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Episode 1
The Crystal Soldier

While attempting to help adventurers caught off guard by a sudden shift in the Kaleidoscope, Alk and the others meet Theriol, a warrior with a crystalized arm. Theriol informs them of his quest to find the monster who cursed him, and after telling him about a similar monster in another world, Alk and the others convince him to join them in Starview.

Alk: Phew... That should take care of the monsters in this area.

Adventurer: Calm down, you idiots! Quit pushing!

Adventurer: Hey, you guys need to hightail it outta here! A shift just happened up ahead, and now there's a ton of monsters swarming the place!

Alk: Did you hear that? There are still people back there!

Adventurer: Ah... Ah...

Alk: Gah... This doesn't look good!

Hooded Warrior: ...

Hooded Warrior: Where is it... Where? WHERE?!

Hooded Warrior: No... No... NO! None of you are right!

Hooded Warrior: Where is it?! Where is that filthy monster?!

Adventurer: *huff* *wheeze* Th-thank you. We owe you our-

Adventurer: Wh-what in the- your body... Are you another monster?!

Hooded Warrior: Shut your mouth!

Hooded Warrior: Dammit! Dammit, dammit, dammit!

Hooded Warrior: Out of my way! Every last one of you! STAY AWAY!

Alk: He's strong...

Light: Indeed, but that power of his is most unusual. That light... It's turning his body into-

Hooded Warrior: *huff* *huff*

Hooded Warrior: Urgh!

Hooded Warrior: No! Not... now! I-I must... I must...

Hooded Warrior: ...AH!

Alk: Well, looks like someone's awake. Are you feeling better?

Hooded Warrior: ...What do you think you're doing? Leave me be!

Alk: Ahaha... I'll take that as a "yes."

Light: That body of yours... Did a monster do this to you?

Hooded Warrior: Do you know something about my curse?!

Light: I have heard of a monster that can petrify its foes with just a glance.

Hooded Warrior: Tell me where it is! Now!

Nimbus: Someone's in a rush... How about telling us your name first?

Theriol: ...Theriol. I'm searching for the monster that placed this crystalizing curse on me.

Theriol: it disappeared after cursing me, and no matter where I look, I can't find it anywhere!

Alk: Is that why you were in the Kaleidoscope? I know a lot of different monsters show up there, but finding a specific one is like searching for a needle in a haystac-

Theriol: I don't have time to think of any other way!

Light: I see. The curse must be progressive in nature then.

Light: While I understand your need for urgency, I cannot condone such rash behavior. You're racing o your death.

Theriol: What I do with my life is NONE of your business!

Nimbus: Leave him be, Light. He's not gonna change his mind no matter what we say.

Light: ...The monster you seek, the Stone Salamander, is an otherworldly monster.

Theriol: What do you mean?

Light: I mean it does not exist in this world.

Light: But my companions and I possess the means by which to transport you to its home world... What say you to that?

Nimbus: You seriously gonna have this guy join us?

Light: I cannot simply sit back and watch him kill himself.

Theriol: Hmph... Who said anything about joining you guys? I'm fine on my own!

Light: Well, without our help, you have no other way to traverse worlds.

Theriol: ...What's your game here? Are you planning yo sell my crystalized body after I die?

Alk: Um, no? Who would do something like that...

Theriol: You'd be surprised... I'd say opportunistic scum makes up the majority of you adventurers!

Light: Whether you choose to believe us is up to you.

Alk: We also travel to different worlds. Our trips to the Kaleidoscope are just done to prepare for our adventures. If you hang out with us, you'll get information, and we'll have an ally to help us fight.

Alk: So think of it like a "you scratch our back, and we scratch yours" situation.

Nimbus: *sigh* You two are way too soft.

Alk: You say that, but you know you wanna help too.

Nimbus: Says who?!

Theriol: ...Fine. I will join you.

Alk: Awesome. In that case, let's head home to Starview Village. That way we can get you settled in.

Theriol: "Home," huh... I have no home to go back to...

Theriol: So I'll go wherever I have to in order to achieve my goals... Be it another world or the underworld itself!

Episode 2

After finding information on the Stone Salamander in a book, Alk, Theriol, and the others head to the Kingdom of Sand. There they find a group of the creatures attacking a village, Theriol goes berserk, but the others are able to snap him out of it and defeat the monster. Theriol then tells the others about his won village's destruction. After being reassured by Light and the others, Theriol decides to trust others once more.

Theriol: ...! This is it!

Theriol: Ah! Urgh... Ngh!

Alk: I'm telling you, the recipe I found was-

Alk: Theriol!

Light: You're up. Well? Do you feel any pain?

Theriol: Where's the book?

Alk: Book? Ah, this? You were holding it when we found you.

Theriol: Send me to the world described here at once.

Nimbus: This book... It's from the Kingdom of Sand.

Light: So the Stone Salamander exists in that world as well! It seems your research has borne fruit.

Alk: Now that we know where to go, we can head out as a team and-

Theriol: No, you're all staying behind. I intend to go alone.

Light: Nonsense. I refuse to let you face this beast on your own.

Theriol: ...No. I don't need allies... I have to do this alone...

Light: I was not asking for your permission. I insist that we accompany you. I will hear no arguments.

Theriol: According to that book, we should be-

???: Aaah!

Alk: Are you all right?!

Townsfolk: H-h-help! I don't w-want to... Turn to... stone...

Theriol: Ah... Ah...

Light: Avert your eyes! One look and we could all turn to stone!

Alk: R-right!

Theriol: *huff* *huff*

Theriol: N-no... No...

Theriol: AAAHHH!

Alk: Theriol!

Theriol: Run! Run away while you still can!

Nimbus: What are you-

Theriol: Stop! STOP! Leave me! I... I...

Alk: Theriol, wake up!

Theriol: Huh?! Ah... I'm...

Theriol: No! Your bodies! They're...

Nimbus: Looks like we locked eyes with those monsters...

Light: The effects of the petrification will be cured if we can defeat that monster! We have to hurry!

Nimbus: I'll create an opening, and you guys finish it off! Got it?

Theriol: Y-yeah!

Theriol: This is it! I won't let this go on any longer!

Townsfolk: H-huh? What happened?

Theriol: I... apologize for panicking back there.

Nimbus: Ha, never thought I'd see you looking so meek. We're fine, so don't worry about it.

Light: It is unfortunate that the Stone Salamander turned out not to be the monster you seek.

Theriol: I had a feeling it wasn't. All I wanted was to find some sort of clues as to my true objective's identity.

Theriol: Other than that... I'm just glad that village didn't end up like mine...

Theriol: My village... When it was attacked, I was the only survivor... I couldn't save anyone...

Theriol: They were all such kindhearted people, so why? Of all the people to survive, why me?!

Alk: So you've been searching for a way to help your hometown.

Theriol: No! I'm looking for that monster for my own selfish reasons!

Nimbus: Ha, if that was the case, you wouldn't be getting so worked up right now.

Alk: It's not like we have control of all our thoughts and emotions. You might have been feeling this way the whole time.

Theriol: At the very least, I want revenge for my village. I will stop that crystal monstrosity.

Theriol: But after what happened today, I'm not sure I can...

Light: Theriol, this isn't something you should do alone.

Light: We refuse to let you rush to your death, so let us help you find a way to save your hometown. That's what friends are for, right?

Light: Hmph... Well, let's leave it at that for now. We should rest for today. Impatience like that will wear you thin in no time.

Nimbus: Sounds good to me- I want some grub already. Think you can whip us up something, Alk?

Alk: You know, it wouldn't hurt to learn how to cook yourself...

Theriol: Friends...

Theriol: The idea still scares me, but... I....

Episode 3
Shining Arm

Alk and the others are caught up in a shift, only to come face-to-face with the monster that attacked Theriol's village. The party is quickly overwhelmed by the monster's strength, but Theriol's desire to save his friends and the power of his arm allows him to counter the dragon's attack. After returning to the Kaleidoscope, Theriol again asks for help and mumbles his thanks before quickly leaving.

Theriol: Hmph. We shouldn't be wasting time exploring the Kaleidoscope.

Alk: You say that, but we really could use the money.

Nimbus: Especially since someone finally started eating more than a few morsels a day.

Theriol: Shut up. If you don't like it, quit feeding me.

Alk: Come on, don't be like that. As the cook, I'm really glad you're enjoying-

Light: A shift?! everyone, retreat!

Alk: Wh-where is this?

Light: This isn't good. I don't think we've been to this world before.

Theriol: Huh? My arm...

Light: A dragon?

Theriol: Urgh! Ah... Ah...

Alk: Theriol?!

Theriol: I... I'm fine!

Theriol: That's it... That's the beast who destroyed my village!

Nimbus: Crud! Can't get a read on its movements!

Theriol: This is bad! Everyone, get back!

Theriol: Urgh... Nngh!

Theriol: Dammit... Dammit!

Theriol: Move, you useless body, MOVE!

Theriol: I made... a promise to myself! I said I... I...

Theriol: I will save my friends!

Theriol: Huh?! This is...

Theriol: No, I don't have time to think!

Theriol: Hey, you overgrown newt, look over here! I'm the one you're fighting!

Theriol: That's it! This awful power... I think I finally understand it.

Theriol: I won't cower in fear any longer... With this power- this light - I will...


Alk: Theriol?

Theriol: RAAAAAH!

Theriol: *gasp* *wheeze*

Light: W-we're back!

Theriol: Where is it?! Where's that crystal bastard?!

Light: It's gone...

Theriol: ...Damn it all!

Alk: Theriol, is your body holding up okay?

Theriol: Y-yeah... No worries there.

Theriol: In fact... My body feels... lighter, somehow. Perhaps I've grown accustomed to the power inside me.

Theriol: When I took that monster's attack head-on, I felt something within me change.

Theriol: I can tell, somehow, that my body has stopped crystalizing.

Light: Hm... So the monster's attack nullified the curse. Like fighting fire with fire.

Light: Well either way, you saved us back there. You have our thanks.

Alk: Yeah, that was amazing, Theriol! Thank you!

Theriol: I-I didn't do anything special... I was just going off of instinct.

Nimbus: Well, you're not turning into a human crystal kiosk anymore, so let's count that as a win. Even if that dragon did get away...

Alk: What was that thing anyway? And why did a shift happen right before? That's not normal.

Light: You're right. We should report this to Lilie...

Theriol: In any case, it seems my arm is somehow connected to that foul beast.

Theriol: But I now know I can't take that monster on alone. So...

Nimbus: So?

Theriol: Please... lend me your strength.

Nimbus: Do you even need to ask? Of course we'll help.

Alk: Still, it's nice to know you trust us like that.

Theriol: Shut your mouth. Anyway, that's all I had to say. Let's get out of here!

Theriol: And... Thank you. I'm glad I met you all.