The Poppet Princess/The Old Retainer

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The Old Retainer

Alk and friends discover a letter and a will inside Simon's cabin, which reveal that Grey passed away, and Prika is no princess. Simon reappears, blaming Prika's bloodline for the destruction of Mosnia, and claims that he will end her to free them from the curse of her existence.

Alk: No one's home.

Prika: This is Simon's cabin, right?

Razelt: That's what he told us, though we have no proof of this. I recall that you claimed this was Grey's home.

Light: Prika, are you prepared to accept the truth we discover here- whatever it may be?

Prika: I'll be okay. I've got you guys here to face it with me!

Prika: SO this is Grey's... place... It's about as small as I imagined it to be.

Prika: I told him I could make him a bigger, nicer house, but he wouldn't have any of it.

Prika: These... are the letters I sent to my prince.

Light: Then Prince Frau really was Grey...

Prika: So it's true. He lied to me.

Prika: There has to be a reason.

Prika: I just need to talk with him... And we can figure this out, can't we?

Light: If that is an option, then it's definitely one worth taking.

Alk: Hey, what's this letter?

Prika: Maybe it's one that never got sent out to me?

Prika: What's wrong, Alk? Let me see it already!

Alk: Prika... I need you to take a deep breath, and maybe like sit down in your castle before you read this-

Prika: What? Now I'm even more curious what's written inside!

Alk: You should know, it's not a normal letter- it's got a will, too.

Prika: The world outside is so quiet from here. it almost feels like nothing's changed...

Prika: Except that Grey's gone forever.

Prika: No more visits, no more letters... That's it.

Stella: Prika...

Prika: Why do people die anyways? What's the point of death?

Prika: Wh-what, what are you doing, Stella?! We're not outside anymore. You don't have to stick so close.

Stella: People can remain by each other's side, even without a reason.

Prika: I guess that's true. Grey used to stand next to me too, and...

Prika: I just can't wrap my head around the fact that I'll never see him again.

Prika: You know, Grey said sorry for lying to me...

Stella: In the letter?

Prika: Yeah. Simon was right. I'm a weapon, not a princess.

Prika: But Grey gave me a fake life.

Prika: I'm a fake princess...

Stella: Fake or not, you're still here. Real. Because I can touch you if I wanted to.

Prika: Touch, huh...

Prika: That's another thing gone with death. I'll never be able to hug him again.

Stella: Grey meant a lot to you.

Prika: He did...

Prika: My entire life was these walls, these poppets, the prince's letters-

Prika: And Grey.

Prika: What's wrong? What are you zooming around for?

Alk: What is going on?! Are Prika and Stella okay?

Light: They should both be in the castle still. Whether they're safe or not is up in the air, but we have to hold this position!

Razelt: Keep it together, Alk! You cannot afford to slip up now!

Simon: How kind of you all to return... It saves me the trouble of having to hunt you down.

Light: Simon! What is the meaning of this? What do you want with us?

Simon: If you must know, I'm here to finish what my father couldn't.

Alk: Your father? Do you mean... Grey?

Simon: He devoted his entire life to watching over a weapon that was supposed to be disposed of and forgotten...

Simon: Protecting the bloodline that destroyed our country. What a waste of his life.

Razelt: Come again? Wasn't Mosnia destroyed by civil war?

Simon: It was. And the main cause of destruction was the creation magic of HER bloodline.

Simon: Three hundred years ago there was a thriving country here, and now nothing is left.

Simon: WE have nothing left. What meaning is there in living.

Simon: Her existence is a curse, and it is my right to end it!

Simon: I know the princess is inside. This time, I won't fail...