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Episode 1
A Military Woman

A navy officer approaches Marina's crew and is initially met with hostility. However, upon hearing her reasons, Marina allows her to board the ship as a member of Alk's party.

Alk: So this is the float I've been hearing so much about! It's a lot livelier than I thought it'd be.

Marina: You've got it all wrong, Alk! This is just ONE float of many! Dwellings just like this one can be found all over the sea.

Marina: Tie enough old boats together, and you've got yourself a float! Although the rise in unauthorized floats has been a real headache for the government lately.

Stella: Why would the government be concerned?

Marina: You can't tax 'em if you can't find 'em, right? But in the end, it's all about control.

Marina: If we just sat on our dungbies and waited for those bureaucrats to actually DO something, half the population would be underwater!

Marina: The people here quickly had to learn to survive on their own.

Alk: That's admirable, but why isn't the government doing anything to help?

Marina: All the government's focused on is trying to find a way to lower the sea levels again, but so far they've got nothing to show for it.

Marina: Not like anyone has faith in them anyway—who knows what they're ACTUALLY doing?

Marina: What's wrong, Stella?

Stella: It seems that your crew has confronted someone.

Marina: They what?!

Lean Pirate: What do you want, Navy scum?

Burly Pirate: Yeah! Out of our sight, ya salty bastard!

Soldier: I'm no "bastard"...

Marina: Okay, okay! Break it up! Didn't I tell you guys not to start a party without me?

Marina: ...And who do we have here? You with the Gaean Navy? Look, despite what these boys have told you, we don't want any trouble, er...

Trine: Lieutenant Trine of the Gaean Royal Navy.

Trine: So these are the infamous Crimson Blades. And you must be their captain, Marina.

Marina: I'm honored you've heard of us. Speaking of which, judging by your red glove and sword, you must be—

Lean Pirate: Wait a sec... Trine? As in Trine, The Reaper?!

Burly Pirate: *gulp* Is it true she killed her entire platoon?

Marina: HOW many times do I gotta tell you to not interrupt me! And stop believing every story you hear!

Marina: Sorry, lieutenant. My boys can get a little rowdy at times.

Trine: It's fine. But it is true... I was the one who let my comrades perish.

Marina: ...Geez. Well, let's cut to the chase then. What business does a Gaean Navy officer have with my crew?

Trine: I come asking for a favor. Could I sail with your crew?

Lean Pirate: Hah! As if we'd ever let some Navy scoundrel ride with the Crimson—

Marina: An interesting proposal. Reason?

Trine: To find the reason behind the rising waters, I'll need to sail to the northern waters.

Trine: However, I have no ship nor crew to do so. My superiors have decided to halt my investigation.

Marina: So you thought to look for pirates, huh? I wonder what your superiors would think?

Trine: I am prepared to submit my resignation to the navy if needed.

Trine: Regardless of my title or allegiance, I will remain steadfast in my mission.

Marina: I see. You're not the sharpest cutlass, are you?

Marina: Well? You heard her. What do you say, Stella?

Stella: She would be more than welcome.

Marina: Woohoo! Way to go with the flow, girl.

Marina: You heard her. Now, I can't have you join MY crew for obvious reasons.

Marina: Instead, you'll report to Alk and Stella here. Got it?

Trine: As long as I can make it to the northern seas, that's fine with me.

Trine: My name is Trine. Pleased to make your acquaintance.

Alk: She's kinda cool, isn't she?

Lean Pirate: Letting a government boot on our ship?! Are you really sure about this, Cap'n?!

Marina: Are you doubting MY judgment? Besides, this just makes things more fun! Right, Stella?

Stella: ...Right!

Episode 2
The Mission Continues

After their ship sinks, Trine and Marina get to know each other a little more. Marina invites the lieutenant to join the Crimson Blades, but Trine has already chosen her path with Alk and the others.

Trine: Crimson Drive!

Trine: That should take care of them.

Marina: Damn, girl! Is this what the navy's making nowadays?

Trine: Foes of this caliber should be no problem. Just leave it to me.

Trine: What's the matter?

Marina: Look... I'm sorry we lost the ship.

Marina: It looks like it'll be a bit longer before you can reach the northern waters.

Trine: No... I should apologize as well.

Trine: A ship I was on has sunk. I really must be the reaper...

Marina: Ahahaha! Don't give yourself TOO much credit for that one.

Marina: I mean, sure, the ship sank. But on the bright side, we all survived! And there's loads of booty to find here!

Marina: Lady Luck's had my back more times than I can count, so don't concern yourself over every hiccup along the way!

Trine: I see.

Trine: If you say so, that's what I will do.

Trine: This wasn't a complete loss for me either. I've already made a few significant discoveries.

Trine: This architecture, for example. I'm sure it was part of a major city long ago before it sank.

Marina: What are you talking about?

Trine: A skyscraper made of mythril— I remember seeing a building with this exact description in official Gaean documents.

Trine: There was once a government agency known as the Ministry of Oracles. This building was likely their headquarters.

Marina: Oracles? You mean people who supposedly interpret divine messages? I wouldn't expect THEM of all people to have such a futuristic- looking building.

Trine: I also thought it was strange at first. However, if a door existed here that could travel between worlds...

Marina: I guess it wouldn't seem that strange at all, huh?

Trine: We could even consider the possibility that the rising sea levels weren't caused by something in our world, but another one entirely.

Trine: In any case, whatever caused it... I'll make sure they get their comeuppance.

Marina: Ha! Now you're talking my language!

Marina: There's only one way to find out for sure, right?

Marina: The culprit who did this to our world may very well still be out there—what do you say?

Trine: I appreciate the offer, but I'll have to decline.

Trine: My allegiance isn't with the Crimson Blades, but Alk and Stella, remember?

Marina: Haha... Yeah, I almost forgot about that.

Marina: But if you find yourself needing backup, the Crimson Blades have your back.

Marina: *sigh* ...I've been getting rejected a lot lately, haven't I?

Trine: I can't allow myself to be at ease just yet.

Trine: ...Not until my mission is complete.