Tor Leleni/Stories

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Episode 1
Teeny Tiny Teacher

On orders from the Guild, Alk and co. pay Tor Leleni a visit and get asked to help out in her class. Afterward. Tor Leleni shares her dilemma regarding how hard her textbooks are for the students. Upon hearing this, Stella takes her to Starview Village's library, and an overwhelmed Tor Leleni frantically digs into the shelves, looking for books.

Light: Something wrong, Alk? I think Tor Leleni's office s just up ahead.

Alk: Oh, it's nothing. I was just looking around. There's just something about being in a school like this...

Light: I... can't say I understand.

Girl?: And who might you three be? You're in the way!

Light: My apologies. Would you happen to be a student at this school?

Alk: We have a message for Professor Tor Leleni. Do you know if she's around?

Tor Leleni: ...As a matter of fact, I do- because that's me!


Tor Leleni: What's with that look on your face?! Do you have a problem with that?! And did you just refer to me as a STUDENT?!

Tor Leleni: You land walkers are all the same! Always treating us sheephirds like children...That form of discrimination is not permitted here!

Alk: Oh no, I'm so sorry! That's really not what we meant...

Tor Leleni: Hmph. Apology accepted- as long as you're more careful from now on! We sheephirds are proud of who we are and what we look like!

Light: But even Lilie and Lelucia don't look that young-

Tor Leleni: That's because we're not all the same!

Alk: A-anyway! We came all the way here on a request from the Guild! They wanted your help with re-energizing some gems-

Tor Leleni: Oh, is it time for that already? I'm afraid that might prove difficult right about now...

Tor Leleni: Unless... Aha, I've got it! Would you be interested in some side work?

Students: Ahhh! Professor Leleni is coming!

Tor Leleni: Listen up! We've got some guests for today! I'll need you all to be on your best behavior!

Students: Wow, guests! We've got guests!

Tor Leleni: SILENCE!

Tor Leleni: They'll be helping out with class today. Speaking of which, today's lesson will be on techniques for re-energizing elemental gems!

Little Girl: Professor Leleni, you're looking super cute today, as always!

Tor Leleni: Yes, yes, thank you! All right, I'll be passing out the gems now...

Little Boy: Hey, Professor... Is that guy over there your boyfriend?

Tor Leleni: How dare you even suggest that! For one, he's far too young for me!

Tor Leleni: But never mind that! More importantly, I need you to show more respect and stop asking such crude questions! Understood?

Tor Leleni: All right, you three. That'll be your job- keep this group of rowdy kids at bay and help me get through this lecture without a hitch!

Alk: That is not going to be an easy task...

Students: Bye, Professor Leleni! See you again tomorrow!

Tor Leleni: Yes, yes. Remember to go straight home! And when you get there, make sure to review everything we learned today!

Tor Leleni: Great work today, you three! Thanks to you, it looks like I'll be able to deliver these energized gems to the Guild on time!

Stella: It was the students who did the real work.

Tor Leleni: Yes, because they actually did the lesson for once! They usually just slack off during the whole class- hence all the delays.

Alk: That was quite the experience... Things were flying everywhere at one point... Poor Light got tossed around like a ragdoll.

Tor Leleni: Yes, class with them is often like that. But honestly... I can understand why they act that way.

Tor Leleni: The textbooks here aren't meant for children of that age, you see...

Tor Leleni: Voluntas Academy was originally a place where the brightest minds in the land congregated- it's not surprise they brought such impenetrable literature.

Tor Leleni: It's great that we're catering to younger students now as well, but we simply lack the right textbooks for them...

Alk: You weren't kidding... There's a lot of difficult words in here.

Tor Leleni: I really wanted to have books that were more accessible to children... But I've been having trouble finding any.

Stella: I may be able to help.

Tor Leleni: Now gold on a moment! Aren't you going to explain how you got me here? Was that teleportation magic?!

Tor Leleni: Whoa...

Stella: Welcome to Starview Village, Professor Leleni

Stella: I think you can find the books you are looking for here.

Tor Leleni: This is amazing! There are books that even I've never seen before!

Tor Leleni: Look at this one! Yes, yes, it has loads of illustrations- nice and accessible!

Tor Leleni: I'm back! I'm here to find some more new books for the kids!

Alk: Wait, already? Didn't you just go back with a big pile?

Tor Leleni: Yes, I did... But it turns out I underestimated those kids!

Tor Leleni: "Wow Professor Leleni, way to pick out a book for toddlers! Were you gonna read that!" Gah, those impertinent-

Tor Leleni: I need to find just the right book for them this time! That'll show them!

Light: ...She certainly does complain a lot, but it's clear that she cares deeply for her students.

Alk: Yeah. She really is a great teacher...

Tor Leleni: Just you wait and see! I'm going to make my class so good that they'll be BEGGING me to take it!

Episode 2

Leleni wants her students to take her more seriously, she she combos through Sarview Village's library for any spells that may help her grow taller. Hearing this, Alk and co. take her to Regitare, where the great sage talks to Leleni all night about the mystic arts. Realizing that this talk would get the students excited, she works to document her newfound knowledge- only to fall asleep from exhaustion.

Tor Leleni: ARGHHH! This isn't it either!

Alk: What's wrong Professor Leleni?

Tor Leleni: I can't find it anywhere! I'm looking for a book that details the secret art of body transfiguration!

Alk: Body transformation? Like, for yourself? I thought you said you were proud of who you were?

Tor Leleni: Of course I am! But that doesn't mean there aren't some parts about me that I'd like to change- I'm free to do so, after all!

Tor Leleni: *sigh* Yo be honest, I think the students would take me more seriously if I was a little taller...

Alk: Is that so...

Tor Leleni: Yes! Speaking of which, you lot wouldn't happen to know anyone familiar with this sort of magic, wouldn't you? That includes those on the outside!

Alk: I'm not sure... It's not everyday you come across that type of magic. Or... wait, maybe I do know someone...

Tor Leleni: Really? Who?!

Tor Leleni: I-is that a SKELETON?!

Tor Leleni: This is amazing! How can you live in such a state?

Regitare: Ohoho! That's simple, my dear- practice! And as you can no doubt tell by my appearance, I've bad plenty of time to do just that!

Tor Leleni: Indeed! With access to YOUR techniques, I won't ever look like a child again!

Tor Leleni: Oh, what am I think?! This sort of magic is DEFINITELY forbidden! I'll be chased out of the academy even if I tried!

Tor Leleni: I just want to have longer legs, maybe slim up my waist, fix my nose... AND clean up my skin! Is that too much to ask?

Tor Regitare: It certainly isn't too little to ask... I'm afraid the exact modifications you desire complicate matters.

Tor Regitare: Reincarnation is out of the question, as is fabricating an entirely new body... But perhaps there is another way!

Tor Regitare: Take a look at this...

Tor Leleni: A m-mushroom? What exactly are you getting at?!

Tor Regitare: Why, nothing at all... They're just regular nutrient-packed mushrooms! The sort little lasses like you would do well to eat!

Tor Regitare: I'm somewhat of an expert on bones. Trist me- if you want them to grow, nutrition is your best bet!

Tor Leleni: I'll have you know that I stopped growing a long time ago!

Tor Leleni: Hmph, I guess I'll hold off on that transfiguration business then. My time would be much better spent conversing with you instead!

Tor Leleni: I can't let superficial motivations guide me! The knowledge I could glean from someone as seasoned and wise as you is MUCH more valuable!

Tor Regitare: Well, I don't know about all THAT! Calling me wise might be stretch...

Tor Leleni: Tonight, I'll be the student for a change! Tor Leleni, ready for class!

Alk: *yawn* Good morning, Professor.

Tor Leleni: Good morning- wait, what?! Is it morning already?!

Alk: Huh? You mean you've been up this whole time?!

Tor Leleni: Well, yes, I just couldn't help myself! All this magic talk was so enlightening! I couldn't let a single minute go to waste!

Regitare: Ohoho, indeed! It seems our little professor here is just as good as a student as she is a teacher!

Regitare: It's been ages since these old bones have felt so invigorated!

Tor Leleni: Master Regitare is incredibly knowledgeable on all sorts of subjects- elemental gems, mana, ether, you name it!

Tor Leleni: But my favorite would have to be the tale of how he first met the sprites! I'm sure the students back home would love to hear that one!

Tor Leleni: Now that's a splendid idea! I'll gather up everything I learned last night and share it with my students! I'm sure they'll get a kick out of it!

Tor Leleni: Just you wait, kids! I'm... I'm-

Alk: Professor?! Are you okay?!

Alk: And... she's out cold.

Regitare: Ah, that would be my bad, dear boy. It always slips my noggin that you fleshy creatures actually need to sleep!

Tor Leleni: *snore* Class is starting! To your... seats...

Alk: Even in her dreams, she's still teaching.

Regitare: Ohoho! Those whippersnappers don't know how lucky they are to have such a wonderful teacher!

Tor Leleni: Hey! No running in the halls!

Episode 3
An Important Lesson

Leleni's students find themselves in trouble in the forest when they try to lend Leleni a hand. Finding the kids at the mercy of a monster, Leleni and co. manages to take it down, and the kids get a hard lesson from their teacher. Back in class, the students take turns learning new battle spells while Leleni sighs in contemplation.

Academy Teacher: ...And that concludes today's class. I'll see all of you again first thing tomorrow.

Little Boy: Looks like Professor Leleni isn't here today either. I wonder what's going on?

Little Girl: I know why! She's out on official Guild business in the woods!

Little Boy: Hey, I've got an idea! How about we give the professor a hand? That'll surprise her for sure!

Tor Leleni: We're finally done! That means I can see my students again, starting tomorrow!

Alk: That's great! I'm sure they've missed you a lot.

Tor Leleni: I doubt it! They've probably been enjoying the freedom- you take your eyes off them for ONE minute and they go wild!

Light: ...Speaking from experience, I can confirm that.

Tor Leleni: Right?! They're always goofing off, and they never pay attention!

Tor Leleni: They don't take me seriously, either- always poking fun and disrespecting my authority!

Alk: Well, anyway... Should we go report our progress?

Light: ...Did something happened? There seems to be a lot of commotion.

Adventurers: A group of brats got lost somewhere. We're forming a search party as we speak.

Adventurers: Looks like they were students from the academy... Apparently they were looking for their teacher? Professor "Leleni", or something.

Tor Leleni: Wh-what?!

Students: D-descend from the clouds, g-great thunderbolt! Take down our enemies!

Little Boy: I-it's no good... It's too strong!

Little Girl: D-don't take your eyes off it! That' what Professor Leleni always said! It'll attack if we turn our backs!

Little Boy: B-but...

Tor Leleni: Don't you DARE lay a finger on any of my students!

Tor Leleni: I call upon the skies- strike down, glorious thunder!

Students: It's gone! Professor Leleni saved us!

Tor Leleni: YOU IDIOTS!

Tor Leleni: Why are you all out here by yourselves?! Don't you know how dangerous it is?!

Little Boy: W-we just wanted to help you...

Little Boy: You... seemed so busy lately, so...

Tor Leleni: R-really? You were all thinking about... me?

Tor Leleni: Still, that doesn't mean you can go running off into danger like that.

Tor Leleni: It's important to understand that through you may wield great magical powers, you are still a small and fragile mortal being!

Tor Leleni: Not being aware of your own weakness can put you in grave danger! Are we clear on that?

Students: Yes...

Tor Leleni: Is that so? Good. That settles it then.

Tor Leleni: Quite the scary experience that was, huh? Lucky your brave teacher came to the rescue!

Tor Leleni: I apologize for being absent recently.

Students: Professor!

Tor Leleni: Alright, alright! Take a number! I'm not sure I can handle this affection all at once!

Little Boy: I call upon the skies- strike down, glorious thunder!

Little Boy: Wow! I did it! I did it! Professor, did you see that?!

Light: Now isn't that a sight to behold. Looks like they're finally paying attention to what you have to say.

Tor Leleni: Well... I AM happy that they've grown more obedient, but...

Tor Leleni: Voluntas is an academic institution, not a place to train adventurers looking to explore the Kaleidoscope! We shouldn't only be teaching them how to fight!

Little Girl: Me! Me! Me! I'll go next!

Tor Leleni: ...Ugh. What am I going to tell their parents?