Yamato... Does this mean you're thinking of doing hatsumade?

Alk: Oh, your familiar with it?

Trista: Yes. It refers to the first visit to a place of worship in the new year, done as a greeting to the gods- or kami as they're called. Did you know there are over eight million of-

Alk: W-wow, you're really knowledgeable about this, huh?

Trista: Of course! I've read-or at least leafed through-every single book in the Starview Village library on the topic of Yamato!

Trista: I really love everything about that place. It's so... refined, yet strangely melancholic...

Alk: Well then, I guess it's settled! We're going to Yamato, together!

Light: Indeed. Given that we are outsiders unfamiliar with the local culture, having your guidance will be most helpful, Trista.

Trista: Okay! Leave it to me.

Trista: Look at the people who have gathered... This tradition really IS important to the people of Yamato.

Trista: O-oh, I'm sorry, do you think I overdid it? I was so excited about this that I decided to put on a kimono! I hope I don't stand out too much...

Stella: Don't worry. You look wonderful.

Alk: Yeah, everyone can tell how much effort you put into it! It looks great on you.

Trista: Oh, I didn't mean to fish for compliments like that... but thank you!

Trista: I really love wearing clothes like this. I even got this beautiful matching parasol! The craftsmanship on it is incredible...

Alk: Trista, what's wrong?

Trista: Oh, I'm sorry... It's just... The torii is a gate that leads into the realm of the kami. You're usually supposed to bow before you pass through one.

Alk: Oh, right... I remember hearing that somewhere before...

Light: In that case, we'd do best to observe the proper etiquette!

Trista: Oh, no, it's actually not that strict of a rule or anything... Lots of locals don't do it either.

Trista: Everyone has a different way of showing their respect to the kami. It's just important not to do anything that disturbs other visitors!

Trista: Or... that's what the books I read said, anyway. I guess I just wanted to actually try doing it all for myself!

Alk: Well, we all want to try as well, so don't skimp on the details!

Trista: O-okay! Of course! Then, well, first we should go over what the torii are, exactly-

Drunkard: Hahah! Come on, gramps... *hic* One drink won't kill you! This stuff is seriously the best!

Shrine Priest: I'm going to have to ask you to calm down, sir. You're inconveniencing the other visitors.

Alk: Uh-oh. Someone's had a bit too much to drink, it looks like.

Light: New Year celebrations often bring out this side of people. I wish they would act with a little more restraint.

Drunkard: Heh-heh... Well, don't you look stylish there, little missie!

Drunkard: How about it? You down for a drink with yours truly? A few cups of this stuff and you'll be talkin' with the kami directly, heh.

Trista: I, uh, no thank you... Don't you think you might have had a bit too much too drink, sir?

Drunkard: Haaah! Too much? No way, I feel GREAT! Top of the world, really!

Drunkard: It's New Year's! The kami are kind enough to overlook the antics of one single drunk, don't you think?

Trista: Sir, this is a shrine. You can't behave like this in the presence of the kami!

Trista: They will not tolerate such boorish and unbecoming behavior in their holy shrine!

Drunkard: Huh?

Trista: I understand that you want to celebrate New Year's, and it's true that forms of alcohol, such as O-toso sake, are served during this time, but-

Alk: Okay, Trista, maybe we don't need ALL the details here.

Trista: R-right. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that drinking too much is bad for your body! You should stop for the day.

Trista: ...Please?

Drunkard: Oh... Heh... You might just be right, little lass. My bad!

Trista: No, it's all right. I apologize for raising my voice like that as well...

Shrine Priest: Thank you so much for your help resolving that situation. We get many of his kind during this time of year, unfortunately.

Shrine Priest: But we also get many obedient, kind visitors, such as yourself. We should do best to count our blessings!

Shrine Priest: Though you are not from these lands, it is clear that you have studied our customs well. I'm sure the kami are delighted at your presence.

Shrine Priest: Please, enjoy the rest of your visit. Farewell.

Light: Well, you certainly salvaged that situation excellently!

Trista: N-no, it was nothing. I merely applied some of the knowledge I gained from the books I read...

Trista: Let's forget about all of that and enjoy our visit!

Alk: Hmm... What should I wish for?

Trista: I'm going to wish for new opportunities to study and gain more knowledge.

Alk: Not to make a name for yourself as an adventurer, or anything like that?

Trista: No, that's something only my effort alone will determine.

Trista: I'm going to do everything I can this year to reach that goal! I can't wait to go adventuring with you all as well.

Alk: I see. That's a great goal. And the same goes for me. We're counting on you this year, Trista.

Stella: Happy New Year, everyone.

Trista: Here's to another great year!

Episode 2
Parasol Publicity

Trista finds out that the umbrella store where she brought her own parasol is on the verge of going out of business due to poor sales. She decided to help the old lady that runs the shop by devising a new marketing campaign. Trista herself helps advertise the umbrellas by acting as a model, bringing about great success.

Trista: W-wait... How could this be? They've shut down?

Alk: Do you know this umbrella store?

Trista: Yes. The one I brought to go with this outfit came from here! They were open just a while ago... I wonder what happened?

Trista: Um, excuse me... Could I talk to you for a second?

Umbrella Store Owner: Oh, hello there. You're the lass who brought from us the other day, aren't you?

Trista: Yes, that's right. I, uh... would like to know why you've closed up shop...

Umbrella Store Owner: Because sales have been quite poor lately. Plus, I'm not getting any younger- I figured it was just the right time to do so.

Trista: I can't believe it... What a shame- your umbrellas were some of the best I've ever seen!

Trista: Are you really going to stop making them altogether?

Umbrella Store Owner: That's right. Yes, I took great pains to make them, but it seems that wasn't enough.

Trista: But...

Trista: ...No, I understand. Just making a good product alone does not guarantee success.

Trista: Perhaps you need to rethink your distribution, or your marketing! If we can just get your product out to more people, I'm sure they'll love it!

Alk: T-Trista?

Trista: Ma'am... Would you be willing to wait a while before closing down the shop?

Trista: I think I can find a way to hep you sell your umbrellas! Please just, let me help you!

Alk: Wh-whoa... This is a LOT of books, Trista. Are you sure you're not overdoing it here?

Trista: Oh, hi Alk! Perfect timing- I'd like to get your opinion on something.

Trista: I think we can use this, what do you think?

Alk: "Fish Eating Day"? What's that about?

Trista: It's a tradition from Yamato. Apparently, fi you eat fish on that one particular day, you'll have good health.

Alk: Huh, I didn't know about that. I guess I'll make sure to cook fish on that day too, just in case it's true!

Trista: Yeah, about that... It turns out that day was entirely made-up!

Alk: Huh? The whole tradition is a lie?

Trista: I mean, not technically a lie, no. It's more like a publicity stunt gone right.

Trista: Apparently, a fishmonger tried to boost his sales to his shop by putting up a poster with a catchy slogan about how today was THE day to eat fish.

Trista: Anyway, it worked! So much so that other stores nearby copied him, and the whole thing became a cultural phenomenon!

Alk: Seriously? Just like that? One poster led to a whole holiday being created?

Trista: Yes. It seems similar marketing methodologies have been used in Palpebra as well- to great effect. If only we could do the same for umbrellas

Alk: It's almost scary how smart you are, Trista.

Trista: R-really? Is that bad? Should I stop?

Alk: Ah, no! I didn't mean it that way, I just meant... you might be on to something! I think we could really boost sales with those tactics.

Alk: Honestly, you've even piqued my interest! Is there anything I can help with?

Trista: Yes there is! You see, there's a legend in Yamato about something called the Rains of Misfortune...

Young Man: The Rains of Misfortune? Huh, I've never heard of that!

Young Girl: Just think about it! The kami cleanse the world of misfortune at the end of the year, right? The part they didn't get around to cleansing ends up falling from the sky!

Young Girl: ...Maybe I should buy an umbrella, just to be safe.

Young Man: That might be a good idea! See, that girl over there is using one! It matches her kimono perfectly, too.

Alk: Looks like you've become the poster girl for this advertising campaign, Trista.

Trista: D-don't tease me, Alk! This is so embarrassing...

Trista: I was unsure about this whole scheme at first, but it appears to be working!

Alk: Yep. Have you thought about a career change? Forget adventuring, you could be a Guild merchant!

Trista: I'm not sure you understand what that entails. Those merchants are terrifying, Alk- especially the ones in the upper echelon of the Guild...

Alk: I-I was only joking!

Trista: I've learned a lot from this experience. And, more importantly...

Trista: It was... really fun!

Alk: Haha! You should just continue being an adventurer and do this sort of thing on the side! Like that one writer you look up to.

Trista: N-no way... I could never compare myself to Lady Levy.

Stella: I don't know about that.

Stella: I think you could. Trista.

Trista: Absolutely not! It would be disrespectful to even suggest that!

Episode 3
Model Debut

A reporter from The Oculus Times approaches Trista in Palpebra, asking her to be part of the magazine's special fashion edition. Trista is hesitant about the prospect of being featured in the same paper as her idol, Lady Levy, but she eventually agrees. After the shoot, Trista is approached by a higher-up from the magazine, who offers her a book deal. Nervous but determined, she accepts.

Stella: I hear that the umbrella shop is doing very well.

Trista: That's right. It's great to see her high-quality items in the hands of more people.

Trista: There's nothing worse than seeing a product that's clearly incredible do poorly on the market! Oh, the tears I've shed for similar cases...

Alk: Uh, it sounds like this was personal for you, huh?

Reporter: Hey, you there! With the stylish umbrella! Do you have a moment?

Trista: M-me?

Reporter: Such an elegant design- oh, and that fabric is simply excellent. Yes, yes, this is incredible craftsmanship.

Reporter: Hear me out, Miss! Would you be willing to model for us? I'd love to include you in an upcoming issue.

Light: "Top 100 Fashion Trends for the New Year." I see... So you're a reporter for the Oculus.

Trista: Hold on a minute! You want to include me in a fashion magazine? And... the Top 100, of all issues?!

Trista: Wait. Does that mean...

Reporter: That it does!

Stella: What are you talking about?

Reporter: What, you haven't heard?

Nimbus: Nope. Just hurry up and tell us already.

Trista: The Top 100 fashion issue is one of the Oculus's most popular! They put it out every single year around this time.

Trista: And, more importantly, the front page of this year's edition will be graced by none other than the great Lady Levy!

Light: I see. So that means you'll be featured in the same issue as your idol, Trista! Isn't that wonderful?

Trista: N-no! It's not! An inexperienced adventurer like me has no business being mentioned in the same breath as her!

Reporter: Now, now! Don't be so hard on yourself. You most definitely do! Your outfit's unfamiliar yet elegant aura is exactly what we need in our magazine!

Reporter: Please, believe in yourself. Confidence excludes radiance, after all!

Trista: B-but, I couldn't...

Stella: You look beautiful, Trista.

Trista: S-Stella!

Trista: Um... Regardless... If I agree to work with you... Would I be able to get Lady Levy's signature, by any chance?

Trista: Ah, sorry! That was terribly inappropriate and unprofessional. I let my impulses get the best of me!

Reporter: No, no. It's no problem. On the contrary- Lady Levy would likely love to meet you!

Trista: In that case, I'll do it!

Trista: Ahh, what an idiot I was! How could I just go and accept that offer without thinking it over...

Nimbus: What's with the change of heart? You were over the moon when you accepted.

Trista: Well, that's true, but... I was too caught up in the moment! Now that I can think clearly, I realized I'm not at all cut out for such an endeavor!

Trista: Now that I think about it... Just a while ago, I was pretending to be a merchant! What am I even doing? I'm an adventurer!

Nimbus: Little late for an identity crisis, don't you think?

Light: Hm. It's true that you're not the most conventional adventurer out there, yes...

Light: But who's to say that's a bad thing? I certainly don't think it is.

Nimbus: Huh? Didn't expect that line from you, Light.

Light: You have your own diligent study to thank for this, Trista. All that knowledge you've accrued by reading books about Yamato has paid off!

Light: I think you should be proud of yourself!

Trista: I... understand. I'll do my best!

Trista: Everyone! You won't believe this...

Alk: What happened? Did something go wrong with interview?

Trista: No, that's actually been going very smoothly. I even got Lady Levy's signature and-

Trista: N-never mind! That's besides the point. Actually, while I was there, one of the higher-ups from the Oculus dropped by...

Trista: He seemed to really be interested in the culture of Yamato... and he asked me... If I'd be willing to publish a book about it!

Alk: A book?! That's incredible, Trista!

Trista: Th-thank you! Wow... I can't believe it... But wait, is this really okay?

Trista: Yamato exists in an entirely separate world, after all... I'd have to keep quiet about the existence of the World Flipper as well, of course...

Trista: Writing a book is a huge undertaking! Can I even do this?!

Stella: Do you want to do it?

Trista: ...Yes! If I had the chance, I'd love to!

Stella: Then we will help you.

Alk: You can just say that Yamato is a country that exists in a far, far away place on this world! People will be none the wiser.

Light: We can help you gather resources. Or, we could actually travel there ourselves and speak to the locals!

Trista: Thank you so much, everyone!

Trista: I'm still a novice adventurer, and I know I can't hold a candle to Lady Levy... but...

Trista: I'm going to try and write the best book on Yamato that I possibly can!

Stella: Do your best, Trista. We are rooting for you.