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Episode 1
The Great Chief Tink

While out on an errand for Love, Alk and Nimbus help the head of 3MM Security's Special Equipment Defense Force, Tink. In order to compensate Alk and Nimbus, Tink takes the two back at her office and finds out they are organics. Impressed by two organics with the strength to take down bionics, Tink recruits them to her team.

Tink: Come on, Tanky! You can't just break up the streets all willy-nilly like that! Do you WANT to make me angry?

Tink: Well, this DOES happen every time, but still! That doesn't mean we shouldn't be careful!

Old Man's Voice: Come in, Chief! Can you hear me? Are you okay?

Tink: Hey, old man! Better call the insurance company! The two of us are making a REAL mess out here!

Old Man's Voice: Already done, Chief! But what about you? Are you hurt?!

Tink: Atta boy! You, sir, are the definition of SPEED. And I'm totally fine!

Tink: Nyahaha! What's the matter? Throwing a tantrum 'cuz I'm not paying attention to you? Heh... Not like you have voice recognition software anyway.

Tink: Oho! Looks like my release code came in! I can use my Chip D'éclat in self defense now.

Tink: Nyaha! You want some of this, big boy? Then bring it on!

Nimbus: Can't believe that little Love brat is making us go somewhere in place of her buddy...

Alk: Come on, it's not that bug of a deal. We're getting paid, aren't we?

Tink: The hell?! No one told me bionics were gonna be involved! And my release code's been blocked!

Bionic Man: Uh-oh, having trouble, missy? Well... Looks like this is the end of the line for you!

Tink: Whoa! What the- who're you?!

Alk: That's not important! You need help, right? We've got your back!

Tink: Wait, are you guys troubleshooters?! Perfect timing! I've got a job for you, right here, RIGHT NOW!

Nimbus: Ha! Lemme guess- you need reinforcements?

Tink: Nyahaha! How the tables have turned! Ain't no rules about beating up a machine!

Tink: Another job well-done! Thanks for your help! Who knew such capable troubleshooters were just waiting around the corner!

Alk: Nah, you're the one who's something else... But wait, aren't you a troubleshooter yourself?

Tink: Ah, weeell. not quite. I work for 3MM Security as-

Clever Old Man: Chief! I finally caught up to you! Are you hurt anywhere?!

Tink: Nyahaha, see for yourself! Ah, by the way, the only thing here I took down is the tank! I didn't touch the bionics!

Clever Old Man: Uh... Okay, I think I see what happened here. Did you employ the help of these troubleshooters?

Tink: Well, yeah! What else was I supposed to do when all these bionics showed up outta nowhere?! My code was blocked!

Alk: Um... Did we do something wrong?

Clever Old Man: No, not at all. We're very grateful for your help. We will, of course, compensate you for your time.

Tink: You bet! Ah, but there is some paperwork for you to fill out, so... mind dropping by the office with us?

Tink: All right, you guys are all clear! Thanks and nice to meet you, Alk and Nimbus!

Alk: Um... Ms. Tink, right? They called you the chief back there. Does that make you-

Tink: Yup, I'm the head honcho around here. See? It even says so on my employee bade.

Tink: And you can just call me Tink, silly.

Nimbus: Err, it's just that... you don't exactly give off that... corporate vibe, if you know what I mean. What's the name of this place again?

Elderly Man: We're the Special Equipment Defense Force. That might sound fancy, but we're mostly a bunch of old codgers headed to retirement. We're the lowest of the low at 3MM.

Old Woman: Yeah, and thanks to our overzealous boss, our reviews are always the worst of the worst too.

Tink: Um, hellooo? I'm right here!

Alk: So you mainly deal with combat, right? You don't seem to have a lot of people though...

Clever Old Man: Well, we're a bit different from other combat-centric teams. The chief here is the only one who fights. The rest of us are what you could call... damage control.

Tink: Yeah, they deal with the stuff I break. Can't fight properly when I'm too busy holding back.

Tink: Nyahaha! And thanks to me, our department's performance scores are the top of the company! As long as I get my release code, I'm UNSTOPPABLE!

Nimbus: You mentioned that code during the battle too. What is it, exactly?

Tink: Well, you see... In order for me to use the battle assistance chop installed in me, I need to get permission from the company.

Tink: It's called my Chip D'éclat. It basically removes any limits on my power output and allows me to go into overdrive!

Clever Old Man: Research on the chip was abandoned due to the danger it presented. The only one permitted to use it out of anyone in the Noxel Group is our chief.

Tink: Yeah, 'cuz no one else has the right genetic makeup for it. Everyone else either breaks down or ends up paralyzed... So yeah, it's SUPER dangerous.

Alk: So... The reason you were cornered was because you couldn't use it, right?

Tink: Exactly. If I attack without permission, I'd be labeled a criminal...

Tink: Which is why it's so weird that I couldn't attack! I had authorization and everything!

Clever Old Man: It is very strange indeed... And the number of such instances has increased recently...

Clever Old Man: Chief... Perhaps we should also join you in battle.

Tink: Nyahaha! Not THAT again! I told you, I'm fine by myself! Leave the heavy stuff to your boss!

Clever Old Man: But... I get the feeling someone is blocking your code intentionally. And no third party should be able to hack our systems like that.

Tink: I will admit something fishy's going on. If Alk and Nimbus hadn't shown up, I would've had to retreat-

Tink: Wait, now that I'm looking at you two, I don't see any prosthetics on you... Are you two all natural? There's no way...

Alk: Well, I guess we are. We don't have any prosthetics.

Tink: Whoa, seriously?! You're ORGANICS?! How are you so strong, then?!

Alk: Well, let's just say we're... out of this world? But you're the amazing one, Tink! I can't believe you're a chief at your age!

Tink: Hehe, pretty cool, right? Still, you two have great potential...

Tink: Which is why I'm using my power a chief to officially recruit you to our department!

Nimbus: Couldn't help yourself, huh... What do you think, Alk? I don't care either way.

Alk: Weeell, it's probably more profitable than the Kaleidoscope...

Tink: Nyahaha! Sounds like we've got ourselves some new teammates!

Tink: I can't wait to put you two to work!

Episode 2
Coming Together

When one of Tink's subordinates is attacked by a rival faction, Tink is shocked to discovered he was performing an undercover investigation and that her teammates knew. Distressed, Tink begins looking into the matter alone, but Alk convinces her to work with her team on the issue, and she agrees.

Tink: Raaah!

Nimbus: Jeez... Done already? That crazy firepower of your never cease to amaze.

Tink: Nyahaha, well, did you see all those enemies? Of course I had to put out the big guns.

Alk: But you attacked without reporting in first... Is that okay?

Tink: That's because the guys back at the office have been acting weird lately... If I'm not careful, they might grab weapons and try fighting themselves!

Tink: And then before I know it, someone gets hurt... Filling a report after an attack is more work, but all they'll do is scold me, so it's fine.

Tink: Hey, there! This is Tink, how's it-

Tink: What?

Tink: H-hold on. What do you mean, he's hurt?!

Tink: I'm on my way!

Alk: Do you think the old man's okay?

Nimbus: ...Doesn't matter how much we worry, all we can do is wait. It's not like he died, anyway.

Tink: I... should have been there...

Nimbus: Is it... bad?

Sharp-Eyed Old Woman: He'll be fine. He's just sleeping. It doesn't seem to be serious.

Tink: You two know what happened, don't you? Who injured him like that?

Sharp-Eyed Old Woman: ...It was foul play. He was performing a private investigation and discovered an enemy in our midst.

Tink: A private investigation?! And you two knew? Since when?!

Tink: Why was I left in the dark about this?

Crafty Old Man: This is just the result of the higher-ups' endless disputes. Another drop in the bucket.

Sharp-Eyed Old Woman: There wasn't a point in involving you if you weren't already aware. He didn't want you getting your hands dirty.

Tink: What kinda crap is that? Now you're making me mad.

Tink: I thought we were supposed to be a team!

Tink: I will NOT stand for this!

Crafty Old Man: A team, huh? She did say something like that in the beginning, didn't she?

Crafty Old Man: Let's see... You're Chief Tink, correct?

Sharp-Eyed Old Woman: What an adorable boss we have. Are you sure it's okay that I won't be much use in a fight?

Tink: Nyahaha, of course it is! Just leave all the fighting to yours truly!

Crafty Old Man: Oho, someone's confident.

Tink: You bet! Starting today, we're a team, and I have absolute faith in us!

Tink: Rivaling factions... 3MM Security affiliates... Noxel Group bylaws...

Tink: Ohhh, I don't understand a word of this mumbo jumbo!

Alk: Y-you scared me for a second there... Didn't expect to see anyone here so late.

Tink: Nyahaha, sorry about that. Did you forget something here?

Alk: Yeah... What about you? Why are you here?

Tink: Ah, well... I guess you could call it research, but it feels more like studying...

Tink: I'm looking into what the old man was doing.

Alk: That's... incredible. You're already taking action.

Tink: No... It's not incredible at all...

Tink: I should have been doing his from the beginning. But I put it off, and now I don't understand a word of this.

Tink: That's not like me at all! I usually have my crap together!

Tink: Who knew I was this stupid?

Tink: ...I guess I've always been afraid that something like this would happen. That I'd fail.

Alk: Well, that doesn't look like it's stopping you from doing something about it.

Tink: Nyahaha, true, true. And I'm just getting started.

Tink: The most important part of falling down is getting back up, after all.

Tink: That being said, I haven't even gotten my bearings after failing yet.

Alk: Come to think of it, didn't you say something about being a team earlier?

Tink: Hm? Oh... Ohhh! I getcha!

Tink: Wait right there, Alk!

Tink: Okay, everybody! Put on your thinking caps and get those brains in motion!

Alk: Yeah, we're gonna need more of an explanation than that.

Tink: Awww, I thought that'd be enough. All right, if you insist.

Tink: I can't do this on my own. So please... help me.

Sharp-Eyed Old Woman: ...Hmph. I was wondering when you were going to ask. Better late than never, I suppose.

Tink: Nyahaha, you're the best!

Tink: What about you two? Are you in?

Alk: You bet. We couldn't just up and leave now.

Tink: Right?

Crafty Old Man: Oho, kids these days... Always full of surprises.

Crafty Old Man: Well, looks like it's time for these old bones to get to work.

Episode 3
Our Team

Tink's injured subordinate retunes to find the team finally working as one. Together, Alk and Tink's team collect evidence against his attackers, thus justifying a counterattack based on Noxel Group's company bylaws. After the attach, the limiters on Tink's Chip D'éclat are removed, and despite being demoted to a subcontractor, Tink expresses a desire to stick with her team.

Clever Old Man: I'm back... Um, what's going on?

Tink: Y-you're okay!

Tink: Woo-hoo! Welcome back! How ya doing? All better?

Clever Old Man: Yes, I'm fine... I apologize for my mistake and any worry I caused.

Tink: It's fine, you can save all that stuff for later! And by that I mean, you can write a formal apology some other time!

Clever Old Man: In order to better protect this division, the chief asked for our help.

Sharp-Eyed Old Woman: No more secrets, hun. Everyone here already knows what's going on.

Clever Old Man: I... I see.

Clever Old Man: I apologize. I neglected to report the extent of my work to you.

Tink: Well, like she said, no more secrets. From now on, we fight as a team!

Tink: And I'm officially putting YOU in charge of strategy! You're clearly an expert at pulling the wool over someone's eyes!

Clever Old Man: All right... Looks like I better hop to it if I want to redeem myself.

Tink: Leave all the messy stuff to me. Whatever your plan is, I'll make it happen!

Tink: Actually, you've got three superweapons at your disposal, so better make use of them!

Alk: Uh... Not sure how I feel about being called a superweapon.

Tink: Take... THIS!

Tink: Hey there, can you hear me? I'm cutting loose over here. Should I reel it in?

Clever Old Man: No, you're good to go! We're past the point of no return.

Clever Old Man: Just keep at it and back them into a corner!

Tink: You got it! And don't forget about the preparations we discussed!

Nimbus: This is a lot of enemies though... Just how much do these guys hate you?

Tink: Nyahaha. I guess being amazing has its downsides. Not fair, right?

Alk: Guys, they're bringing in reinforcements! We have to fall back!

Hooded Man: So you're the Tink I've heard so much about. Ha, you sure pack a punch, I'll give you that.

Hooded Man: But this is the last punch you'll throw. It's time to put you out of commission!

Hooded Man: Finish them!

Hooded Man: I already looked into your weakness. Tell me, did you ask your company for permission to use your Chip D'éclat? Hahaha!

Tink: Hehe, actually... It's already unlocked!

Tink: Turns out the old coot in my office used to be one hell of an engineer. And here I thought he was a janitor.

Tink: Hijacking the control system of my Chip D'éclat from the company was a piece of cake-flavored AdTaste for him.

Hooded Man: B-but attacking any targets outside your objective should still violate your company's policies! You can't touch us-

Sharp-Eyed Old Woman: Noxel Group Bylaws, article eighty-four, paragraph three- Non-combatant personnel may take up arms in circumstances that meet the listed criteria.

Sharp-Eyed Old Woman: When it comes to legal affairs, I've got your back... and then some.

Clever Old Man: Chief, we've got our evidence! Blast those bastards away!

Tink: You know... I didn't really have any beef with you.

Tink: But once you laid a hand on my team... That's when things got personal.

Hooded Man: W-wait! I-I'm just a troubleshooter! I was just doing my job, I swear!

Tink: Shut up! Take this! Graaah!

Clever Old Man: Chief! You didn't hit him, right? Right?!

Tink: Nyahaha, come on, have a little faith in your boss will ya? Of course I didn't hit him, I did everything according to plan.

Alk: Phew... That takes care of the riffraff. Are we done?

Nimbus: That went pretty well, all things considered. This must be what they mean by teamwork makes the dream work.

Tink: Nyahaha! Who knew fighting as a team would be so fun!

Tink: Great job, everyone! We all did GREAT!

Clever Old Man: Chief... You're all right... Thank goodness.

Tink: Aww, cut it out. I'm the one who should be worrying about you! Have you finished your formal apology yet?

Alk: Come on, give the guy a break. He's the whole reason your team still exists after that stunt.

Clever Old Man: Well... Our department certainly wasn't cut, but all of us workers are now independent subcontractors instead of full-time employees.

Clever Old Man: I did my best, but unfortunately, that was all I could do.

Nimbus: Ha, sounds like a good deal to me. You don't need that release code or whatever anymore either, right?

Tink: Right! I'm fuzzy on the details, but the limiters on my Chip D'éclat are gone! Guess those limiters had something to do with being a salaried employee.

Crafty Old Man: You're no longer chained to this place. You're free to go wherever you please now, young lady.

Tink: Hmmm, in that case, I wanna check out Alk and Nimbus' place.

Tink: With all of you, of course!

Alk: By all means! You're all welcome in Starview Village. I'm sure you'll make lots of friends there too.

Tink: Nyahaha! Then it sounds like our next task is secured!

Tink: The Special Equipment Defense Force is going on an extended vacation!