Trine (Holiday)/Stories

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Episode 1
A New Look

Trine arrives at the Guild to help out, only to be asked to change outfits. Alk and the others talk her past her embarrassment, and she goes about her tasks. As she decorates a tree, she reminisces about the past, when suddenly, a knife-bearing criminal rushes by. Trine swiftly defeats him, and grateful, starstruck townspeople clamor for her attention.

Trine: So it's already the holiday season...

Trine: I see it's a joyous time of year in this world as well.

Pur Lilie: Took you guys long enough! We need more staff, pronto! Help!

Pur Lilie: Ah, wait a minute, Trine. I'm gonna need you to change into this first.

Alk: Whoa...

Pur Lilie: It looks even better than I imagined... Like, way, WAY better!

Trine: W-wait! Was the change of clothes truly necessary?

Trine: Don't you think this attire is a little distracting?

Pur Lilie: Well, we can't exactly have you helping out in your navy uniform...

Pur Lilie: And it looks great on you too!

Alk: Yeah, it really suits you!

Trine: Really?

Pur Lilie: Now with that out of the way, head to your stations!

Trine: You want me... to decorate a cake?

Trine: My apologies, but I do not have experience in the culinary arts. My aptitude for this task is dubious at best.

Bartender: Haha, as long as you give it your all, it's fine. Avant garde is in, so someone out there'll like whatever you come up with. Just use your best judgment!

Trine: But... This cake will be used to celebrate... A reaper like me shouldn't—

Alk: Forget about that!

Alk: I mean, you're really skilled with swords, right? Just think of this decoration knife as another blade!

Alk: I know you can do it!

Trine: I suppose I should not avoid a task simply because I do not feel I am suited to it...

Trine: Very well... This decoration knife... Is my new sword!

Alk: Th-this is... amazing!

Trine: I'm so sorry... I used a book as reference, but it seems I chose the wrong picture...

Bartender: Bwahaha, don't sweat it! You did a fantastic job. This'll draw in the customers for sure.

Bartender: All the other cakes look perfect too. So what if one of them's a bit different!

Trine: I-I see. I'm glad to see you're satisfied...

Trine: It doesn't exactly look like a holiday cake though...

Alk: Our next job is decorating this tree.

Trine: Roger that. Allow me to handle the upper portion of the tree.

Trine: I am used to working in high places. This height is nothing compared to the mast of a ship.

Trine: It's so windy today...

Trine: I believe we once decorated the mast of our ship as well...

Trine: Care to explain to me what you're doing up there, Private Jim?

Private Jim: I'm hangin' some ornaments, Lieutenant! Doesn't feel very festive without 'em!

Trine's Subordinate: Apologies, Lieutenant, but I think he's just trying to boost morale. It'll be awhile before we're at the next Float, after all...

Trine: I know. However, he broke protocol by neglecting to inform me of his plans. Have Private Jim clean the deck as punishment.

Trine: ...And don't go overboard with the decorations.

Trine's Subordinate: Yes, ma'am!

Private Jim: I'll clean the loo too while I'm at it!

Trine: Stop thinking about the past. You're getting emotiona—

Local's Scream: Kyaaa!

Hooded Man: Huh? Who're you supposed to—

Trine: What a rotten smell...

Trine: The awful stench of those drenched in blood...

Trine: Has no place in this festive season...

Alk: Trine!

Trine: Excuse the ruckus... But I must say, this sort of work really does suit me best.

Trine: I shall take this man into custody. I leave the rest of the tree's decorations to yo—

Villagers: Whoooa! Did you see that?! How did she move her body like that?

Villagers: Th-that was... so cooool!

Villagers: And get a load of her! She's so beautiful...

Villagers: Sh-she might even be prettier than Levy...

Battered Adventurer: U-um, are you a new idol adventurer?

Trine: A-a what?

Battered Adventurer: Which agency are you a part of?

Trine: A-Alk! What should I do?

Alk: Well, maybe giving them an autograph will calm them down.

Trine: How? I-I don't understand...

Episode 2
Special Instructor

Alk and the others stop by to observe one of Trine's classes. Later, Trine sends her students into the upper levels of the Kaleidoscope for field training, only for a large group of monsters to appear. Trine and the others rush to their aid, but find her students have emerged victorious. After attributing their success to Trine's training, the students begin defeating more monsters together with their teacher.

Light: So this is the combat training I've heard so much about. Quite the spectacle, I see.

Trine: Ah, hello... Are you off to the Kaleidoscope?

Alk: Nope, just out doing some shopping. We stopped by the Guild and heard about your training drills.

Alk: Mind if we hang around and watch for a bit?

Trine: Not at all.

Trine: You there! Your form is slipping. Don't slack off just because this is practice.

Young Adventurer: Y-yes, Miss Trine!

Alk: Whoa... Everyone's really fired up.

Light: I'm a bit confused as to why Trine would wear such attire during training, though. Is it not difficult to move in those clo—

Rookie Adventurer: What are you saying?! Her outfit is VERY important to our training!

Fangirl Adventurer: Yeah! This training wouldn't be NEARLY as effective without our queen's—I mean, Miss Trine's amazing training uniform!

Light: I-is that so... I apologize for my thoughtless remark...

Alk: I suppose it's fine as long as Trine's okay with it...

Trine: I struggle to understand it myself, but it seems to boost morale, so I do not mind.

Trine: Besides, this isn't the navy.

Trine: All right. We will now move onto the next stage of our training... Field practice in the upper levels of the Kaleidoscope.

Trine: Any monsters you encounter are real, and so is the threat of death. Do not let your guard down!

Adventurers: Yes, ma'am!

Trine: The last group should have made appropriate progress by now. Group Three, are you ready?

Young Adventurer: Yes! Group Three, ready for deployment!

Stella: Aren't you going to join them, Trine?

Trine: It will not count as training if I am there holding their hands...

Alk: I will admit that I am worried though...

Trine: The upper levels should pose no threat to them. They have the skills.

Trine: So a reaper like me should not—

Wounded Adventurer: M-Miss Trine! We've got a situation on our hands! The first group went ahead and—

Trine: What happened?!

Wounded Adventurer: A-at the end of the training route... They ran into an unexpectedly large group of monsters... As we speak, they're trying to fight them off, but—

Trine: Understood. You did well to come back to me. Now go seek medical treatment.

Alk: Stella, go tell the Guild! Light, Trine, and I are going to go rescue the first group!

Stella: Right!

Trine: I knew it... I truly am a reaper...

Trine: No. I can't think like this. Not now!

Trine: Is everyone all right?!

Trine: What...

Fanboy Adventurer: Miss Trine, look! We did it!

Fangirl Adventurer: Hm? Miss Trine?

Trine: You're all safe... Thank goodness... Y-you did well surviving on your own!

Trine: I apologize. I put you all in grave danger—

Fangirl Adventurer: N-no way! This isn't your fault!

Energetic Adventurer: Yeah, if anything, you're the reason we survived! We'd be toast if it weren't for your teachings!

Energetic Adventurer: Besides, this is the Kaleidoscope. We all know to expect the unexpected.

Fanboy Adventurer: ...So even if we didn't make it out of here alive...

Fanboy Adventurer: None of us would ever blame you!

Fangirl Adventurer: Yeah, we're adventurers, after all!

Light: Looks like you've got yourself a batch of resilient students here.

Trine: ...Indeed I do.

Trine: But this isn't the time to get emotional.

Trine: Can you lot keep going?

Adventurers: Yes!

Energetic Adventurer: But could you stick around and guide us for a while?

Trine: I see no problem with that.

Trine: Time to take out any stragglers!

Trine: Ready... Charge!

Episode 3
Holiday Gift

Trine's students throw her a surprise party and give her a present as thanks. A few days later, Trine visits the Endless Blue to tell her fallen comrades about her new students. While she has not forgotten her duty to her lost crew, she decides to focus on her students for the time being, for once seeming optimistic of the future.

Trine: ...Where is everyone?

Trine: I arrived at the appointed place on time, and I even wore the outfit they requested...

Trine: Is this... a trap?

Trine: Hm? You there...

???: Ah! Wait, stop!

Trine: So you're here too, Alk. What's going on?

Alk: Um, well...

All: Happy holidays!

Trine: ...Heh. What is this nonsense...

Young Adventurer: We wanted you to enjoy the holidays too, Miss Trine!

Fangirl Adventurer: We've been planning this for a while!

Trine: The holidays are over now, aren't they?

Fanboy Adventurer: Well, we couldn't party then because you were working!

Trine: Did you also know about this, Alk?

Alk: Yeah... Sorry, they made me swear to keep my mouth shut...

Trine: I see... I apologize for being such a humorless woman.

Trine: I doubt I will even be able to provide you with an interesting conversation...

Fangirl Adventurer: Don't worry about it! I'm just happy I can spend time with my queen—I mean, our beloved teacher!

Energetic Adventurer: Here's your present, Teach! We all pitched in to get it for you!

Trine: This is for me?

Fanboy Adventurer: Who else would it be for? Come on, hurry up and open it!

Trine: A dolphin ring...

Fangirl Adventurer: We all thought it would look good on you.

Trine: ...I see... Thank you...

Trine: Well... how does it look?

Stella: It looks great on you.

Trine: Is that so...

Trine: It is a fine ring, isn't it?

Fangirl Adventurer: Just wait, Miss Trine! Once we're all amazing adventurers, we'll get you an even better gift!

Fanboy Adventurer: Yeah! So... Please continue to guide us on our journey!

Trine: Understood. As long as you are satisfied with my teachings, I will continue to impart my knowledge. However...

Trine: Don't expect me to go easy on you, even though you've made some progress.

Adventurers: We know!

Trine: ...Thank you all. I don't know when the last time I felt like this was...

Alk: Is this the place?

Trine: ...Yes.

Trine: Can you all hear me? It's me, Lieutenant Trine.

Trine: I hope you'll excuse my strange outfit. I thought you'd all get a kick out of it.

Trine: ...I have found new students. They even call me teacher.

Trine: While they differ from subordinates... they still remind me of you all.

Trine: I have not forgotten my duties to you, nor do I intend to quit my search... However...

Trine: I wish to watch these students grow.

Trine: As such, I will be taking a short detour in my quest. In return, I promise I will bring you all gifts and stories from my adventures.

Trine: ...May we meet again.

Nimbus: Ready to go?

Trine: Yes... I apologize for dragging you out here.

Nimbus: Ha, little late for that, doncha think?

Alk: Well, should we head back to Starview?

Trine: Yes... But may we stop by Palpebra first?

Alk: Of course. I'm sure your students are waiting for you.

Trine: Heh... I'm sure they are.