The Poppet Princess/The Real Me

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The Real Me

In the middle of Simon's assault, Prika runs out to talk with him and follows him for a private conversation. Tensions come to a head, and the two face off with Poppets. Simon is finally driveninto a corner, and summons up a decade's worth of mana to create Cair Oblivion.

Prika: Everyone's fighting poppets down there!

Prika: Is that... Simon?

Prika: Stella, we have to help them!

Stella: Yes, let's go!

Alk: *wheeze* Knock one down, and three take its place!

Razelt: You two! Why didn't you stay inside?!

Prika: What, you expect me to stand by while the rest of you are in trouble?

Prika: Besides, I have a few things I want to say to HIM!

Simon: Me? What is there left to say between us?

Simon: ...Fine. We'll finish this, one way or another.

Simon: But not here. Too many nuisances.

Prika: Don't you dare run away!)

Light: Wait, Prika!

Simon: We should be free of distractions here.

Simon: Speak. I may as well give you the chance to share your last words.

Prika: Uh... I almost feel like I should've planned what to say.

Prika: Mostly, I just wanted to have a proper conversation with you!

Simon: Why- trying to garner my sympathy?

Prika: Can you blame me for truing to find common ground? You knew Grey, right?

Prika: What was he like when he was with you?

Prika: And... what are you like? You know, when you're not trying to fight people.

Simon: ...It was a mistake to involve outsiders in this matter.

Simon: Do you really think yourself to be a person like your little pretend friends?

Prika: Excuse you! They're my REAL friends!

Simon: *chuckle* As if a fake princess born from Grey's lies can have true companions!

Prika: ...You're doing all this because you want me dead, right?

Prika: Surely there's some choice words you want to say to me!

Prika: Now's your chance to let it all out!

Simon: You.. You insolent, ignorant weapon!

Prika: Frist you call me a fake, then a weapon...

Prika: Who care about any of that?!

Prika: Has anyone ever told you how annoying you are?!

Simon: Graaahh!

Prika: *pant*

Simon: Don't look at me like that... Why... Why did he choose you over me?

Simon: Why do you... always come out on top?

Simon: And now... Now I've got nothing left.

Prika: I get what it's like to be alone.

Prika: You must've felt just as lost as me when you found out Grey passed on...

Simon: Hehehe... Ahahaha!

Simon: You and I are NOTHING alike.

Prika: Nuh-uh! Look, you and I are both people- super solid and real!

Simon: Enough. This chatter is pointless.

Simon: Decades worth of mana surrounds us, and it's all at my disposal!

Simon: Graahh! ARGHHH!

Alk: Prika, are you okay?

Alk: We came running as soon as the castle collapsed- The heck is THAT?!

Prika: Whatever it is, Simon's inside it.

Prika: I was so close to getting through to him... Everyone, lend me a hand!

Prika: Let's go save that idiot before he really hurts himself!

Razelt: This friendship of ours is truly demanding! I do hope you'll treat us to an ample amount of potatoes after this!

Alk: You can count on us!

Prika: I'll show you who I truly am- past all the lies!