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While in fever, bosses gain a hidden toughness gauge that depletes with every attack dealt to it. Once the gauge is fully depleted, the boss enters the downed state. The higher a boss's toughness, the more difficult downing it becomes. Skills and power flips deplete toughness by a varying amount, whereas direct attacks deplete toughness by one for every hit. Certain weapons and abilities provide a multiplier to toughness depletion, like Murakumo's Abi2 and Oxhead Axe.


Toughness is only applicable to bosses in general; other mobs cannot be downed. The formula for toughness is given by

 TP = floor(tp_basic_value * tp_multiplier * tp_scaling_boss_battle), 

tp_multiplier depends only on the boss' level, and is given as follows.

level tp_multiplier (boss) tp_multiplier (non-boss)
0-49 1 1
50-79 1.25 1.25
80-89 2 1.25
90-99 2.5 1.25
100 3 1.5
co-op? tp_scaling_boss_battle
solo 0.55
co-op 1

Combining this information, we find

Boss (co-op) Diff Lv tp_basic_value TP
Regitare Godly 80 30 60
Golem Godly 80 54 108
Crab Godly 80 54 108
Whitetail Godly 80 30 60
Arch Accursed Godly 80 36 72
Administrator Godly 80 30 60
Mini-Admin* Godly 80 21 26

*Minimin is not considered a boss.

Skills and Power Flips

Toughness depletion due to skills and power flips are given as follows.

[To be compiled.]