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Episode 1
Spiders Beware!

Trista is helping the party buy supplies when she finds a new guide by her adventuring role model, Levy Gracia. She excitedly vows to test all "365 Ways to Kill a Giant Spider."

Trista: Tomorrow we delve into Kaleidoscope. Have you made preparations?

Stella: Preparations?

Alk: Uh, what exactly do we need?

Trista: Why, everything, of course! It's an ever-shifting labyrinth!

Trista: Sure, the shallow levels have been charted, but the depths are still a mystery. One can't be too prepared.

Alk: R-Right... You've got a point. We'll take it more seriously!

Trista: I'm just glad I got through to you in time.

Trista: Now then, shall we go shopping? Here's a list I've prepared.

Alk: Wow, how considerate! That's an adventurer for you!

Trista: I-I just figured it would be faster if I did it myself. That's all!

Trista: Right then, let's get a move on! I'll show you what's useful on an excavation!

Trista: When it comes to the shallows, we already know what we're dealing with. For example, a desert region will require sun protect—

Stella: What about this? It's called "Eau de Cherub".

Alk: Ooh, it aids with rest! That could be useful during our camp outs. Is this what we should be buying?

Trista: Absolutely not! Read the description.

Stella: Fall asleep with a mere whiff. ight hours of sleep guaranteed— like sleeping on a cloud.

Trista: Deep sleep in a dungeon is out of the question! And what's even in this? Perhaps I should report it to the guild...

Trista: In any case, we have no use for it. Put it back where—

Trista: Oh my, this book...

Stella: "365 Ways to Kill a Giant Spider"?

Alk: Three-hundred and HOW many! Someone really hates creepy crawlies! Who in the world wrote—

Trista: H-how dare you! You don't know the author of this book?!

Alk: Gulp! Uh, no?

Trista: Lady Levy Gracia! She's only the embodiment of strength, beauty, and intelligence for we adventurers!

Trista: I must have this.

Alk: M-must you? No one needs 365 ways to kill anything! She just wanted a snappy title!

Trista: Hush already! I MUST have this!

Alk: Oh man... What's so great about her books anyway?

Trista: Hah. So she's piqued your interest! Her most famous work is called "One Single Rule". Here! I'd love for you to read it!

Alk: N-no, I'm fine! I can't believe you carry it around with you...

Stella: This is a book for would-be adventurers.

Stella: Aren't you already an established adventurer, Trista?

Trista: W-well, yes. But I'm still a long way away from my goal, I suppose.

Trista: ...You see, actually, my grandma was also an adventurer. Just like Lady Levy.

Alk: You don't say?

Trista: When I was young, she would tell me stories of her adventures with her companions in the labyrinth. They were so cool.

Trista: I, too, wanted to take up the explorer's mantle someday. But I'm still a far cry from her.

Trista: I know very well that there's no point in buying piles of these books. But it feels like some kind of progress.

Stella: Reading books is a great method for improving one's abilities. I think that is quite logical.

Trista: Truly? You're not joking?

Stella: Knowledge is beneficial. Therefore I would also like to read this book.

Trista: Oh, Stella!

Trista: Yes... Yes, you understand! To gather knowledge and apply it—THAT is Lady Levy's one rule!

Alk: ...So, I think I'll just leave you both to—

Trista: I promise you, after I have digested this tome, we shall test all 365 ways, again and again, until no spider dares stand in our path!

Alk: Yikes... I hope I don't get swept up in this weird training...

Episode 2
Trust Fall

Levy's latest interview on the importance of intuition leaves Trista doubting herself. When emergency strikes in the Kaleidoscope, however, she has no choice but to trust her gut—saving the party from disaster.

Trista: Sigh...

Alk: What's wrong, Trista? Should we double back and buy the Eau de Cherub after all?

Trista: That junk?! No! More importantly, have a look at this...

Stella: Adventures Weekly. "Forge Your Path by Intuition: An interview with Levy Gracia."

Alk: You brought that magazine with you all the way here?

Trista: This has to be it. I have plenty of knowledge; I've done plenty of analysis. So I must lack intuition...

Alk: Intuition, huh? I suppose it is crucial at certain moments.

Trista: You think so too? Sigh...

Adventurer: Big trouble!

Light: What's happened?!

Adventurer: A tremor! The Kaleidoscope is shifting! If we don't hurry, we'll be swallowed whole!

Light: Wh-what!

Alk: Th-this can't be real! We gotta scram!

Trista: Stop right there!

Trista: If my intuition is correct... This is a hallucination.

Alk: What are you saying, Trista?! You know how many adventurers have gone missing!

Trista: Please calm down!

Trista: There haven't been any abnormal shifts in the shallow levels for the past few decades!

Trista: Besides, the shifts are always accompanied by signs. What signs have we seen?

Adventurer: N-none... But, but... At this rate, everyone's gonna—

Light: ...Fine. You have our faith. Your knowledge trumps our judgment.

Alk: Is it even possible for everyone to experience the same hallucination?

Trista: I can't speak to that, but—

Adventurer: Wh-what is this?!

Trista: I knew it—it's morgana pollen! You, have you seen any yellow flowers around?

Adventurer: They were blooming everywhere. I thought they were medicinal, so I picked a few...

Alk: What's the deal with them?

Trista: They're dangerous weeds, said to bring on terrible visions with a single sniff. I bet that's what's happened here.

Trista: However, the effects don't last long. If this really is a morgana-induced hallucination, it should wear off soon.

Alk: Huh?! The room's changing!

Alk: Whoa! That was close!

Light: Had we fled towards the exit, we would have plunged into the abyss.

Trista: Th-thank goodness!

Trista: That was terrifying.

Trista: If that tremor had been a real shift, I don't know what I would have done. What if I couldn't have protected you all?

Light: Trista. There are going to be many situations where intuition alone won't save you.

Light: Your knowledge and analytical prowess are your strengths. THEY are what protect your friends.

Light: We need that on our team. We're grateful for you.

Alk: Light's right! I was panicking like crazy, but you read the situation perfectly!

Stella: You are a valuable member of our team, Trista.

Trista: Thanks! You can always count on me!